“The Assassination of Malcolm X”
Here we are on the 54th anniversary year (February 21, 1965) of the Assassination of Malcolm X. He was assassinated in front of his wife, Betty and their 4 daughters (while she was pregnant with yet unborn twins), by 5 cowardly members of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam. In addition, here are two sworn Affidavits below, by one of the cowardly assassins still alive today. I’ve also included several quotes from the books I mentioned below. Today, February 21st, we stop and pay honor and homage to you, brother Malcolm X. You showed us how to be a man. You showed us how to stand tall. You showed us how to look our enemies in their eyes and not blink. You showed us how to build and organize. You taught us to study. As you said, “Of all of our studies, history is best qualified to reward our research”. You spoke truth to power.
You were “Our own Black Shining Black Prince, who didn’t hesitate to die, because he loved us so’.–Ossie Davis
Below are a series of events that led to Malcolm X being assassinated, as well as some of the known details of that cowardly assassination and the known assassins who were involved. None of these series of events justified brother Malcolm’s assassination at all.
The day after President Kennedy’s assassination on November 23, 1963, Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam sent out a statement to all his ministers including Malcolm X.
This statement was “If asked about the Kennedy assassination say “No Comment”. This was mandatory and it came from the top down.
But Malcolm, speaking at an engagement in place of Mr. Muhammad when asked about Kennedy’s murder, spoke without thinking of the consequences and sounded as if Kennedy’s murder was expected and even welcomed by the Nation of Islam.
Also, at this time the Nation was under several investigations and was desperately trying to recruit upper qualified blacks with skills that could aid the Nation of Islam’s growing population.
On December 1, 1963, at the Manhattan Center in New York City, New York, after giving his speech that day, when asked how he felt about President Kennedy being assassinated, brother Malcolm X said this:
“[President Kennedy] never foresaw that the chickens would come home to roost so soon,” Malcolm X said in response to a question about President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. “Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they always made me glad.”
After Malcolm X’s statements, Elijah Muhammad immediately summoned Malcolm X to Chicago, and at that meeting, he scolded Malcolm for his ‘lapse of judgment’ with his remarks. He also told Malcolm that “People loved President Kennedy and comments like that make it hard for Muslims everywhere.” How? The system of Racism white-Supremacy/white Terrorism and those who maintain it and implement its dicates were already hard on all Black people, including ‘Black Muslims’. And most importantly, based on the teachings of ‘the Messenger’ himself, why should Malcolm have any concern for any white man since the Lost-Found Nation of Islam taught that ‘the white man is the devil’, and President Kennedy was a white man?
Then he silenced Malcolm for 90 days so that he could not add fire to his already fiery comments. Next, Mr. Muhammad sent out press releases disclaiming that Malcolm‘s comments were on behalf of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam.
This suspension was all the more confusing because the Nation of Islam teaches that ‘the white man is the Devil’. This is a collective phrase and means all white people. This is one of the pillars of this organization’s beliefs. So, the question is this. If the ‘white man is the Devil’, and we know that the Nation of Islam teaches that all white people are Devils, why should this particular white person be exempt from such condemnation, or for anyone in The Lost-Found Nation of Islam to care what happens to him or any other white person, famous or otherwise? And why should The Lost-Found Nation of Islam care about how others, including our own people, have felt about him? Either all white people are ‘Devils’ or none of them are. You can’t have it both ways. Such a stance contradicted everything Elijah Muhammad espoused and taught his followers. This was such a weak and feeble rationalization for censoring brother Malcolm X and suspending him for 90 days. How do you espouse and teach all of the members of your organization that ‘the white man is the Devil’ and when your most ablest Minister goes out espousing this very idea you taught and espoused, you suspend him from your Organization? And Malcolm X didn’t actually celebrate the demise of President Kennedy, one of the main white Devils. What he actually did was a make public statement ‘that it was a case of the Chickens coming home to roost’. And what did the leader of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad do? The leader of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam decided to silence him for 90 days and punish him for making the public statement, ‘That it was a case of The Chickens coming home to roost’. This appears to be nothing more than a poor excuse to oust him, which is exactly what happened, just 90 days later, in March of 1964.
Below are photos of two of the 5 known cowardly assassins, who are still alive, and still walking around among us. Talmage Hayer and William Bradley A.K.A. Mustafa Shabazz. It was Talmage Hayer who was the only one of the 5 co-conspirators who was caught at the scene of this cowardly act. And it was he, who perjured himself in Court, saying that Norman 3X Butler and Thomas 15X Johnson were not involved with the Assassination of brother Malcolm X.
And here are two Sworn Affidavits presented in Court, 12 years after the fact, by Talmage Hayer (a.k.a. Thomas Hagen), the convicted killer of Malcolm X who speaks of his role in the Assassination of Malcolm X. It should be noted that the two sworn affidavits submitted, do not stand up to scrutiny and examination. The evidence proves the claims made by Talmage Hayer that Norman 3 X Butler was not involved in the assassination of Malcolm X to be false and completely untrue.
Here is a more recent photo of Talmadge Hayer,
The five assassins came out of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam Mosque number #25 in Newark, Newark, New Jersey (now Masjid Ali Muslim) located at 257 S. Orange Ave. They are:
Benjamin Thomas,
Leon Davis,
Wilber McKinley,
Talmadge Hayer,
William Bradley A.K.A. Al-Mustafa Shabazz
Here are old and a more recent photo of William Bradley A.K.A. Al-Mustafa Shabazz
It was Bradley who was specially chosen by Thomas as the ring leader, to handle the sawed-off shotgun, owing to his infamous reputation on the streets of Newark, N.J. as a stickup man and bank robber, in the city where he still lives today; hidden in plain sight.
He can be found on almost any given day, a large grandfatherly type figure, at the First-Class Championship Development Center, a gym located at 936 Bergen Street, in Newark, New Jersey, which is owned and operated by his wife, long-time activist, Carolyne Kelley-Shabazz.
She has her own interesting story. A one-time supporter and intimate acquaintance of Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter, she emerged later to become one of the most well-connected cronies of former Mayor and convicted felon, Sharpe James.
In addition to the gym, she owns quite a bit of real estate, providing for herself and her husband, the killer of Malcolm X – a very comfortable standard of living. Are you outraged yet? Sadly, many within the ‘old guard’ of the ‘1st Resurrection’ of the Nation of Islam knew William Bradley a.k.a. Al-Mustafa Shabazz was the shotgun man who killed brother, Malcolm X. They either protected him or nonchalantly did nothing. And when this coward ass Bastard died the Muslim community in Newark, New Jersey gave him a ‘hero’s send-off in a ‘Horse and Buggy’ no less. He was even honored by the Newark, New Jersey Muslim community as being some sort of ‘honorable’ person. I guess that is the reward for being a despicable coward. The Muslim community there are gutless and slimy, and should all be ashamed of themselves. William Bradley a.k.a. Al-Mustafa Shabazz died sometime in 2018.
Agent Files
There are those within the Nation of Islam who claim Elijah Muhammad ordered that no one was to touch brother, Malcolm X. However, no one has either shown any quotes from any ‘Muhammad Speaks’ Newspaper articles or any audio or video footage of Elijah Muhammad actually saying as they assert. We’re just supposed to believe them. So, only one of these claims can be true. Either Elijah Muhammad did issue the order and those 5 known Nation of Islam cowardly members and other members of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam who were there disobeyed it, or it was never issued in the first place. I am more inclined to believe the latter, given what we now know Elijah Muhammad said on numerous occasions himself.
Here is just one example: “Elijah Muhammad Commented to (redacted), that upon referring to Malcolm, he, Elijah referred to him as that ‘no-good long-legged Malcolm’. Elijah said, ‘the only way to stop him was to get rid of him the way Moses and others did their bad ones’. Elijah said you have to make an example out of the bad ones he stated when you try to be peaceful and nice and love them they just jump up and try to take over. Elijah said Malcolm would just be around all the time nagging the group now. He stated that with these Hypocrites when you find them cut their heads off. Elijah said he had just been in contact with (redacted) about Malcolm.”
This is from a transcribed FBI wiretapped communication made by Elijah Muhammad. -Courtesy of Karl Evanzz, from “The Black Zapruder Film: They Killed Malcolm X”
“The Black Zapruder Film: They Killed Malcolm X”
And yes, we know the alphabet soup gang, CIA, FBI, and the NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT all had a hand in playing up the negative climate that already existed within the Nation of Islam that was necessary to have this cowardly deed carried out. And yes, we know the FBI and CIA used COINTELPRO tactics against Malcolm X and the leadership of The Lost-Found Nation of Islam to help facilitate the schism between both brother Malcolm X and the leadership of The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, which led to his demise and ultimately his assassination. However, the necessary friction was already prevalent within The Lost-Found Nation of Islam before the CIA, FBI, and NEW YORK CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT infiltrated that organization. Those petty jealousies already existed in the NOI. The U.S. government just helped push the envelope. This cowardly act was orchestrated by the inner-circle leadership of the Nation of Islam That leadership included Elijah Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad Jr. Herbert Muhammad, John Ali, Louis Farrakhan, and Captain Joseph, who used Sophistry and sophisticated subliminal seduction tactics and brainwashing of the NOI members. This was done through a series of “Muhammad Speaks” newspaper articles, Editorials, and Speeches by the various Ministers of the Nation of Islam, including Louis Farrakhan, throughout most of 1964 and early 1965. For more details of these facts, read the book “Conspiracies: Unraveling The Assassination Of Malcolm X”, by Baba Zak Kondo
The man framed for the Assassination of Malcolm X was Thomas 15 X Johnson (a.k.a. Khalil Islam). He served 22 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit. However, Johnson’s conviction is ‘Poetic Justice’, for the attempted murder of Benjamin Brown (a.k.a Benjamin Karim), as brother Karl Evans wrote in his article entitled, “Netflix’s nonsense about Norman Butler, one of three men who killed Malcolm X”, by Karl Evanzz
“…seven weeks earlier, Johnson and Butler went to a local temple operated by a former member of the Nation of Islam and ordered him to remove a photo of their leader, Elijah Muhammad, from the window of his storefront location or suffer grave consequences.
When Benjamin Brown refused to remove the photo, Johnson asked him to step outside to discuss the matter. Once Brown did so, Johnson removed a .22 caliber rifle from underneath his coat and shot Brown. The first shot struck him in his left shoulder, and then the rifle jammed.
“I was trying to shoot him in the chest,” Johnson told me.
Johnson, Butler, and other Muslims were quickly arrested. But for a stroke of good luck for Brown, they would have faced murder charges.”
And although Talmage Hayer said in his two sworn Affidavits that Thomas 15X Johnson (aka Khalil Islam) and Norman 3 X Butler did not commit that cowardly act with the other cowardly assassins on that fateful afternoon of February 21, 1965, it is clear from video footage and eye-witness accounts that Norman 3X Butler was in fact, there and participated in brother Malcolm’s assassination. It should be noted here that Norman 3X Butler was a Lieutenant of The Fruit of Islam, the Military wing of the Lost-Found Nation o0f Islam. And he deserved every bit of the 22 years he served for brother Malcolm’s assassination. As to Thomas 15 X Johnson, he deserves the 22 years he served, as well. All who participated and planned this cowardly act are nothing more than rotten scum and deserve no empathy or sympathy from us at all.
Here are photos and other concrete information used to convict Norman 3X Butler. From an article entitled, “An Exoneration of Convenience”, by Karl Evanzz
“The Innocence Project entered the Johnson-Butler fight for exoneration following the release of “Who Killed Malcolm ”, a six-part Netflix documentary that aired in 2020. The series was based on a fallacy about neither man being present at the Audubon Ballroom the day Malcolm lost his life to three armed assassins…Butler could produce no evidence establishing that he was disabled at any time prior to the assassination. His defense attorneys called a physician who claimed that he had treated Butler for a leg injury around the time of the assassination, but when pressed for specifics, the doctor admitted that he had not treated Butler for the injuries until five days after the assassination.”
So, why lie about your whereabouts, unless you were there?
***Photos courtesy of Karl Evanzz
There is a treasure trove of documented information contained in FBI Files on The Nation of Islam and Elijah Muhammad, including FBI Wiretapped conversations, regarding the Assassination of brother Malcolm X.
Black people of honesty, integrity and good character must do independent research and acknowledge the facts they discover, regardless of who or what those facts tell them. The books I list below have done much of that research for us.
Here are some quotes and the ‘dog whistle signals’ that the leadership of the Nation of Islam sent out that can be found in the “Muhammad Speaks” Newspaper from that time period of 1964 to early 1965. Here are some of the reasons why brother Malcolm X was ousted from the Nation of Islam by the leadership and inner circle of that organization, as well as how they justified in their own minds why brother Malcolm X needed to be silenced, once and for all.
Here is Louis Farrakhan stated this in December 1964, in an article in the “Muhammad Speaks” newspaper: “The die is set, and Malcolm shall not escape, especially after such evil, foolish talk about his benefactor… Malcolm is worthy of death and would have met with death if it had not been for Muhammad’s confidence in Allah for victory over his enemies”
“Conspiracies: Unraveling The Assassination Of Malcolm X”, p.159, by Baba Zak Kondo
We also know that on February 21, 1965, at approximately 1 pm, Minister Louis X (Farrakhan) arrived in Newark, New Jersey, at Temple (Mosque) number #25 in Newark, New Jersey, from the Boston Temple (Mosque). He stayed there until approximately 7 pm when he went to the New York Mosque to speak that evening. In fact, even Muhammad Ali called for Malcolm X’s assassination, as well. Ali went on to later regret having ever called for his murder.
“Conspiracies: Unraveling The Assassination Of Malcolm X”, p.175, 183, &193, by Baba Zak Kondo
And there is this from Louis Farrakhan, as well.
Louis Farrakhan PRAISES Malcolm X Killers (1972)
“Malcolm didn’t know what he was playing with. No, he didn’t. He didn’t know what he was playing with. You don’t jump against a Divine Messenger of God, like he did. He asked to die. And God obliged him. No, you don’t understand. Like someone said, ‘Did you Muslims kill Malcolm?’ And the Messenger said, ‘And what if we did?’ Have you ever seen a leader scandalized like Malcolm scandalized Muhammad? Have you ever heard of anything like that? Don’t you know if you scandalize a man who is honored and loved by the people what are you asking for? You’re asking for death. And he got what he asked for. And those who killed him, they weren’t sneaking behind no damn counter. They came in the place where the man was preaching and killed him in front of his own followers. That’s fearless men. And those who were there to guard him were ducking, damn cowardly dogs. Ducking and running under poles. Protect the man you say is your leader? You damn punks. You don’t have no leader. If he was your leader why didn’t you stand up for him? Now, all of a sudden, they can serve you a dead man on a platter. And you heap him up as your leader. Not knowing nothing about him while he was alive. And you know less about him now that he is dead. Malcolm’s momentum carried him to his death.”–Louis Farrakhan
In March of 1964, Elijah Muhammad told Minister Louis X (a.k.a Louis Farrakhan)
“…that hypocrites like Malcolm should have their heads cut off”.
Then this article came out on April 10, 1964.
Here is an article from the April 10, 1964 addition of the ‘Muhammad Speaks’ Newspaper
Enhanced copy of the cartoon illustration of Malcolm X’s bouncing, severed head.
Now, Muslims, particularly, those in the Nation of Islam love to make the mystical notion that somehow their God-Allah comes down and punishes certain people by sending real people to do his ‘dirty work’. But, according to the members of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, or this new version started by Louis Farrakhan in 1978, Allah only punishes those who speak ill against their ‘sacred Messenger of God’, Elijah Muhammad. Real silly nonsense. But, we’ve seen no such punishments sent down by Allah against the white Devils, who have committed untold millions of atrocities against Black people for over 1,000 years or more. And most importantly, there are no incidents of these members of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam ever laying a hand on any white Devils either. Yeah, we see you. You’re real tough against Black folks you don’t agree with. You’ll issue veiled threats to them, sometimes outright threaten them, you’ll beat them up, and even kill them. But, when it comes to the white Devils, especially Jews, that you always rail against, you haven’t lifted a damn finger. Damn cowards.
Here is a quote from an Editorial in the January 29, 1965 edition of “Muhammad Speaks” newspaper:
“… a year in which the most outspoken opponents of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad will sink into ignoble silence.”
“Conspiracies: Unraveling The Assassination Of Malcolm X”, p.159, by Baba Zak Kondo
As a side note, Malcolm X’s daughter, Ilyasah Shabazz has asserted she does not believe the Nation of Islam had anything to do with her Father’s assassination. She is not the family spokesperson. Those are only her beliefs. Many forget that another of Malcolm’s daughters, Qubilah Bahiyah Shabazz had been charged by the FBI with trying to have Minister Louis Farrakhan assassinated back on January 13, 1995. So, she obviously felt Minister Louis Farrakhan had something to do with her Father’s (brother Malcolm X’s) assassination. Eventually, those charges against her were dropped. However, the FBI certainly had more than enough evidence to take the case to trial. Otherwise, the FBI would have never brought charges against her in the first place. Why? Attallah Shabazz has never changed her mind as to her belief Louis Farrakhan had something to do with her Father’s assassination. So, it is quite obvious even Malcolm’s own daughters don’t all agree with each other on who assassinated their father.
And sister Betty Shabazz never stopped believing Louis Farrakhan, Elijah Muhammad, Elijah Muhammad Jr. John Ali, Captain Joseph, and others within the inner circle of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam had something to do with her husband’s assassination. Dr. Betty Shabazz met with Minister Louis Farrakhan and a host of others, who attended a historic public rally at Apollo Theater on May 6, 1995. The fund-raising rally was held on behalf of Qubilah Shabazz who was set-up in an FBI entrapment scheme via one of its informants, Michael Fitzpatrick. Despite her having met with Louis Farrakhan on May 6, 1995, she never stopped believing he and others within the inner circle of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam had something to do with her husband’s assassination. So, regardless of the spin, anyone within the current Nation of Islam puts on this assassination, I’ll take sister Betty’s word over anyone else’s. She was there.
“Daughter of Malcolm X Charged With Trying to Kill Farrakhan”
By Don Terry
- January 13, 1995
Here is Louis Farrakhan, sitting next to Attalah Shabazz (eldest daughter and child daughter of Malcolm X), who both appeared, on “60 Minutes’ on May 8, 2000. Louis Farrakhan is admitting in his own words on the CBS television show, “60 Minutes”, that he continually called for Malcolm X’s assassination and helped to create the climate that ultimately led to Malcolm’s assassination.
In a George Curry 1992, interview for ‘Emerge Magazine’, this is what Louis Farrakhan said.
“Every Prophet had a community of Zealots that when you rose up against the Prophet the people would rise up and kill you. When you hurt the Prophet, the people say, you must die! The Messenger don’t have to give no order to kill you. We were already ordered to kill by the love we had for the man who gave us life! …I’m not no killer! But you messin’ with that man and I become that because that man gave me life! If you wanna live, leave that man alone where we are concerned. When Malcolm stepped across that line, death was inevitable.”
And on January 7, 1965, the FBI taped a conversation involving Elijah Muhammad which should have but didn’t result in his arrest. The Messenger made a veiled reference to killing Malcolm X. He said, “It’s time to close his eyes”.–“The Judas Factor: The Plot to Kill Malcolm X”, by Karl Evanzz
‘There were plenty of anti-Malcolm X articles that Elijah Muhammad Jr., wrote in “Muhammad Speaks” that could have been construed in a similar fashion’. Wallace (Warith Deen) Muhammad was shocked by articles appearing in the NOI newspaper, in 1964 because of their dangerous implication: “I read the paper and I couldn’t believe it. I thought, what’s wrong with them? They’re going crazy? It was just inviting somebody to go out and do bodily harm”, he said.
“Conspiracies: Unraveling The Assassination Of Malcolm X”, p.171, by Baba Zak Kondo
“Elijah’s culpability in Malcolm’s death has been confirmed by his son, Wallace (Warith Deen) Muhammad. In December 1992 taping for Gil Noble’s outstanding talk show, “Like It Is”, Wallace (Warith Deen) Muhammad made some remarkable revelations.
First, he stated that his father viewed Malcolm as a “potential enemy” because of Malcolm’s exposure of Elijah’s sexual activities could have potentially damaged both the NOI leader and the NOI.
Second, he stated that Elijah wanted “to silence” Malcolm and was willing to use any means to achieve this goal, including murder.
Third, he stated that Elijah could have stopped NOI’s violence against Malcolm, but saw death as the best means to silence Malcolm.
Fourth, he stated that Elijah later regretted authorizing Malcolm’s death. Wallace recalled sitting at the dining table with his father eating a meal a few months after the assassination. He sensed something was weighing heavily on Elijah’s mind.
Finally, the patriarch looked up and said, “I wish the boy hadn’t been killed”. There was no discussion, but Wallace knew his father well enough to identify Malcolm as the boy and realized the significance and implication of the statement”.
“Conspiracies: Unraveling The Assassination Of Malcolm X”, p.173, by Baba Zak Kondo
Karl Evanzz, in his book, “The Judas Factor”, suggests that Malcolm X had, prior to his marriage to Betty Shabazz, been attracted to another woman in Temple No. 7, Evelyn X. Supposedly, when Evelyn X was informed about Malcolm’s unexpected marriage to Betty Shabazz, she left the mosque in tears. Elijah Muhammad then became sexually involved with her.
***As Evelyn X Williams later informed the press, “He told us that under the teaching of the Holy Koran, we were not committing adultery and that we were his wives.”
***By 1962, when Clara Muhammad became fully aware of her husband’s eight children born out of wedlock to different women, she painfully withdrew from an active role in the organization for several years.
When media sources learned about Elijah Muhammad’s sexual affairs, the women were censured and described as “prostitutes” in “Muhammad Speaks”.
Elijah Muhammad admits as much.
“In explaining his actions during a private meeting at his Chicago mansion, Elijah said that his extramarital affairs were merely the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. “When you read about how David took another man’s wife, I’m that David,” he said. “You read about Noah, who got drunk—that’s me. You read about Lot, who went and laid up with his own daughters. I have to fulfill all of those things.”
Weeks after recovering from the paralyzing shock of the confession, Malcolm suggested that Elijah permit his ministers to tell their assemblies that his moral transgressions were akin to what other prophets had done and yet held favor with God.
Thinking that Elijah had approved, Malcolm told several prominent ministers that the rumors were true, and that they should explain it in biblical terms to followers. Several ministers, among them Louis X [Farrakhan] of Boston, called Muhammad and told him that Malcolm was one of the “hypocrites” spreading the rumors about the secretaries.”-“The Hidden Hand: The Assassination of Malcolm X”- Karl Evanzz
In July 1964, after his break with the NOI, Malcolm X persuaded Evelyn X Williams and another woman sexually victimized by Elijah Muhammad to file paternity suits. Both women suffered extreme harassment and were forced to move when explosions occurred next to their shared living quarters.
***Honorable Elijah Muhammad September 11, 1964 edition of the Muhammad Speaks Newspaper: “He even told Jerry Williams that the next time he went for a pilgrimage, he hoped to take (Jerry Williams) with him to Mecca. That night, he told Jerry Williams that he was doing everything he could and was trying to bring me into court and make me say that I was the father of Lucille and Evelyn’s children. He went back to these girls who used to date him before he married his present wife, Betty. He made several trips to Chicago and made many phone calls to Evelyn. He finally persuaded her to agree with him. He tried to get others on his side by calling them, but they refused to go into court for him-to disgrace me after I had worked for 33 years trying to bring the knowledge of Islam and of the God Allah to the 22 million black people here in America.”
***The following comments were approved by The Honorable Elijah Muhammad to be allowed in ***the 1964 September 11th edition of “Muhammad Speaks” on page 4.
Minister Isaiah Karriem: “Some of these hypocrites accuse him of embezzlement, which is a lie, and the one who told it doesn’t believe it. On the contrary, Messenger Muhammad gives his followers far more than they give him, and this has been true ever since I have known him. AND THOSE TWO PROSTITUTES who accused The Messenger of getting babies should hang their heads in shame for the rest of their lives FOR PUTTING OUT SUCH LIES on The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Here, The Messenger has been ill for the last two or three years, sometimes too weak to get out of bed, AND YET THEY ACCUSE HIM. We all know that the hypocrites and disbelievers are trying desperately to stop the progress of Messenger Muhammad. That no good Malcolm Little, who the Messenger of Allah took out of the garbage can and nursed as he would a baby until he didn’t want for anything, was able to go anywhere he chose with expenses paid. After the Messenger Muhammad took him and gave him wisdom, knowledge, understanding, a reputation in which everyone admired, the only thanks he gave the Messenger was lying, scandal, and trying to pull followers away from the Messenger to follow him to his own selfish end.”
Photo of this article and to read the quote by Isaiah Karriem, click the article and go to page 4
The other 5 women did not make their claims of being the wives of The Messenger until after his departure. ***Evelyn and Lucille were kicked out of the NOI in 1964.
In addition, Louis Farrakhan ran a ruse on his followers into believing that Elijah Muhammad was married to Sisters Tynetta Muhammad, Evelyn Muhammad, and Lucille Muhammad. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the only woman Elijah Muhammad was ever married to was Sister Clara Muhammad, whom he married in 1917 and with whom he had 8 children with. He remained married to her until her death on August 12, 1972. Elijah Muhammad never remarried until his own death on February 25, 1975.
**In a disgraceful propaganda stunt staged during his 1993 Saviors Day convention in Chicago, Mr. Farrakhan paraded what he referred to as “the wives of the Messenger” on stage by way of demonstrating the ‘dignity’ of Elijah Muhammad’s private life and in a bid to discredit Malcolm X. Many in the audience were deeply puzzled as to why Mr. Farrakhan would place their Messenger’s ‘wives’ on ‘front street’ while continuing to conceal his own mistresses under a ‘bushel basket’ of secrecy (before grudgingly revealing their existence, a full ten years later, at a ‘Believers Only’ meeting in May of 2003).–Karl Evanzz author of “The Judas Factor”
Elijah Muhammad had eight (8) children with sister Clara Muhammad, to whom he was legally married.
Children via his wife, Clara Muhammad:
Two daughters and six sons:
- Emmanuel Muhammad (1921–1998)
- Ethel Muhammad (1922–2002)
- Lottie Muhammad (1925–2017)
- Nathaniel Muhammad (1926–2017)
- Jabir Herbert Muhammad (1929–2008)
- Elijah Muhammad Jr. (1931–2020)
- Wallace Delaney Muhammad, later known as Warith Deen Mohammed (1933–2008)
- Akbar Muhammad (1939–2016)
Elijah Muhammad had several adulterous affairs with women to whom he was not legally married; primarily with the women listed below.
He also had three (3) children with Lucille Rosary Muhammad
- Saudi (1960)
- Sumayyah Lishah (1961)
- Bahiyyah (1964)
One (1) child with Evelyn Muhammad
- Marie Muhammad (1960)
Four (4) children with Tynnetta Muhammad.
- Madia Muhammad (girl) (1963)
- Ishmael Muhammad (boy) (1964)
- Rasul H. Muhammad (boy) (1965)
- Ahmed Muhammad (boy) (1967)
He also fathered several children from other relationships.
- One (1) child with Ola Hughes Muhammad
- Kamal Muhammad (boy) (1960)
- One (1) child with Lovetta Muhammad
- Lovita Claybourne Muhammad (girl) (1964)
- One (1) child with Bernique Cushmeer
- Neemah Cushmeer Muhammad (girl) (1965)
And as you can see, Elijah Muhammad fathered most of these outside children between 1960-1965, which is the time-period of the accusations made by brother Malcolm X and others. And Elijah Muhammad fathered one more child in 1967, as well. That’s a total of 11 children that Elijah Muhammad fathered with other women besides his legal wife Clara Muhammad between the years 1960 and 1967.
So, let us be clear here. The religious/spiritual guide/book for all Muslims is the Holy Qur’an.
Now, if you say the Holy Qur’an is not your guide, then what is?
As such, here is what the Holy Qur’an says of itself.
***Sur’a is an Arabic term and is defined as a chapter. Ayah is an Arabic term and is defined as a sign or a verse.
Sur’a Al Baqara, Ayah 2 (‘The Cow’, 2nd Chapter, 2nd verse). It says, “This is the only perfect book, wanting in naught, containing nothing doubtful, harmful, or destructive, there is no false charge in it. It is a guidance for those who guard against evil.” -as Translated by Allamah Noorudin
You cannot claim to be a Muslim and not adhere to the dictates of what is contained within the Holy Qur’an. That is the Muslim guide for ‘right and wrong’ behavior.
And yes, we know Polygamy is allowed in the Holy Qur’an. In Sur’a Al-Nisa, Ayah 3 (‘The Women’, the 4th Chapter, 3rd verse), it says, in part, “And if you fear that you may not be just to the orphans, then you may marry whom you please of the women, two, three, or four. But if you fear being unfair, then only one, or what your right hand possesses, for that will make it less likely that you act unfairly.” -as Translated by Maulana Muhammad Ali
However, what many are unaware of is the fact that there are no wedding ceremonies with any of these women. Now, prove me wrong. Go and get your evidence that proves what I’ve provided below as being incorrect. And any testimonials given by anyone in 1993 or even 2015 don’t count. Testimonials aren’t evidence of anything claimed. We need independent, documented evidence as I have provided below. Now, where is the evidence proving Elijah Muhammad was married to any other woman besides, sister Clara Muhammad? If there are wedding ceremonies, where are the Marriage Certificates of any of these marriages, with photos of these ceremonies with Evelyn Muhammad, Lucille Rosary Muhammad, Tynnetta Muhammad, Ola Hughes Muhammad, Lovetta Muhammad, and Bernique Cushmee?
Such momentous occasions, such as the weddings of Elijah Muhammad would have been chronicled and written about, along with photos of such events, and definitely would have been included in, the “Muhammad Speaks” newspaper had this been so. And there is no evidence whatsoever of said marriages to any of these women, mentioned in “Muhammad Speaks” newspaper or anywhere else, for that matter. According to the Tenets of Islam, as stipulated in the Holy Qur’an, there can be no secret marriages. All Marriages must be out in the open and cannot be done in secret. Such marriages are forbidden in Islam.
According to the Holy Qur’an, in Sur’a Al-Maidah, Ayah 3 (‘The Food’, 5th Chapter, 5th verse) where it says in part, “… And so are the chaste, from among the believing women, those who have been given the Book before you, when you give them their dowries, taking them in marriage, not fornicating nor taking them for paramours in secret, And whoever denies faith, his work is indeed in vain; and in the Hereafter, he is of the losers.” -as Translated by Maulana Muhammad Ali
And so, to be clear here. Polygamy isn’t the issue here. Infidelity and Adultery are. You cannot take these women in secret, which is exactly what Elijah Muhammad did.
So, where are the Photos of the Wedding Ceremonies and the Marriage Certificates proving Elijah Muhammad was married to any other woman besides Clara Muhammad? Now, if you cannot provide these documented pieces of evidence be quiet until you can do so. Elijah Muhammad was never legally married to any other woman besides Sister Clara Muhammad. So, I stand on the record right now asserting this as a fact. Now prove me wrong.
Now, if Elijah Muhammad was married to any or all of these women why were the children he had with these outside women excluded from claiming any part of his Estate?
“19 Children of Muslim Leader Battle a Bank for $5.7 Million”
“In Re: Estate of Elijah Muhammad”
“Black Muslim Leader’s Estate still entangled a decade after his death”
“Black Muslim’s $5.7 Million won’t go to his Heirs”
Here is what The Lost-Found Nation of Islam stated it believed and wanted, under the leadership of Elijah Muhammad, in its own Newspaper, “Muhammad Speaks”. It is also what the current version of The Nation of Islam, under the leadership of Louis Farrakhan, states it wants now on the back page of every copy in “The Final Call”.
‘What The Muslims Believes’
- WE BELIEVE in justice for all, whether in God or not; we believe as others, that we are due equal justice as human beings. We believe in inequality–as a nation–of equals. We do not believe that we are equal with our slave masters in the status of “freed slaves.”
“We recognize and respect American citizens as independent peoples and we respect their laws which govern this nation”.
So, how does your leader ‘recognize and respect American Citizens, as independent peoples and actually respect the laws which govern this Nation’, while committing Adultery and Sanctioning the Assassination of Malcolm X?
Isn’t Bigamy against the law in this Nation? So, how could he be legally married to more than one woman at the same time, when such an act is against the law in this Nation?
Isn’t Murder against the law in this Nation?
And there are even those pushing some ideas Dick Gregory had about the assassination of Malcolm X. However, Dick Gregory’s account of the assassination of Brother Malcolm X doesn’t stand up to scrutiny for these very important reasons.
(1) The Audubon Ballroom didn’t have a Balcony or any other place from which to stand above. So, how could anyone shoot a person from an area that didn’t exist?
(2) There are too many eyewitnesses, including Betty Shabazz, who say otherwise.
(3) There is nothing contained or mentioned in this autopsy report indicating any downward trajectory of the bullets entering Brother Malcolm X’s body.
Here is the Autopsy Report of Malcolm X
(4) Where is the evidence, or eye-witness accounts of people shooting from above, from holes in the ceiling that would afford people the ability to shoot from the ceiling or that indicate people were shooting from the ceiling above? Here are photos of the actual shooting scene below. There are no bullet holes or any other type of holes in the ceiling that would allow anyone to point guns down towards the floor. The photos below show the ceiling of the Audubon.
A ballroom often, if not always is just that, a dance floor type of setting. Usually, a Ballroom does not have balconies. It is usually a one-floor space for dancing.
This was configured for the meeting. And by the way, I’ve been to the Audubon Ballroom twice. So, I know the set-up there. There isn’t any place for people to hide in the ceiling. And there is no Balcony. As you can see from the photos of the actual crime scene below.
This was configured for the meeting.
(5) Why did Dick Gregory begin articulating this speculative idea now?
(6) Why wasn’t he saying this 20, 30, 40, or 50 years ago?
(7) Keep in mind this happened over 53 years ago.
(8) Speculation is not evidence.
(9) Since Dick Gregory claims in the video that he didn’t want to be there because, as he claimed in the video, he told Brother Malcolm, “You a dead man and I don’t want them to get two for one”.
My question is what made Dick Gregory think he was so important a threat to the U.S. Government that they wanted to kill him in 1965 but he was no longer so important a threat to that very same U.S. Government, that they allowed him to live for the next 53 years?
These are critical questions that one should be asking, relative to what Dick Gregory asserts. All assertions must be backed up by irrefutable evidence. His ‘evidence’, is his claims of what is contained in the Medical Examiner’s report, which I’ve provided copies of several pages of and proven false. Where is our critical analysis of what Dick Gregory asserts?
(9) Now, I want you to listen to Dick Gregory tell us he knew that Malcolm was going to be assassinated on February 21, 1965. My question is how did he know Malcolm was going to be assassinated that day, but Malcolm X, his Security detail, and others didn’t know?
Dick Gregory speaks on the assassination of Malcolm X
These are critical questions that one should be asking, relative to what Dick Gregory asserts. All assertions must be backed up by irrefutable evidence. His ‘evidence’ is very suspect. At least, to me it is. Where is our critical analysis of what Dick Gregory asserts?
Malcolm X named Dick Gregory as one of the Government controlled puppets
What is of critical importance in this discussion is the fact that the leadership of the Nation of Islam arrogantly acts as if they have a copyright on who Brother Malcolm X was and what his message was to those of us outside of the Nation of Islam. They have intentionally and falsely put forth a narrative that says only they have a right to say who Brother Malcolm was. However, they seem to forget that before, during, and after Malcolm X was ousted from The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, he had many prominent associations and friendships with those in the Black Nationalist, Afrikan-Centered community, as well as outside of it. We knew Brother Malcolm X too. And unlike the Nation of Islam, its leaders, and followers, we loved Brother Malcolm to the end of his life. Two very prominent friendships he had in the Black Nationalist, Afrikan-Centered movement were with both Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan. These were relationships that he had established with these two Giants, while he was a member of The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, which continued after he was ousted from it, particularly during the last years of his life, especially between December of 1963 and up to his untimely death on February 21, 1965.
The Creation of The Organization of Afro-American Unity
“Malcolm X announced the establishment of The Organization of Afro-American Unity (the OAAU) at a public meeting in New York’s Audubon Ballroom on June 28, 1964. He had written the group’s charter, along with John Henrik Clarke, Albert Cleage, Jesse Gray, and Gloria Richardson, among others. Four days later, in a memo dated July 2, 1964, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover described the nascent OAAU as a threat to the national security of the United States.
The OAAU was created after the Organization of African Unity (OAU), a coalition of 53 African countries working to provide a unified political voice for the continent of Africa. Malcolm X’s mission was to reconnect African-Americans with their African heritage, establish economic Independence, and promote self-determination. The Organization Afro-American Unity was created to ensure the well-being and empowerment of all people of African origin in the Western hemisphere and African continent. Malcolm X believed that the intimate success of African-Americans was linked to the progress in Africa. He outlined a program of five fronts called “The Basic Unity Program.” This program called for five distinctive things Restoration, Reorientation, Education, Economic Security, and Self-Defense.
Malcolm X used this program as a rallying call for promoting Pan-African unity and interests. He and the other leaders of the OAAU believed that a strong focus on education as the primary means of repairing the damages of slavery, economic discrimination, and physical violence directed toward African-Americans, would not only awaken Black people but liberate them. One of the more controversial views of the OAAU was the idea that leaders of African countries held more legitimate political power for Black people than did the American government.
At the founding conference of OAAU, Malcolm X stressed the importance of leaving terms like “Negro, integration, and emancipation” insisting that such language was directly against the OAAU ideology. The Organization Afro-American Unity also called for Black people to be in charge of institutions within the Black community as well as increased participation in mainstream politics. To ensure the OAAU would always be led by Black people, Malcolm X demanded that there be no monetary donations from non-African sources and no membership to whites.
After Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1965, at the Audubon Ballroom the movement subsequently died. However, Malcolm’s half-sister Ella Collins took over the OAAU, but without Malcolm at the helm, the majority of its membership left the organization. In the end, the OAAU inspired hundreds of Black power groups across the world.”
So, we know that Brother Malcolm X had close ties and friendships with scholars such as Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan, and others fighting for the Liberation of Black people outside of the organization known as the Lost-Found Nation of Islam. He had an especially close friendship with Dr. Clarke who wrote their special friendship in his book entitled, “Who Betrayed The African World Revolution”, Chapter Seven pp131-132
What is truly sad and very disappointing is the fact that these Programmed Drones and Programmed Robots of the Nation of Islam are so predictable in their aggressive attacks against anyone who speaks out against their leader, Louis Farrakhan, and their organization. All of their Ministers, as well as their faithful followers, are instructed on how they must address the facts contained in this article, as well as other writings and books on this topic, as well. They and their faithful followers are told to ‘deny, deny, deny’, as they’ve been programmed to do and told by their leadership to do. They are real tough guys when it comes to attacking Black people who speak against the Nation of Islam. Some of them will even physically attack you too. There are plenty of documented incidents proving this fact. What they won’t do is physically attack any Caucasians who speak ill of the Nation of Islam or its leader, Louis Farrakhan. They are Meek as a lamb when it comes to their physically attacking the real enemy-Caucasians. There are no incidents of them attacking any Caucasians News Reporters, etc. at all. Most importantly, what they cannot do is refute the evidence presented here. Nor can they provide any evidence that addresses or answers the questions put forth. They have no honesty, integrity, or good character at all. They’ve lost their moral compass if they ever had one.
What their followers have displayed is that they will say whatever they have to say, do whatever they have to do, in order to protect ‘their guy’, Louis Farrakhan, and this current version of the Nation of Islam, even at the expense of the truth. What is even sadder is the fact that the Nation of Islam has proven itself to be nothing more than an extension of the Biblical Abrahamic Cult. When everyone generally uses the same Arabic, surname Muhammad, such behavior is Cult-like behavior. We aren’t Arabs and shouldn’t have Arab names, any more so than we are Caucasians, should have Caucasian surnames. What they’ve done is create another Messianic Cult leader, who hypnotizes their followers into a hypnotic trance and who has convinced them that they need its leadership to elevate themselves to be free. The leadership of the Nation of Islam does not want any of its followers to ever be ‘free thinkers’ and to do their own independent research and draw their own conclusions. The leadership of the Nation of Islam only wants obedient, programmed Drones and programmed Robots who will do whatever they tell them to do. They walk around acting as if no one has the right to question anything they do. Who gave The Nation of Islam the authority to assert that the leadership, Inner-Circle, and the membership of the Nation of Islam cannot be questioned regarding any of their behavior and their actions? Such arrogance must never be our mantra. Our code must always be a moral one and one where our people can question us regarding our immoral behavior and immoral decisions.
Other Assassinations and/or Attempted Assassinations
And there have been other assassinations ordered and assassination attempts conducted by members of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam since Malcolm X’s assassination on February 21, 1965. There were these incidents, such as “The Hanafi Murders”, on January 18, 1973, in Washington, D.C. by the Nation of Islam members, Ronald Harvey, John Clark, James “Bubbles” Price, John Griffin, Theodore Moody, William Christian, and Jerome Sinclair.
The Attempted Assassination of Khalid Muhammad in Riverside, California, on May 29, 1994, by the Nation of Islam member, James E. Bess.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the fact that the organization now calling itself “The Nation of Islam” under the leadership of Louis Farrakhan is not the same organization that was started by Elijah Muhammad and his only wife, Clara Muhammad, in 1930, in Detroit, Michigan. The organization started by Elijah Muhammad was officially known as “The Lost-Found Nation of Islam”. And despite what some have falsely said when Elijah Muhammad died on February 25, 1975, Louis Farrakhan was not chosen as the new leader of ‘the Lost-Found Nation of Islam’, nor was he chosen to succeed Elijah Muhammad when he died either. Elijah Muhammad’s second youngest son by his wife, sister Clara Muhammad, Wallace Muhammad (Warith Deen Muhammad) was chosen to succeed him as the new leader of the organization founded by Elijah Muhammad.
By the way, here are the 3 most well-known separate organizations calling themselves some variation as ‘The Nation of Islam‘. All 3 of these variations were started in 1978. Those 3 are:
“The Nation of Islam”, led by Louis Farrakhan and started in 1978.
“The Lost-Found Nation of Islam”, led by Silas Muhammad and started in 1978.
“The United Nation of Islam”, led by Royall Jenkins and started in 1978.
And there is this piece of evidence, as well.
“For years, the Fruit of Islam (FOI) chief denied having ordered the firebombing and maintained that Malcolm likely had set fire to his own house. However, the day before his death, in 1993, Captain Josef (Yusef Shah) confirmed that it was he, clearly acting on orders from NOI officials in Chicago, who had ordered the firebombing. According to a close confidant, who implicated himself in the arson, Captain Joseph actually supervised the early morning arson hit himself.”No sir, Malcolm definitely did not burn down his own house,” Joseph said, asserting that “you can take my word that you can be absolutely sure in writing that…“He said that the Harlem temple was under direct orders from Chicago to harass Malcolm and after the secret meeting Elijah Muhammad held in September—–to do him”terminal bodily harm”….”On his deathbed in a hospital in the Germantown section of Philadelphia in 1998, Jeremiah X, who had for decades refused to discuss the issue, also confirmed that the top leadership in Chicago had ordered Malcolm X to be killed by Saviour’s Day, February 26, 1965.“–“The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X”, by Les Payne and Tamara Payne, page 465
Malcolm X Speech: “There’s A Worldwide Revolution Going On” (Feb. 15, 1965)
Even brother Malcolm continued to tell us that the Lost-Found Nation of Islam made several attempts to assassinate him. And said so in a speech, on February 15, 1965. This was just days before he was eventually assassinated on February 21, 1965. He said, “I wanted you to know that my house was bombed. It was bombed by the Black Muslim movement upon the orders of Elijah Muhammad. And when the bomb was thrown, one of the bombs was thrown at the rear window of my house where my three little baby girls sleep. And I have no compassion or mercy or forgiveness or anything of that sort for anyone who attacks children. If you attack me, that’s one thing. I know what to do when you start attacking me, but when you attack sleeping babies, why, you are lower than a God…
The only thing that I regret in all of this is that two Black groups have to fight and kill each other off. Elijah Muhammad could stop the whole thing tomorrow, just by raising his hand. Really, he could. He could stop the whole thing by raising his hand. But he won’t. He doesn’t love Black people. He doesn’t even want to go forward. Proof of which, they’re killing each other. They killed one in the Bronx. They shot another one in the Bronx. They tried to get six of us Sunday morning. And the pattern has developed across the country. The man has gone insane, absolutely out of his mind. Besides, you can’t be seventy-years-old and surround yourself by a handful of sixteen-, seventeen-, eighteen-year-old girls and keep your right mind.”-Malcolm X, February 15, 1965
“Baba Zak Kondo: Death of Detroit Red and the Resurrection of Malcolm X”
And I want to say this right here and right now. The men who committed the cowardly act of assassinating Brother Malcolm X were all Black men. They had motive, means, and opportunity. These cowards were motivated by something and/or someone. That motivation came from the Leadership of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam. They planned their execution of Malcolm X. They each woke up that day and they carried out that execution. So, stop with the subterfuge of blaming the CIA, FBI, and New York City Police Department and their clandestine Operations-The Bureau of Special Services (BOSS) for having executed Brother Malcolm X, while trying to absolve your organization (The Lost-Found NOI) of their involvement. And stop trying to use sophistry in your statements that allow you to pivot, so you can deny what you just said a few minutes ago. Yes, the CIA, FBI, and the New York City Police Department and their clandestine Operations-The Bureau of Special Services (BOSS) all had motive, means, and opportunity, and they all played a role in his assassination, primarily using COINTELPRO tactics. Yes, it was a Conspiracy. There is no doubt about that. But the CIA, FBI, and New York City Police Department and their clandestine Operations-The Bureau of Special Services (BOSS) didn’t kill Brother Malcolm X. It was coward-ass Black men who killed Brother Malcolm X. All of these cowards were members of The Lost-Found Nation of Islam. And yes, they are cowards. They killed him right in front of his wife, Betty, and their daughters. It was The Lost-Found Nation of Islam who wanted Brother Malcolm X dead, wished for his death, said he deserved death, etc. And they and the members who killed Brother Malcolm X were the only Black people who wanted him dead. The Lost-Found Nation of Islam spent the entire year of 1964 calling for his death in speeches and in the many articles written in the Muhammad Speaks Newspaper. So stop trying to blame the CIA, FBI, and New York City Police Department and their clandestine Operations-The Bureau of Special Services (BOSS) as a way of misdirection away from your own culpability in this cowardly act.
The five Black gunmen who murdered Brother Malcolm X, as well as The Lost-Found Nation of Islam, and any other organizations who endorsed them, purposely set out to create doubt and set up smokescreens of doubt. They did so because they didn’t want to have to face justice, punishment, or any kind of scrutiny for the roles they played in the assassination of Malcolm X. What The Lost-Found Nation of Islam did was enact their own brand of justice. And they’ve been spending lifetimes trying to avoid the consequences of facing justice in this country for their unjustified, unlawful, outright, and disrespectful cold-blooded murder of brother Malcolm X.
So, let’s be clear here. Neither the NAACP, C.O.R.E., SCLC, SNCC, nor any other Black Organizations, aside from the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, wanted brother Malcolm X dead. Yes, some of these Organizations and their Leaders may have disagreed with Brother Malcolm X but none of them ever advocated for his death. The leadership and Inner-Circle of the Lost- Found Nation of Islam was the only Black Organization that had the motive, Hatred, desire, means, and opportunity to kill Brother Malcolm X and who wanted him dead. And it was on the orders of Elijah Muhammad and the Leadership of the Inner-Circle of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam who called for his assassination on that fateful Sunday afternoon of February 21, 1965. You can continue to insult the intelligence of your brainwashed followers in your Organization, but intelligent Black people of ‘goodwill’ and common decency, we know better.
As I close, I ask those who honestly read my words to search your hearts and your souls. If you truly love Brother Malcolm X and you honestly love Black people, and you have any decency, honesty, and integrity and are searching for the truth, research all that I’ve presented here, and if you disagree, provide actual evidence to prove me wrong.
*** A Special thanks to Baba Zak Kondo, Karl Evanzz, Les Payne, and his daughter, Tamara Payne, whose effort and research contributed much to this article. Without their monumental efforts, my article could not have been as thorough as it is. So, again thank you
A final question for everyone. Ask yourselves, what is the intent for creating doubt regarding the Assassination of Malcolm X. Ask yourselves who stands to gain the most by continuing to try to create doubt. The motive of the presenters of doubt will vary depending on the affiliation of the presenter, i.e. the Organization, Group, or individuals presenting that supposed doubt. They are trying to convince us that he was a traitor and that we should just accept that his assassination was justified by Allah. What they are doing is nothing short of character assassination.
So, what are we to do with their more than 50-year campaign to vilify and destroy the character of Malcolm X?
What are we to do with Farrakhan saying, “…We don’t give a damn about no ‘white man law’ when you attack what we love. And frankly, it ain’t none of your business. What do you got to say about it? Did you teach Malcolm? Did you make Malcolm? Did you clean up Malcolm? Did you put Malcolm out before the world? Was Malcolm your traitor or was he ours? And if we dealt with him like a nation deals with its traitors ‘what the hell’ business is it of yours? You just shut your mouth. And stay out of it.”
And when he said, “… If you wanna live, leave that man alone where we are concerned. When Malcolm stepped across that line, death was inevitable.”
And then there are these words from the leadership of the Nation of Islam.
“Why does Wesley Muhammad regularly contradict Farrakhan ???”
Timestamp for Wesley Muhammad @3:38-4:27
Timestamp for Louis Farrakhan @5:07-5:48
You can listen to both of them here. However, I have also transcribed both the words of Wesley Muhammad and the words of Louis Farrakhan for all to read along with the video.
Now, on October 1, 2022, we have Student Minister, Dr. Wesley Muhammad who gave a lecture regarding what he terms, “Unraveling the Mystery of the Murder of Malcolm X”. In this lecture, Dr. Wesley Muhammad stated “The Government knowingly perpetuated a false narrative. Why? The miscarriage of Justice, in this case. Involving knowingly perpetuating a false narrative, including the false claim that Malcolm X’s murder was carried out by the Nation of Islam, upon the orders of its leader, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This is central to the false narrative.”
However, Dr. Wesley Muhammad either unknowingly does not realize or hopes we have not seen the video footage of Louis Farrakhan contradicting his false narrative. These are the words of Louis Farrakhan.
Farrakhan states here: “…Our zeal, our love, and our hatred, our ignorance was manipulated by powerful outside forces, and the result is that members of the Nation of Islam were involved in the assassination of Malcolm X. And the Nation has taken the heat and carried the burden of the murder of Malcolm X. We cannot deny whatever our part was. That is true. But we must not let the real culprit get away, hiding his hand, and keep us fighting and killing one another.”
As you can hear from the video, Louis Farrakhan is clearly admitting to the guilt of members of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, having been involved in the assassination of brother Malcolm X. And yet, we now have Wesley Muhammad trying to spin a new narrative and denying the truth that Louis Farrakhan confirms of the involvement of members of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, in the assassination of Malcolm X. Why?
So, what are we to do with these comments? Are we to just act as if these statements were never made by various members of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam? Are we to just ignore these statements and who said them and other vile statements made about Brother Malcolm X?
You see, the intent of their motives is to keep you confused and doubtful and will be based on everything from exonerating their Social, and Political image, religious loyalty, personal affinity, for the iconic figures and personalities involved, as well as how those figures personally affected them emotionally and in their individual lives. These individuals and Organizations want to exonerate their own image, while they tarnish and vilify the image and character of the victim. You’ll have those who will try to create doubt because, quite frankly, they don’t want these accusations to be true. They don’t want this to be a thing because most Black people in the United States of America and worldwide, for all parties involved, don’t like being put in a position where they have to choose either side. So, their Psychological and Emotional compromise is to put it all on the U.S. Government. This way, the integrity of those they love and have an emotional attachment to, isn’t tarnished or questioned. Let’s be clear, the Assassination of Malcolm X didn’t stop with his physical death. But it has continued to this very day, as various people continue to launch campaigns to convince you not to look at Brother Malcolm X in an honorable and favorable way. Pay close attention to those creating doubt about the Assassination of Malcolm X, while trying to convince us to accept them as justified vigilantes.
I’ll part with this quote for everyone to contemplate.
“When a man or woman, who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he or she will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest”–Olatunji Mwamba
So, which one are you?
Read these informative books and articles for more information.
(1) “Conspiracies: Unraveling The Assassination Of Malcolm X”, by Baba Zak Kondo.
(2) “The Judas Factor: The Life and Death of Malcolm Shabazz”, by Karl Evanzz
(3)”The Messenger: The Rise And Fall of Elijah Muhammad”, by Karl Evanzz
(4) “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” by Alex Haley
(5) “Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary”, by Walter Dean Myers
(6) “Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches And Statements” Malcolm X, George Breitman (Editor)
(7) “The Holy Qur’an”, translation by Maulana Muhammad Ali
(8) “The 1973 Hanafi Muslim Massacre”
(9) “The case of the attempted Assassination of Khalid Muhammad”
(10) “Claiming Earth: Race, Rage, Rape, Redemption” by Haki Madhubuti
(11) “The Hidden Hand: The Assassination of Malcolm X” by Karl Evanzz
(12) “The Judas Factor: The Life and Death of Malcolm Shabazz” by Karl Evanzz
(13) “The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X”, by Les Payne and Tamara Payne
(14) The 1964 September 11th edition of “Muhammad Speaks” on page 4
(15) “Why does Wesley Muhammad regularly contradict Farrakhan ???”

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Pretty! This was a really wonderful post.
Thank you for providing this information.
Medase Pii. I’m glad you appreciate it.
Great work brother! I consider ancestor El Haj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) to be my religious prophet but I’m not religious at all. I was friends with you on facebook until I deleted my account over a year ago and coincidentally my mom was born the same year as you. Peace and protection to you and your family. And gratitude for this article. Justice for Malcolm X and his family. And justice for afro Americans.
Medase Pii. I appreciate your comment and the fact that you understand the facts I presented.
Thank you for writing this. I am huge fan of Malcolm X and this piece dives deep into the tragedy that was his passing. Sadly the Nation Of Islam continues to deny their culpability.
Thank you. I am glad you took the time to actually read it and analyze it. And that you have acknowledged that I’ve provided plenty of documented research and have proven my assertions. Much respect.