Author: Olatunji Mwamba

“Proper response to Caucasians who are the descendants of the perpetrators of the Trans Atlantic Slave kidnappings, Chattel Slavery, and the System of white-Supremacy/white-Terrorism, when discussing how we should assess and feel about those atrocities their ancestors committed and still commit against us”

  The proper response to Caucasians who are the descendants of the perpetrators of the Trans Atlantic Slave kidnappings and who created out of these horrendous atrocities a system we have defined as the...

What is the difference between Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Theocracy, Pro-Black, Black Nationalism, Pan-Afrikanism, Afrikan-Centeredness, and Afrikan Communalism?

    What is the difference between Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Theocracy, Black Nationalism, Pan-Afrikanism, and Afrikan-Centeredness, and Afrikan Communalism?   What is Communism? Everything is owned by the Oligarchy and the Plutocracy. And everyone...

In Defense of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and other Afrikan Scholars and their Scholarship from Unprovoked attacks by Meso-American mischief and failed research

I’m writing this because there are unscrupulous people who continue to attack Dr. Ivan Van Sertima while failing to provide documented evidence to justify their attacks. Their attacks are not based on the topic...