“The Assassination of Malcolm X”

Olatunji Mwamba

I Pronounce my name Oh-LAH-TOON-jee UUM-WAHM-bah I was born June 7, 1954, in Baltimore City, Maryland, The United States of America. I grew up in Baltimore City, Maryland on the Westside until I was 14 years old. We then moved to the Eastside of the City where I lived until Adulthood. I am a straight Black man and I am happily married to my wife, Zakiyah. I am currently 66 years old. I am a father 8 (2 daughters and 6 sons), one step-daughter. I am a grandfather of 14 (9 granddaughters and 5 grandsons) and a great-grandfather of one great-grandson and one great-granddaughter. I am a former member of 'The Black Panther Party For Defense' with my brief membership in the organization from 1969-1970 at the age of 15 (1969) - the age of 16 (1970). My job as a junior Panther was to Chronicle Police Brutality for The Black Panther Party For Defense. I left to pursue a Singing career in 1970. I was introduced to Black Nationalist, Afrikan-Centered knowledge, and Cultural Information by my Jegna, Bilaal Opio Oba in the summer of 1974. I became a staunch Black Nationalist when I was 20 years old, by the fall of 1974. I also converted to Islam in 1974, as well. I even became a Muslim Imam for about 3 1/2 years, between the years of 1977-1981. In addition, starting in 1974, I began a serious study of our History thru reading and studying our Grandmaster Afrikan-Centered scholars, as well. This study has been on-going; my entire adult life. This study of Afrikan-Centered information is a life study and is on-going. However, because of my search for truth, I no longer subscribe to the dictates of Islam. The study of History has provided me with the facts, the evidence, the truth. I continue to study and study is a lifelong profession for me. As to my current stance on issues of religion--any of them, I am not afraid of the facts and the truth. Nor am I afraid of where those facts, the evidence, and the truth might lead me. I've worked in a variety of Black organizations since 1974. I've been seriously studying our story--'the good and the bad' since 1974, trying to understand how we as a race have found ourselves in our current circumstances. And most importantly, trying to figure how we can get out of it. Once I became aware of our circumstance I began to do all I could to change it. I began living a more Afrikan-Centered cultural lifestyle. I changed my name legally in 1977, to make sure none of my children would carry on that Caucasian slave name that our mortal enemies had forced onto my Ancestors. I refused to pass down that Caucasian surname to my progeny. So, I made sure that all of my children had Afrikan first names, middle names, and my surname. And my children, who have Afrikan names, range in ages of 40 years of age, down to 5. I've read all or most of the major works of our most Esteemed scholars and writers and I've done so multiple times too. Scholars and writers such as Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan, Dr. John Henrk Clarke, Dr. Chancellor Williams, Dr. John G. Jackson, Dr. Marimba Ani, Dr. Charles Finch, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Theophile Obenga, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. Bobby Wright, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro Ph.D., George G. M. James, Dr. Jacob Carruthers, Dr. Charsee McCintire, Dr. Joy Degruy, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti, The Irritated Genie Of Soufeese, Del Jones, and so many others. And I've read their works multiple times too. At one point in time, I also co-hosted a radio program in Baltimore City on WEAA, Morgan State University Radio, 88.9 FM, with my good friend, sister Nalungo Sayyed for few years, as well. I try to adhere to the best in Afrikan Culture. I am Shemsu Ma'at (a follower of Ma'at). I'd like to part with this quote. "Be not arrogant because of your knowledge. Seek Counsel from the ignorant, as well as with the wise. For the limits of knowledge in any field have never been set. And no one has ever reached them. Wisdom is rarer than emeralds. And yet, it can be found among the women who gather at the grindstones"---The Teachings of Ptahotep" Author of the books entitled (1) "An Afrikan-Centered Response to the LGBTQIA Organizations and their Agenda: The Conversation no one wants to have" , by Olatunji Mwamba (2) "Raising Awareness: Past, Present, Future" by Olatunji Mwamba Sba, and Mkuu Mzee, Sba I am a member of "The Raising Awareness Group".

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7 Responses

  1. Pretty! This was a really wonderful post.
    Thank you for providing this information.

  2. Medase Pii. I’m glad you appreciate it.

  3. Ocean says:

    Great work brother! I consider ancestor El Haj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) to be my religious prophet but I’m not religious at all. I was friends with you on facebook until I deleted my account over a year ago and coincidentally my mom was born the same year as you. Peace and protection to you and your family. And gratitude for this article. Justice for Malcolm X and his family. And justice for afro Americans.

  4. Martin says:


    Thank you for writing this. I am huge fan of Malcolm X and this piece dives deep into the tragedy that was his passing. Sadly the Nation Of Islam continues to deny their culpability.

    • Thank you. I am glad you took the time to actually read it and analyze it. And that you have acknowledged that I’ve provided plenty of documented research and have proven my assertions. Much respect.

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