A Suggested Partial Book List
- Partial Book List
- Whenever I hear Black people, Caucasians, and other peoples, etc., start speaking on issues that negatively affect Black people, I can usually tell what they actually know, by how they preface their statements. Usually, they say, ‘well, I believe…’ or ‘I think…’ or I feel…’. So, I always emphasize that these types of discussions aren’t about what one believes, or what one thinks, or how one feels. These kinds of discussions must always be about facts and evidence. What I generally see is an emphasis by people opposing Afrikan-Centered scholarship and information, who are pushing ‘Multi-Culturalism’ or continuing to maintain ‘Euro-Centrism’, or Arabism, or any Abrahamic Religion. They are pushing an idea that is in direct opposition to what Afrikan-Centered scholarship actually is. The Afrikan-Centered scholarship and what must be taught to our children would include all of the arts and sciences, etc.
- And those Black people who oppose the teaching of Afrikan-Centeredness are nothing more than apologists for the system of Racism white-Supremacy. So, any such discussion must be based on this idea: Do you have documented facts and evidence to support and substantiate your assertions? Either you have the facts and the evidence to substantiate your assertions and can provide them or you can’t. It’s as simple as that. When speaking on these types of issues always be ready to present facts and the evidence to substantiate your assertions or don’t make those assertions until you’re able to do so.
- This is why I always emphasize the importance of reading and studying the works of our Grand Master, Afrikan-Centered Scholar/Teachers/Researchers, as well as the works of others. Their works are immeasurable. What I find most disappointing is the fact that many Black people will discount this partial book list below without having honestly read a single book on it. How do you castigate such a powerful book list without having read what each contains? Such an ignorant and arrogant statement proves that such a person is lazy and has no intention of wanting to remove their ignorance of the issues that negatively affect us, as a race of people. However, for those who do, here is just a sample of their works that will help one do that. Once read, those who do so will realize why these books are so very important. And trust me, I’ve read all but 5 books on this list, including two that I’ve either written or co-written and the rest of those on this list which I have read, I’ve read many of them several times too. Plus, many more besides those listed below. How many of the books listed below have you honestly read? And keep in mind. This is only a partial booklist. This is not all of the books I’ve read or own.
- (1) “The Destruction Of Black Civilization: Great Issues Of A Race From 4500 B.C.-2000 A.D.”, by Dr. Chancellor Williams
(2) “The Rebirth Of African Civilization”, by Dr. Chancellor Williams
(3) “The African Origin Of The Major Western Religions”, by Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan
(4) “Africa: Mother Of Western Civilization”, by Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan
(5) “Black Man Of The Nile And His Family”, by Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan
(6) “We The Black Jews”, by Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan
(7) “The African Origin Of Civilization: Myth Or Reality”, by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop
(8) “The Cultural Unity Of Black Africa”, by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop
(9) “Civilization Or Barbarism”, by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop
(10) “Black Africa: The Economic and Cultural Basis For A Federated State”, by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop
(11) “Precolonial Black Africa”, by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop
(12) “Nile Valley Civilizations”, by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
(13) “Egypt: Child Of Africa”, by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
(14) “Egypt Revisited”, by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
(15) “Golden Age Of The Moor”, by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
(16) “The African Presence In Early Asia, by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
(17) “The African Presence In Early America”, by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima - (18) “Early America Revisited” by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
(19) “Blacks In Science: Ancient And Modern”, by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
(20) “Mdw Ntr: Divine Speech”, by Dr. Jacob Carruthers
(21) “Essays In Ancient Egyptian Studies”, by Dr. Jacob Carruthers
(22) “The Irritated Genie”, by Dr. Jacob Carruthers - (23) “Intellectual Warfare”, by Dr. Jacob Carruthers
- (24) “Echoes Of The Old Dark Land”, by Dr. Charles Finch
(25) “The Star Of Deep Beginnings”, by Dr. Charles Finch
(26) “War On The Horizon: Black Resistance To The white-Sex Assault”, by The Irritated Genie Of Soufeese
(27) “Homosexuality And The Effeminization Of Afrikan Males”, by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti
(28) “Kebuka”, by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti
(29) “Centered”, by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti
(30) “Iwa: A Warrior’s Character”, by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti
(31) “Enemies: The Clash Of Races”, by Haki Madhubuti
(32)”The Maafa And Beyond” by Erriel Roberson
(33) “Stolen Legacy”, by George G. M. James
(34) “Notes For An African World Revolution: Africans At The Crossroads”, by Dr. John Henrik Clarke
(35) “New Dimensions In African History”, by both Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan
(36) “Yurugu”
(37) “Let The Circle Be Unbroken”, both Dr. Marimba Ani
(38) “The Jewish Onslaught”, by Dr. Tony Martin
(39) “Race First”, by Dr. Tony Martin
(40) “Message To The People: The Course Of African Philosophy”, by Dr. Tony Martin
(41) “Medical Apartheid: The Dark Medical History Of Medical Experimentation On Black Americans From Colonial Times To The Present”, by Harriet A. Washington
(42) “The Autobiography Of Malcolm X”, by Alex Haley
(43) “Conspiracies: Unraveling The Assassination Of Malcolm X”, by Baba Zak Kondo
(44) “African Time: Universe to 1896 A.D.” Expanded Edition, by Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro, Ph.D. Ife Kilimanjaro, Ph.D., and Yahra Aaneb, Seba - (45) “SEPDT: African Kmt’s Calendar Modernized”, by Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro, Ph.D.
- https://books-by-ukmt-press.myshopify.com/
- (46) “The American Directory of Certified Uncle Toms” by The Council On Black Internal Affairs
(47) “The Peopling of Ancient Egypt And The Deciphering Of The Meoroitic Script”, by Dr. Theophile Obenga
(48) “Ancient Egypt And Black Africa: A Student’s Handbook For The Study of Ancient Egypt In Philosophy, Linguistics & Gender Relations”, by Dr. Theophile Obenga
(49) “African Philosophy–The Pharaonic Period: 2780—330 B.C.”, by Dr. Theophile Obenga
(50) “Blacked Out Through Whitewash”, by Dr. Suzar Epps
(51) “State of Origin: Evidence of The Laboratory Birth of AIDS”, Boyd E. Graves, J.D.
(52) “The Spook Who Sat by The Door” by Sam Greenlee
(53) “Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome” by Dr. Joy DeGruy
(54) “Egyptian Divinities: The All Who Are The One”, by Moustafa Gadalla
(55) “An Introduction To White History: The History of White America”, by Mba Mbulu
(56) “The American Directory of Certified Uncle Toms”, by The Council On Black Internal Affairs
(57) “Wonderful Ethiopians Of The Cushite Empire” by Drusilla Dunjee Houston
(58) “When We Ruled”, by Robin Walker
(59) “Black Star Over Asia: The Black Presence In East” by Runoko Rashidi
(60) “Blueprint for Black Power” by Dr. Amos Wilson
(61) “Afrikan-Centered Consciousness Versus the New World Order: Garveyism in the Age of Globalism” by Dr. Amos Wilson
(62) “The Isis Papers” by Dr. Frances Cress Welsing
(63) “The Choice” by Samuel Yette
(64) “The United-Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept Textbook: A Compensatory Counter-Racist Code” by Neely Fuller
(65) “Uhuru Na Ujamaa: Freedom and Socialism” by Julius K. Nyerere
(66) “Garvey, Lumumba, Malcolm: Black Nationalist/Separatist” by Shawna Maglanbayan
(67) “Putting It All Together: World Conquest, Global Genocide And African Liberation” by Terrance Jackson
(68) “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews”, volume #1, by The Historical Research Department Of The Nation Of Islam
(69) “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews”, volume #2, by The Historical Research Department Of The Nation Of Islam - (70) “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks And Jews”, volume #3, by The Historical Research Department Of The Nation Of Islam
- (71) “The Judas Factor: The Life and Death of Malcolm Shabazz” by Karl Evanzz
- (72) “The Messenger: The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad, by Karl Evanzz
- (73) “The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander
- (74) “Raising Awareness Past, Present, Future”, by Olatunji Mwamba, Sba and Mkuu Mzee, Sba
- https://olatunji-mwamba.myshopify.com/collections/all
- (75) “An Afrikan-Centered Response to The LGBTQIA Organizations and their Agenda: The Conversation no one wants to have”, by Olatunji Mwamba
- https://olatunji-mwamba.myshopify.com/collections/all
- (76) “Who Iz The Boule”, by M’Bwebe Aja Ishangi
- Books by others
- (77) “Race, Discourse, and the Origin of the Americas”, by The Smithsonian Institution
- (78) “The King James Version of the Bible”
(79) “The Holy Qur’an” Translation and commentary by Maulana Muhammad Ali - (80) “Egypt: Light of Worlds”, by Gerald Massey
- (81) “100 Years of Lynchings” by Ralph Ginzburg
- (82) “The Ruins of Empires”, by Count F. Volney
- (83) “The Iceman Inheritance”, by Michael Bradley
- (84) “Chosen People From The Caucasus”, by Michael Bradley
- (85) “Dawn Voyage: The Black African Discovery of America” by Michael Bradley
- (86) “The Histories”, by Herodotus, as translated by Aubrey Selincourt Revised with Introductory matter and notes by John Marincola
- (87) “The Egyptian Book of The Dead: The Book Of Going Forth By Day”, as Translated by Raymond Faulkner
- (88) “A Coptic Dictionary”, by W.E. Crum
- (89) “Dirt: A Social History as Seen Through The Uses And Abuses of Dirt” by Terence McLaughlin
- (90) “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and The Global War on Democracy and Public Health”, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
- All of these books, except those indicated, can be purchased at this Black-owned Bookstore:
- “Everyone’s Place”
1356 W. North Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21217
The United States of America
410-728-0877 - Tuesday-Saturday 11 am-5 pm and Sunday 12n-5pm

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