In Defense of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and other Afrikan Scholars and their Scholarship from Unprovoked attacks by Meso-American mischief and failed research
I’m writing this because there are unscrupulous people who continue to attack Dr. Ivan Van Sertima while failing to provide documented evidence to justify their attacks. Their attacks are not based on the topic of discussion. Their attacks are personal, vicious, and slanderous. And so I have decided that I will not allow these unjustified attacks to go on without any pushback or response. We, who can do so, must stand up and protect our own Scholars from these cowardly attacks on him and other great Scholars who’ve dedicated their lives to research and bring us documented evidence to elevate our minds and our souls. Where is our ‘backbone’ to stand up and fight for those who have fought for us?
So, I am going to do my best by fighting back against these cowardly attacks against Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and other Black Scholars I know who were correct and who cannot protect themselves because they are no longer on the physical plane of existence to do so, as well as those still here.
What is especially disheartening is that we have these ‘Negro Race Traitors’ out here, who are going along with the nasty, racist vitriol being spewed by Meso-American so-called scholars and their silly ass followers, against our Grand Master Afrikan Scholars; scholars such as Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Theophile Obenga, Dr. Rkhty Amen, Dr. Obadele Kambon, Dr. Chancellor Williams, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yosef ‘Ben’ Jochannan, Dr. John G. Jackson, Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, Dr. Kamau Kambon, George G. M. James, Dr. Legrand H. Clegg II, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Neely Fuller, Dr. Charles Finch, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Jacob Carruthers, Dr. Beatrice Lumpkin, Dr. Marimba Ani, Dr. Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro, Dr. Mario Beatty, Dr. Charsee McIntyre, Mfundishi Jhutyms, Dr. Tony Martin, Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. Asa G. Hilliard, Robin Walker, Runoko Rashidi, Ashra Kwesi, Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti, Kush–The Black Unifier, and many others, while disputing the findings of an Afrikan Presence among the Olmecs, as well as an Afrikan influence on that Civilization. They must be called out too.
These vicious, slanderous attacks against our brightest and most adept scholars are unwarranted and unjustified. Such unprovoked, vicious, and slanderous attacks against our Afrikan-Centered Scholars are very similar to those attacks launched by Caucasian Euro-Centric, so-called scholars going back two-three decades ago or longer. These racists, Meso-American so-called scholars cannot produce any evidence that refutes what our own eyes see for themselves. Where is the actual field research of these Meso-American scholars, who disagree with the documented research of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima?
Those who are asserting that there is no evidence of an Afrikan Presence among the Olmecs and/or an Afrikan influence on that Civilization when there is plenty of documented evidence to prove it, please present your evidence. Don’t just try to dispel or dismiss the sources that Dr. Ivan Van Sertima has presented as being non-credible. That might be the easy part, even though so far, you’ve failed to succeed in doing that.
Where is your own evidence proving another more credible hypothesis that you, yourself, or others have come up with that makes any logical sense? Where is your evidence of any field research done by those whom you present as credible? The majority of them haven’t read any of the works of our Grandmaster Scholars. They have people thinking they’ve read a lot. Many of these fools haven’t read anything. They are doing nothing but parroting what they’ve heard. What they are doing is ‘perpetrating a fraud’. They cannot replicate the research of our Afrikan-Centered scholars to prove their research incorrect or refute it with any documented evidence of their own. They are nothing more than ‘Race Traitors’. They are doing nothing more than spreading ‘Isfet’ (chaos). Their claim that our scholars (Van Sertima, Dr. ‘Ben’, Clarke, Diop, Chancellor Williams, and others I’ve listed) were claiming someone else’s culture and misleading us, is not substantiated by the documented evidence our Afrikan scholars have produced.
Here is where they are getting their false information. This is a German Racist website dedicated to attacking our great Scholars and their scholarship. This article doesn’t even have an author.
“Refuting Afrocentrism Part 1: Olmecs Were Africans?”
There are even some who say that there are Afrikan scholars who disagree with the research of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima on this issue. And these Scholars who disagree with Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, what is their Political Worldview? Because they have one just like everyone else. Most importantly, that worldview is going to influence their conclusions, particularly if they are Integrationist/Communist/Socialist, etc. Now, if they disagree as many of you assert, and this is true, why haven’t you presented any quotes by these Afrikan Scholars, who you assert disagree with him? And furthermore, if this is true, can you provide any actual field research that has been done by any Afrikan Scholarswho disagree with Dr. IvanVan Sertima, as well as their sources, quotes, etc. to prove it? Not just sources by Meso-American Scholars who disagree with him.
Now, just to give you one example of some of the confusion that is out there. One of these mindless idiots even tried to tell me the 1st photo presented here was actually a Monkey, instead of what my eyes are seeing. Really? And the reason I am referring to these dudes as ‘Race Traitors’ is that they don’t know or understand how their ignorance betrays us, as a race of people. And it is clear they do not understand the Politics of History. And those of our people who are now buying into this nonsense are doing the ‘dirty work’ of these Meso-American racists, for them. They don’t understand that this is intellectual warfare. This is a War for the minds, bodies, and souls of our people; Black people, everywhere, and by supporting what they themselves haven’t researched, and what they themselves haven’t read and studied, these mindless Black idiots are helping our enemies win it.
The fact that these so-called Meso-American so-scholars start out by relegating the documented research of these scholars as being ‘Afrocentric’. These so-called Meso-Americans are trying to equate ‘Afrocentrism’ with being prejudiced and racist and then attacking it and the scholars whom they say articulate it, without any evidence justifying such a vicious attack speaks volumes. So, let’s be crystal clear here. The scholars they attack do not qualify their research as being ‘Afrocentric’. Additionally, our stance is not ‘Afrocentric’ as we do not subscribe to nor advocate that term in our research. Such an assertion is nothing more than an ad hominem attack. Some have even resorted to projecting arguments and attributing statements to Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and our other scholars that none of them ever made. And then attacking those false projections and false arguments attributed to him and other scholars. That’s nothing more than ‘A Strawman’s Argument’. I’ve even seen where they and their cohorts have created ‘A Strawman’s Argument’, on topics postulated by those who ascribe to the philosophy of the Moorish Science Temple and/or those who postulate ideas such as ‘Atlantis’ or ‘The Land of Mu’, or being aboriginal to the Americas, and other ideas, etc. They have created this ‘Strawman’s Argument’ by incorrectly ascribing such ideas to Afrikan Historical scholarship. These ideas are not postulated by any of the Scholars I’ve listed. And such a view is a-historical. So, why argue about an idea not postulated, articulated, and asserted by our Scholars? Why not take that issue up with those who postulate such nonsensical Mystical fantasies?
What is crystal clear is that they are pushing an ‘Agenda’ and have been actively pushing that Agenda on us without many of us realizing it. So, what is the correct definition of an Agenda?
Agenda noun
agen· da | \ ə-ˈjen-də \ Definition of agenda 1: a list or outline of things to be considered or done.
i.e. agendas of faculty meetings
2: an underlying, often ideological plan or program, a political agenda.
If you can’t see that there is an Agenda at play here, that is very problematic. None of these so-called Meso-American scholarsor these ‘Race Traitors’ who are parroting their Agenda can even shine Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop’s shoes. Unlike them, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop possessed Doctorate Degrees in several Scientific disciplines. He held Doctorates in Archaeology, Anthropology, Linguistics, and Etymology, and was a Mathematician, Chemist, and he was a Nuclear Physicist. So, which one of these so-called scholars possesses any or all the skillset that Diop possessed? That’s a major issue that I know they cannot overcome. They are throwing ‘total disrespect’at our brightest and best Afrikan Scholars and sadly, those who agree with them are foolishly joining in and helping them.
They act as if this discussion is over and settled. It isn’t settled at all. All they have is a hypothesis about what they think and nothing more. More research must be done. Sadly, many of our own people are following them. They have an agenda too. Their Agenda is manifested in their disdain for our Afrikan-Centered Elders/Ancestors and Afrikan-Centered Ancestors’ scholarship and the fact that those Elders and Ancestors should be honored throughout the coming generations, not summarily discarded like some piece of trash, the way they are doing Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and others. However, by continually honoring our own Afrikan-Centered Scholars, we honor the best in ourselves. What these phony/pseudo wannabes want is ‘the shine’ and adulation that we give to those deserving Afrikan-Centered scholars, past, present, and future. These pseudos undeservedly think we should give them the praise they have not earned. However, their behavior and character have proven themselves to be unworthy of such praise and adulation.
What these Blacks, who are pushing the Meso-American narrative want is to be celebrated the way we celebrate our Afrikan Scholars and Researchers who’ve put in a lifetime of dedicated work and research, such as Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Theophile Obenga, Dr. Rkhty Amen, Dr. Obadele Kambon, Dr. Chancellor Williams, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Yosef ‘Ben’ Jochannan, Dr. John G. Jackson, Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango, Dr. Kamau Kambon, George G. M. James, Dr. Legrand H. Clegg 11, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Neely Fuller, Dr. Charles Finch, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Jacob Carruthers, Dr. Beatrice Lumpkin, Dr. Marimba Ani, Dr. Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro, Dr. Mario Beatty, Dr. Charsee McIntyre, Mfundishi Jhutyms, Dr. Tony Martin, Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. Asa G. Hilliard, Runoko Rashidi, Ashra Kwesi, Robin Walker, Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti, Kush—The Black Unifier, without putting in the research and the work they did or are doing now. And by denigrating our own Afrikan-Centered scholars and researchers as they are doing, they think in their own silly minds, that they can replace them as our scholars. They shouldn’t be trying to replace them. Get your egos out of the way. Just put in the work, and write your own books, papers, and research journals. That is what will speak for you–the work, your character, and your behavior. Most importantly, what you’ve proven so far, is that you’re nothing more than ‘Gate-Keepers’ and Boule’ (‘Protectors and Servants of the King’).
As to those Meso-American scholars, they have such disdain for our Afrikan Scholars and researchers for having the nerve and the un-mitigating gall to approach this topic. These Meso-Americans have a coined narrative and they don’t want anybody to do anything or follow any other narrative aside from the one they have presented. And their Scholars are serving as Gatekeepers, Protectors, and Defenders of that narrative. And anything or anyone who comes out with a different narrative than the one that they have advocated they’re going to attack it and them vehemently. Information can come out that is 100% correct and accurate (which it has), but if it is against their narrative, they will still attack it. They will do this because they don’t want anyone presenting anything different than what they have been advocating. Now, what I ask is that instead of trying to downgrade the sources by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and others, why haven’t they presented their own actual field research based on Archaeology, Anthropology, Etymology, and Linguistics that refutes the work of our own Afrikan Scholars on this topic, as well as on other topics?
I’ve included several photos of Olmec stone heads. In the last photo below, these so-called scholars assert is actually Monkey. Yeah, a Monkey. Monkeys do not possess the phenotype represented in the statues of the Olmecs, featured in the photos I’ve supplied below. And that assertion is racist. This statue is Housed in a Museum in Santiago Tuxtla, Mexico. This particular statute is called ‘El Negro’ (The Black) by Museum Curators.
Below is the sculpture known as ‘El Negro’ (The Black)
Now, if this were, in fact, a Monkey, why didn’t the Museum Curators name this statue ‘El Mono’(the Spanish term for The Monkey)? Because they know it isn’t a Monkey. In addition, the Monkey is not represented within the Olmec religious Anthropomorphic Pantheon of Gods. The Olmecs had a Priesthood as a part of the Religion, as well. What other ancient people on this planet had a powerful, strong Priesthood in ancient times, before the time-period and the existence of the Olmecs anywhere on this planet? What other ancient people on this planet use Anthropomorphic and Zootipical imagery in their Religious Pantheon, their language, and in their Art? And what ancient people did so, and did so much earlier than the Olmecs did? As anyone can see, none of these photos represent the phenotype of Native Americans, nor do any of them look like a monkey either.
And there are these, as well.
Here are some critical questions that no one has asked and they certainly haven’t answered.
(1) When each of these statues, some at least 8 ft tall or taller and weighing at least 20 tons or more were created, what was the timeline for them, and were all of them created at the same time?
(2) And what did the people look like at the time each of these statues was created?
(3) Where did the people get the ingenuity and technology to build each of these 8ft 20 Ton Statues?
(4) Where did these people come from, since we know everyone in the Western Hemisphere came from elsewhere on this planet?
(5) Every other Race and Culture on this planet has gone out of their way to cut out and/or erase the ‘Afrikan Presence’ and ‘influence’ (emphasis on ‘Presence’ and ‘influence’) on their Culture. So, why are the Meso-Americans viewed by us any differently?
(6) What kind of Culture was prevalent prior to those 8ft 20-ton statues being built?
(7) What was the Religious Pantheon of the Olmecs?
(8) Were Monkeys a part of the Religious Pantheon of the Olmecs?
(9) Has the Olmec Language been deciphered yet?
(10) What kind of Culture was prevalent afterward?
Here is a list of the Religious Pantheon of Gods of the Olmecs:
(1) The Olmec Dragon
The Olmec Dragon is depicted as a crocodile-like being, occasionally having human, eagle or jaguar features. His mouth, sometimes open in ancient carved images, is seen as a cave: perhaps, for this reason, the Olmec were fond of cave painting. The Olmec Dragon represented the Earth or at least the plane upon which humans lived. As such, he represented agriculture, fertility, fire, and otherworldly things. The dragon may have been associated with the Olmec ruling classes or elite. This ancient creature may be the forebear of Aztec gods such as Cipactli, a crocodile god, or Xiuhtecuhtli, a fire god.
(2) The Bird Monster
The Bird Monster represented the skies, sun, rulership, and agriculture. It is depicted as a fearsome bird, sometimes with reptilian features. The bird monster may have been the preferred god of the ruling class: carved likenesses of rulers sometimes are shown with bird monster symbols in their dress. The city once located at the La Venta archaeological site venerated the Bird Monster: its image appears there frequently, including on an important altar.
(3) The Fish Monster
Also called the Shark Monster, the Fish Monster is thought to represent the underworld and appears as a frightening shark or fish with shark’s teeth. Depictions of the Fish Monster have appeared in stone carvings, pottery, and small greenstone celts, but the most famous is on San Lorenzo Monument 58. On this massive stone carving, the Fish Monster appears with a fearsome mouth full of teeth, a large “X” on its back and a forked tail. Shark teeth excavated at San Lorenzo and La Venta suggest that the Fish Monster was honored in certain rituals.
(4) The Banded-eyed God
Little is known about the mysterious Banded-eye God. Its name is a reflection of its appearance. It always appears in profile, with an almond-shaped eye. A band or stripe passes behind or through the eye. The Banded-eye God appears more human than many of the other Olmec gods. It is found occasionally on pottery, but a good image appears on a famous Olmec statue, Las Limas Monument 1.
(5) The Maize God
Because maize was such an important staple of life of the Olmec, it’s not surprising that they dedicated a god to its production. The Maize God appears as a human-ish figure with a stalk of corn growing out of his head. Like the Bird Monster, Maize God symbolism frequently appears in depictions of rulers. This could reflect the ruler’s responsibility to ensure bountiful crops for the people.
(6) The Water God
The Water God often formed a divine team of sorts with the Maize God: the two are often associated with one another. The Olmec Water God appears as a chubby dwarf or infant with a gruesome face reminiscent of the Were-Jaguar. The Water God’s domain was likely not only water in general but also rivers, lakes, and other water sources. The Water God appears in different forms of Olmec art, including large sculptures and smaller figurines and celts. It is possible that he is a forebear of later Mesoamerican water gods such as Chac and Tlaloc.
(7) The Were-Jaguar
The Olmec were-jaguar is a most intriguing god. It appears as a human baby or infant with distinctly feline features, such as fangs, almond-shaped eyes, and a cleft in his head. In some depictions, the were-jaguar baby is limp, as if it is dead or sleeping. Matthew W. Stirling proposed that the were-jaguar is the result of relations between a jaguar and a human female, but this theory is not universally accepted.
(8) The Feathered Serpent
The Feathered Serpent is shown as a rattlesnake, either coiled or slithering, with feathers on its head. One excellent example is Monument 19 from La Venta. The feathered serpent is not very common in surviving Olmec art. Later incarnations such as Quetzalcoatl among the Aztecs or Kukulkan among the Maya seemingly had a much more important place in religion and daily life. Nevertheless, this common ancestor of the significant feathered serpents to come in Mesoamerican religion is considered important by researchers.
These Olmec Stone Heads do not represent any Anthropomorphic Monkey symbols for the attributes of the Godhead within their Pantheon of Gods. In fact, these Stone Heads, some as tall as 8ft or taller, and weighing at least 20 tons were representative of Olmec Rulers and/or Olmec Priests. Those are the facts. So, they need to get out of here with that Anthropomorphic ‘Monkey business’.
There is no Anthropomorphic symbol for ‘Howler Monkey God’ included among the Pantheon of Gods from the Olmecs themselves.
Here is a piece of evidence proving an ancient Afrikan influence discovered among the artifacts found in Meso-American Tombs: The Xoloitzcuintli Quetzal (Mexican hairless dog)
“Archaeological evidence has been found in the tombs of the Colima, Mayan, Toltec, Zapotec, and Aztec Native Americans dating similar dogs to over 3500 years ago. Note (above) that it is unlikely that modern Xolos have any appreciable relationship to these pre-European dogs. Long regarded as guardians and protectors, the indigenous peoples believed that the Xolo would safeguard the home from evil spirits as well as intruders. In ancient times the Xolos were often sacrificed and then buried with their owners to act as a guide to the soul on its journey to the underworld.”
This is the exact same concept of ‘guiding the soul on its journey in the underworld’, we see in ancient Kemet with Anpu (Anubis). However, the story of Anpu is several thousand years older than this same concept that was practiced by the Olmecs and other Meso-American Civilizations.
The claim of Feathers being worn by the Olmecs underneath their helmets
There are those who claim that what we claim are braids underneath the helmets worn on the Olmecs Stoneheads, are actually Feathers. Well, you need to provide evidence to prove that claim. Because there is evidence that refutes such a claim that Feathers were worn underneath their helmets. In fact, there is plenty of evidence proving that Feathers are a badge of honor and dignity, to be seen by everyone, and are not to be hidden underneath any helmets or under anything else. In addition, you can clearly see that those are beads on the end of each braid itself. Those are not Feathers at all.
“What Was The Symbolism Behind Native American Feathers?”
“Only chieftains, warriors, and braves have ever been awarded this special gift. It was an offense to ‘hide’ a feather. Once an Indian received a feather he had to wear so it was clearly visible for everyone to see. This will be a constant reminder of how to behave. An eagle feather is a lot like the American flag, it must be handled with care and can never be dropped on the ground.”
The Research on Olmec craniums of Andrzej Wiercinki proves some of them were Afrikans.
“Dr. Wiercinski (1972) claims that some of the Olmecs were of African origin. He supports this claim with skeletal evidence from several Olmec sites where he found skeletons that were analogous to the West African type black. Wiercinski discovered that 13.5 percent of the skeletons from Tlatilco and 4.5 percent of the skeletons from Cerro de las Mesas were Africoid (Rensberger,1988; Wiercinski, 1972; Wiercinski & Jairazbhoy 1975).
Diehl and Coe (1995, 12) of Harvard University have made it clear that until a skeleton of an African is found on an Olmec site he will not accept the art evidence that there were Africans among the Olmecs. This is rather surprising because Constance Irwin and Dr. Wiercinski (1972) have both reported that the skeletal remains of Africans have been found in Mexico. Constance Irwin, in Fair Gods and Stone Faces, says that anthropologists see “distinct signs of Negroid ancestry in many a New World skull….”
“Dr. Wiercinski (1972) claims that some of the Olmecs were of African origin. He supports this claim with skeletal evidence from several Olmec sites where he found skeletons that were analogous to the West African type black. Many Olmec skulls show cranial deformations (Pailles, 1980), yet Wiercinski (1972b) was able to determine the ethnic origins of the Olmecs. Marquez (1956, 179-80) made it clear that a common trait of the African skulls found in Mexico includes marked prognathousness, prominent cheek bones are also mentioned. Fronto-occipital deformation among the Olmec is not surprising because cranial deformations were common among the Mande speaking people until fairly recently (Desplanges, 1906).
To determine the racial heritage of some of the craniums found among the ancient Olmecs, Dr. Wiercinski (1972b) used classic diagnostic traits determined by craniometric and cranioscopic methods. These measurements were then compared to a series of three crania sets from Poland, Mongolia, and Uganda to represent the three racial categories of mankind.”
Interestingly, while there are some who claim the research of Dr. Wiercinski to be flawed, no one has actually replicated the research of Dr. Wiercinski in trying to prove him incorrect—no one.
And there is this piece of evidence proving the Mayans were not the first Meso-American Civilization to create their own Calendar. The Olmecs were the first to do so. The Olmec Calendar is the oldest Calendar discovered in the Americas so far.
Mesoamerican Calendar
A 3,000 Year Old Tool to Track Time in Central America
“The Mesoamerican Calendar is what modern archaeologists call the method of tracking time used—with some variations—by most of ancient Latin America, including the Aztecs, Zapotecs, and Maya. In fact, all of the Mesoamerican societies were using some form of the calendar when the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes arrived in 1519 CE.
The mechanisms of this shared calendar involved two parts that worked together to make a 52-year cycle, known as the Sacred and Solar rounds, such that each day had a unique name. The Sacred cycle lasted 260 days, and the Solar one 365 days. The two parts together were used to keep chronologies and king lists, mark historical events, date legends, and define the beginning of the world. The dates were chiseled into stone steles to mark events, painted on tomb walls, carved onto stone sarcophagi and written into bark cloth paper books called codices.
The oldest form of the calendar—the solar round—was likely invented by the Olmec, epi-Olmec, or Izapans about 900-700 BCE, when agriculture was first established. The sacred round may have been developed as a subdivision of the 365-year one, as a tool specifically designed to track important dates for farming. The earliest confirmed combination of sacred and solar rounds is found in the Oaxaca valley at the Zapotec capital site of Monte Alban. There, Stela 12 has a date that reads 594 BCE. There were at least sixty or so different calendars invented in pre-Columbian Mesoamerican, and several dozen communities throughout the region still use versions of it.
The Sacred Round
The 260-day calendar is called the Sacred Round, the Ritual Calendar or the Sacred Almanac; tonalpohualli in the Aztec language, haab in Maya, and piye to the Zapotecs. Each day in this cycle was named using a number from one to 13, matched with 20-day names in each month. The day names varied from society to society. Scholars have been divided about whether the 260-day cycle represents the human gestation period, some as-yet unidentified astronomical cycle, or the combination of sacred numbers of 13 (the number of levels in heaven according to Mesoamerican religions) and 20 (Mesoamericans used a base 20 counting system).
“How Did the Ancient Egyptian Calendar Work?”
“Ancient Egypt refers to a long period of time in history, but there is evidence that Egyptian society once used a lunar calendar before switching to a solar 365 1/4-days calendar. They eventually used the stars to predict important agricultural events like the flooding of the Nile River. Their older lunar calendar did not take the Nile flood into account, and it was eventually replaced by one that helped predict the river’s flooding.
The Nile flood was one of the most important events in Ancient Egyptian culture. It allowed their society to farm life-sustaining food, and their agricultural livelihood depended on knowing the timing of the flood.
Egyptians eventually realized that they could use stars such as Polaris, or the Dog Star, to predict when the Nile would flood. This stellar calendar became essential for Egyptian agricultural practice, but it did not completely replace the lunar calendar, which was changed and used to determine holidays. Official business, including governmental affairs, relied on the use of the 365-day solar calendar.”
The Kmtyw (‘The Blacks’, falsely and incorrectly referred to as Egyptians) had the 365 1/4 days Solar Calendar based on ‘Sepdt’ (Sirius) dating back to at least the 1st united Dynasty of Km.t, during the reign of the 3rd Pharoah of the 1st Dynasty, Nswt Bity (Pharoah) Djer in 5581 B.C.E.-5524 B.C.E.
We also have Herodotus, who further confirms the antiquity of ancient Km.t (Egypt), as well as how long Kmtyw (Egyptian) Civilization lasted.
Herodotus further proves that the antiquity of the ancient Kmtyw (Egyptians) Civilization predates the Sumerians by several thousand years.
In “The Histories”, by Herodotus Book #Two, section 100 (page 120) (Translated by Aubrey De Selingcourt, Revised with Introductory Matter and notes by John Marincola).
Herodotus provides us clues to identifying the correct Chronological timeline for the ancient Kmytw (Egyptians) when he says, “Next, the priests read to me from a written record the names of three hundred thirty Monarchs, in the same number of generations, all of them Egyptians except eighteen, who were Ethiopians…”
Herodotus would have written his book “The Histories”, sometime between his birth and death, circa 484–425 B.C.E
So, if we multiply, using this consensus for a generation, here are the number of years we will come up with to prove the antiquity of ancient Km.t using 20, 25, and 30-year generational cycles.
330 Generations x the average number of years of one generation is 20 years. 330 x 20=6,600. Sumer did not exist 6,600 years before Herodotus arrived in Km.t.
330 Generations x the average number of years of one generation is 25 years. 330 x 25= 8,250. Sumer did not exist 8,250 years before Herodotus arrived in Km.t.
330 Generations x the average number of years of one generation is 30 years. 330 x 30= 9,900. Sumer did not exist 9,900 years ago before Herodotus arrived in Km.t.
And these dates are minus what is now referred to as ‘the common era’ or the A.D. chronological timeline. And so this chronological timeline is minus the current year of 2022 C.E. (A.D.). Additionally, it does include the year in which Herodotus chronicled this historical timeline shown to him by Kmtyw (Egyptian) Priests, between 484 B.C.E.-425 B.C.E., when he wrote his book entitled, “The Histories”. This is included in the book entitled, “Raising Awareness: Past, Present, Future: New Revised Edition”, pp126-130, by Olatunji Mwamba, Sba and Mkuu Mzee, Sba
So, if we add those 2021 years, to the ancient chronological timeline, that timeline goes back even further.
And, finally, Dr. Bruce Williams discovered 12 Dynasties in Ta-Seti, which was the oldest and the 1st Sepat (Nome or District) of Km.t. This predates the 1st unified Dynasty of Km.t under Pharoah Narmer, in5660 B.C.E. So, if we if add the estimated chronology of approximately 2,478 years of 12 Dynasties of Ta-Seti, which predates the 1st Unification in Km.t, to the ancient chronological timeline, we get 8,138 years. And this mathematical equation pushes that timeline back even further than that.
Also, read these books for more evidence of the Kmtyw (Egyptian) creation of the 365-day Solar Calendar, as well as the antiquity of that Civilization.
(1) Echoes of the Old Darkland” by Dr. Charles Finch
(2) “When We Ruled” by Robin Walker
(3) “SEPDT: African Kmt’s Calendar Modernized” by Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro
(4) “The Histories”, by Herodotus Translated by Aubrey De Selingcourt, Revised with Introductory Matter and notes by John Marincola
(5) “Raising Awareness: Past, Present, Future: New Revised Edition” by Olatunji Mwamba, Sba and Mkuu Mzee, Sba
So, in actuality, we are in the year 7724 (2022 C.E.).
Did Ancient Kmtyw-‘Blacks’ (incorrectly referred to as Egyptians) Trade For Nicotine and Cocaine With the New World?
“It has long been said that Christopher Columbus was not the first foreigner to step foot in the Americas by the time he reached there in 1492. Among the theories put forward is that the Vikings, Chinese, Greeks, and Italians may have all reached the New World before Columbus. Now new evidence suggests that the ancient Egyptians had been to the Americas as early as 1,000 BC, and for a surprising reason.
German scientist Dr Svetla Balabanova was studying the mummified remains of Lady Henut Taui, a member of the ruling class, when she made a surprising discovery – the mummy contained traces of nicotine and cocaine. Disbelief in the findings led to alternative hypotheses, for example, that the tests were contaminated or the mummies were fakes, but these ideas were disproved and the mummy and the test results were found to be authentic.
The results were particularly surprising considering that tobacco and coca plants, which were only found in the Americas at the time, were not exported overseas until the Victorian era in the 19th century. Could it be that the ancient Egyptians had made it all the way to America 3,000 years ago?”
The mummy of Priestess Henut Taui, who lived during the 21st Dynastic period between 1095-926 B.C.E., when examined was discovered to contain traces of cocaine, hashish, and nicotine. These are all substances that originate in the Americas and weren’t exported prior to the Victorian era of the 19th-century C.E.
“Dr. Balabanova obtained samples of intestinal tissue from deep inside Rameses, rather than the external layers of skin and cloth, and much to her amazement she discovered traces of cannabis, coca, and tobacco laid down in his body cells ‘like rings on a tree’.
For her fellow researchers, this still was not enough proof despite her excellent reputation, as such evidence contradicted conventional explanations of intercontinental contact thousands of years in the past. But, a decade later in 1992, seven ancient Egyptian mummies were flown from the Cairo Museum to Munich for further analysis.
Dr. Balabanova conducted a series of gas chromatography tests on samples of the seven mummies, one of which was the mummified remains of Henut Taui, ‘the lady of the two lands’, a priestess who lived sometime during the reign of the 21st Dynasty of ancient Egypt around 1000 BC. Each individual revealed the presence of nicotine and cocaine, and both the mummies and the results were deemed entirely credible.”
Warm Up to Ancient Intercontinental Travel
‘It may be therefore implied that Egypt obtained these plants in trade with far-flung urbanity from all over the ancient world’, wrote author/researcher Dr. Alexander Sumach. ‘Prepare to warm up to the plausible notion of intercontinental cultural contact that was either sustained or else in play to some extent during every phase of human history.’
The way the ancient people of Mexico designed their Cities is based on ideas that came from the ancient indigenous Kmtyw-‘The Blacks’ (incorrectly referred to as Egyptian) of the Nile Valley of Afrika.
Teotihuacan is a vast Mexican archaeological complex.
“The city is thought to have beenestablished around 100 BC, with major monuments continuously under construction until about 250 AD. The city may have lasted until sometime between the 7th and 8th centuries AD but its major monuments were sacked and systematically burned around 550 AD.”
“The early history of Teotihuacán is shrouded in mystery. Little is known about its ancient builders, including their name, precise religious beliefs, or language….”
“The whole city of Teotihuacán seems to be aligned astronomically. It is consistently oriented 15 to 25 degrees east of true north, and the front wall of the Pyramid of the Sun is exactly perpendicular to the point on the horizon where the sun sets on the equinoxes. The rest of the ceremonial buildings were laid out at right angles to the Pyramid of the Sun. The Avenue of the Dead points at the setting of the Pleiades. Another alignment is to the dog star Sirius, sacred to the ancient Egyptians, which has led some to suggest a link between the great pyramids of Egypt and Mexico.”
Are there any other people who used what is referred to as ‘Hieroglyphics’ as their writing system? And, who did so, at least 4,000 years or more, earlier than the Olmecs did?
which today have some 150,000 speakers, nevertheless the new text is very short
and offers no context as to content. With no guarantee that anyone will find a
Mesoamerican Rosetta Stone, it is uncertain that we shall ever know what the document says.
But that doesn’t mean that it has nothing to tell us. For more than a decade my work
has been involved with the analysis and encoding of characters belonging to more than
50 writing systems in the Universal Character Set (ISO/IEC 10646 and Unicode).
If anyone is qualified to look at a set of never-before-seen glyphs and
make an analysis of the entities it contains, I suppose I am.
This is not an attempt at decipherment. It is simply an analysis of the
content of the document.
I think that since we don’t know the Olmec language, it is extremely
unlikely that anyone will decipher the text of this document in the
absence of additional finds (and probably an extensive bilingual text),
which would be the only way of really comparing the text with any of
the living Mixe and Zoque languages. All I am attempting to do here is to organize
the 62 glyphs on the Cascajal Block so that the text can be analyzed.”
“Linguistically Ivan Van Sertima has been proven accurate and correct” by Or Duul Neter Neb, Certified Linguist
Linguistically Ivan Van Sertima is accurate so far as our evidence shows
“(1) Over six sound correspondences were demonstrated between Mixe Zoque languages and Negro Egyptian languages indicating a phonological genetic affinity
(2) Morphology must determine the validity in totality which was not demonstrated yet, even by us
(3) It’s possible, if not a genetic affinity is ascertained, it’s possible that Africans migrated to South America and traded with them confirming cultural diffusion before the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
I have established over 6 sound correspondences between proto-Olmec (Mixe Zoque) and the extant South American Mixe Zoque languages with Dogon Tommo So, Nubian Dongoalwi, SW Dinka, Kikongo, and Coptic. In no way possible do these numerous basic lexical demonstrations of sound laws explain cognates like corn, writing, boats, etc. by chance.
Either, these two groups of families are genetically related which morphology must prove the rest or these two groups were in deep trading as Ivan Sertima indicated, it’s possible by historical linguistic evidence that these two groups were in contact in the proto-Negro – Egyptian time period exceeding 10,000 BCE. This paper and the Bamilike – Ewondo papers, will be published in a peer-reviewed journal next.”
Did the ancient Kmtyw have the ability to sail the oceans?
And, you even some ignorant people saying the ancient Kmtyw (Egyptians) didn’t have seaworthy ships to sail to America. So, the ancient Kmtyw had enough ingenuity to know how to build the Mer (Pyramids) and other buildings of stone, could chart the stars, develop mathematics, medicine, medical tools, and so much more. But they couldn’t figure out how to sail the oceans.
“Types of Egyptian Boats”
“Mainly three types of Egyptian boats for different purposes were made in ancient Egypt. Simple reed rafts were used mostly for hunting in marshes. Eventually, stronger wooden boats were used for lengthy ocean excursions as well as to transport boulder blocks weighing many tons.
The third type of boat was the papyri from the boat. Papyrus boats were used for daily activities like hunting or religious ceremonies. These boats were made of bundles of bound papyrus reeds, and were lashed together into a long thin hull form in the style of a slight crescent.
Sailboats were also in use which had one square sail. The elegant Funeral boats were used to carry the dead across Nile River. They were buried along with the dead. When this became expensive, models of boats were buried. Military ships gradually evolved. Model boats for the symbolic journey of the sun god were also found.
The earliest record of a ship under sail is depicted on an Egyptian pot dating back circa 3200 B.C.E. These Egyptian boats were made of either native woods or conifers from Lebanon. Cedar was important as a boat-building material. Boats were often named.
The world’s oldest boat is found in the pyramid of King Khufu. It is a good example of papyri from a boat. The pieces were found unassembled. Some believe it was for the king to use in his afterlife.”
Well, here is what Herodotus said regarding that idea. Herodotus relates what was passed down to him and Senwosret (Sesonstris) who was NSWT Bity and ruled during the 12th Dynastic period between the years of 3299 B.C.E.-3280 B.C.E., by Kmtwy (Egyptian) Priests during his time in Km.t. And keep in mind Herodotus was an eyewitness to what the ancient Kmytw (Egyptians) looked like.
In “The Histories” translated by Aubrey De Selingcourt and Revised with Introductory matter and notes by John Marincola Book #2, section #102 (page 120), Herodotus said,
“I will pass on to say something of Sesostris, who succeeded them. Sesostris, the priests said, sailed first with a fleet of warships from the Arabian gulf along the coast of the Indian Ocean, subduing the coastal tribes as he went, until he found that shoal (shallow) water made further progress impossible; then on his return to Egypt (still according to the priests’ account), he raised a powerful army and marched across the continent, reducing to subjection every nation in his path. Whenever he encountered a courageous enemy who fought valiantly for freedom, he erected pillars on the spot inscribed with his own name and the country, and a sentence to indicate that by the might of his armed forces, he had won the victory; if, however, a town fell easily into his hands without a struggle, he made an addition to the inscription on the pillar- for not only did he record upon it the same facts as before, but added a picture of a woman’s genitals, meaning to show that the people of that town were no braver than women.”
And we haven’t even mentioned ‘Khufu’s Boat’
“Explore a Pharoah’s Boat”
“In 1954, an Egyptian archeologist discovered an immense, beautifully crafted ship buried in pieces right beside the Great Pyramid of Khufu. Now fully reassembled, this extraordinary royal craft, one of the oldest planked vessels in the world, has revolutionized our understanding of ancient Egyptian shipbuilding and continues to astonish visitors to the Giza Plateau….”
“…This is what Mallakh had found, as it appears today, reassembled, in the so-called Solar Boat Museum next to the Great Pyramid. The 144-foot-long vessel is known variously as the Khufu boat, the solar barque, or the pharaoh’s ship. Realizing the treasure he had on his hands, Mallakh took 20 months to remove the boat’s 1,224 separate pieces. Then a fellow Egyptian, Hag Ahmed Youssef Moustafa, a conservator for the Egyptian Antiquities Organization, led a team that painstakingly reconstructed the vessel.”
The Journey of Queen (NSWT Bity) Hatshepsut to Ta-Neter (Punt)
And there is the Journey to Punt down the Red Sea by Queen Hatshepsut who ruled as NSWT Bity, during the 18th Dynastic period between the years of 1650 B.C.E.-1600 B.C.E.
“The Expedition to Punt”
By Peter Tyson
Posted 12.01.09
In the 15th century B.C., the Egyptian pharaoh Hatshepsut, a woman who ruled as a king, launched a fabled expedition to a far-away land known as Punt, later recording the journey in a stone bas-relief. In this interactive, use a detailed line drawing of the bas-relief to follow the Punt expedition from start to finish.
LAUNCH INTERACTIVEFollow an Egyptian pharaoh’s voyage to the fabled Land of Punt, as chronicled in an ancient wall carving.
Note: Hieroglyphic translations and details of the expedition drawn from “The Land of Punt,” by Kenneth A. Kitchen, in The Archeology of Africa: Food, Metals, and Towns, edited by Thurston Shaw et al (Routledge, 1993). Secondary source: The Temple of Deir el Bahari, a six-volume work published in 1894 by the Swiss Egyptologist Edouard Naville.
(unloading cargo carving, Punt dwelling with ladder carving, men carrying tree carving)
Courtesy Stéphane Begoin
(Nehasi carving, baboon carving, rowers carving)
Courtesy Cheryl Ward
“Ancient Egyptian Navy”
“The ancient Egyptian navy has a very extensive history almost as old as the nation itself. The best sources over the type of ships they used and their purposes come from the reliefs from the various religious temples that spread throughout the land. While the early ships that were used to sail the Nile were often made out of reeds, the ocean and seagoing ships were then made out of cedar wood, most probably from the woods of Byblos in present day Lebanon. While the use of navy was not as important to the Egyptians as it may have been to the Greeks or Romans, it still proved its worth during the Thutmoside campaigns and even in defending Egypt under Rameses III. Thutmose III understood the importance in maintaining a fast and efficient communications and supply line that would connect his bases in the Levantine region with Egypt. For this reason, he constructed his famous dockyard for the royal fleet near Memphis, whose sole purpose was to constantly supply the campaigning Egyptian army with additional troops as well as communication with Egypt and general supplies.”
So, there is no evidence to prove such poor logic that ancient Afrikans could not have sailed to the Americas whatsoever.
Did the ancient Kmtyw only possess the phenotype of East Afrikans such as Ethiopians, Somalis, or Eritreans or did they possess many different Afrikan phenotypes?
They’ve even tried to say that the ancient Kmtyw (Egyptians) only had the phenotype of East Afrikans such as the Somalis, Eritreans, and Ethiopians. However, such a claim is not true at all. In fact, the ancient Kmtyw had a variety of phenotypes, hair textures, and complexions.
Herodotus was an eyewitness to what the ancient Kmytw (Egyptians) looked like.
“The Histories”, Book #2, section #102 (page 120) by Herodotus, translated by Aubrey De Selingcourt and Revised with Introductory matter and notes by John Marincola
Herodotus said,
“I will pass on to say something of Sesostris, who succeeded them. Sesostris, the priests said, sailed first with a fleet of warships from the Arabian Gulf along the coast of the Indian Ocean, subduing the coastal tribes as he went, until he found that shoal (shallow) water made further progress impossible; then on his return to Egypt (still according to the priests’ account), he raised a powerful army and marched across the continent, reducing to subjection every nation in his path. Whenever he encountered a courageous enemy who fought valiantly for freedom, he erected pillars on the spot inscribed with his own name and the country, and a sentence to indicate that by the might of his armed forces, he had won the victory; if, however, a town fell easily into his hands without a struggle, he made an addition to the inscription on the pillar- for not only did he record upon it the same facts as before, but added a picture of a woman’s genitals, meaning to show that the people of that town were no braver than women.”
“The Histories”, Book #2, section #103 (pp 120-121) by Herodotus, translated by Aubrey De Selingcourt and Revised with Introductory matter and notes by John Marincola
Herodotus said,
“Thus his victorious progress through Asia continued until he entered Europe and defeated the Scythians and the Thracians; this, I think, was the furthest point the Egyptian army reached for memorial columns are seen in this part of the country but not beyond. On his way back, Sesostris came to the river Phasis, and it is quite possible that he detached a body of troops from his army and left them behind to settle—or, on the other hand, it may be that some of his men were sick of travels and deserted. I cannot say with certainty which supposition is the right one.”
“The Histories”, Book #2, sections #104 and #105 (pp 120 & 121) by Herodotus, translated by Aubrey De Selingcourt and Revised with Introductory matter and notes by John Marincola
Herodotus said,
“But it is undoubtedly a fact that the Colchians are of Egyptian descent. I noticed this myself before I heard anyone mention it, and when it occurred to me I asked some questions both in Colchis and in Egypt, and found that the Colchians remembered the Egyptians more distinctly than the Egyptians remembered them. The Egyptians did, however, say that they thought the original Colchians were men from Sesostris’ army. My own idea on the subject was based first on the fact that they have Black skins and woolly hair (not that that amounts to much, as other nations have the same), and secondly, and more especially, on the fact that the Colchians, The Egyptians, and the Ethiopians are the only races which from ancient times have practiced circumcision. ThePhoenicians, and Syrians of Palestine, themselves who lived near the rivers Thermodon, and Parthenius, as well as their neighbors the Macronians, say they all learnt it only a short time ago, from the Colchians. No other nations use circumcision, and all these are without a doubt following the Egyptian lead. As between The Egyptians, and the Ethiopians, I cannot say which learned from the other, for the custom is evidently a very ancient one; but I have no doubt that other nations adopted it as a result of their intercourse with Egypt, and in this belief, I am strongly supported by the fact that Phoenicians who have contact with Greece drop the Egyptian usage and allow their children to go uncircumcised. And now that I think of it, there is a further point of resemblance between the Colchians and The Egyptians: they share a method of weaving linen different from any other people, and there is also a similarity between them in language and way of living…”
This is NSTW Bity (Pharaoh) Senwosret 1st(a.k.a. Sesostris to the Greeks), 2nd NSTW Bity (Pharaoh) of the 12th Dynastic period 3376-3331 B.C.E. This is the same Senwosret (Sesostris) mentioned by Herodotus in his “Book of Histories”
By the way, this statue of NSTW Bity (Pharaoh) Senwosret 1st (a.k.a. Sesostris).
It is housed and on display at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City.
Incidentally, the Greek terms Herodotus used in describing the ancient Kmytw
(Egyptians) were Melanchroes (Black or dark skin) and oulotrich (woolly hair).
“Melanchroes,” is what most scholars translate as black, while some scholars translate it as “dark” or “dark skinned.”
melanin (n.)
dark brown or black pigment found in animal bodies, 1832, Modern Latin, with chemical suffix -in (2); the first element is from Greek melas (genitive melanos) “black” (see melano-). Related: Melanism; melanistic.
Etymology, origin and meaning of melanin by etymonline
MELANIN Meaning: “black” (see melano-). Related: Melanism; melanistic. See origin and meaning of melanin.
“tumor containing melanin,” 1826, medical Latin, from Greek melas (genitive melanos) “black” (see melano-) + -oma. Greek melanōma meant “blackness.”
From mid19th century: Greek melas, melan-‘Black’
Etymology, origin and meaning of melanoma by etymonline
MELANOMA Meaning: “tumor containing melanin,” 1826, medical Latin, from Greek melas (genitive melanos) “black” (see… See origin and meaning of melanoma.
New Latin Ulotrichi (plural) division of humankind having crisp or woolly hair (from Greek oulotrich-, oulothrix having curly or woolly hair, from oulos curly, woolly + trich-, thrix hair) + English -ous; akin to Greek eilein to roll, eilyein to roll, wrap
Here are a few more statues, figurines, etc. as proof they possessed varying types of Phenotypes of Blacksin ancient Km.t.
NSWT Bity (Pharoah)Narmer, 1st NSWT Bity (Pharoah) of the first Unified Dynastic period of ancient Km.t, in recorded History. 5660–5598 B.C.E.
Inside of one of the Pyramids built during the 4th Dynastic period 4872–4599 B.C.E.
Kmtyw (Egyptian) Soldiers from the 11th Dynastic period between 3560-3402 B.C.E.
Queen Tiyewife of NSWT Bity (Pharoah) Amenhotep 3rd and Mother of NSWT Bity (Pharoah) Akhenaton of the 18th Dynastic period
NSWT Bity (Pharoah) Akhenaton 18th Dynastic period 1501–1474 B.C.E.
One of the last indigenous Afrikans to reign in ancient Km.t during the 26th Dynastic Period.
None of these NSWT BITYS or their wives possesses the phenotype or skin complexion of the people of the Levant, Western Asia, or the people from the Mediterranean or elsewhere in Europe (Caucasians).
All of these NSWT BITYS (Pharaohs) and wives possess the typical phenotype and brown and dark brown skin complexions, hair textures, etc., of typical indigenous Black Afrikan people from all over the continent of Afrika; As Black people possess a variety of phenotypes, shades of light Brown to very Dark Brown skin complexions and hair textures.
Here are photos of the everyday Kmtyw.
It should be clear that the ancient Kmtyw possessed a variety of phenotypes and hair textures.
So, what you’re asserting is that the ancient Kmtyw could create the world’s first, oldest, and most accurate Solar Calendar, build Monolithic buildings of stone including the 3 Great Mer (Pyramids) at the Giza Plateau, create Mathematical equations we still use today, study the Solar System, spirituality, writing scripts, etc. We created the study of Medicine and various Medical Instruments, still in use today, ships and Seafaring, and so many more contributions to Civilization. But you’re saying they couldn’t figure out how to come to America? Really?
As such, in your silly little mind because there is no papyrus where they wrote about coming to the Western Hemisphere this proves they never came here. That is nothing more than an assumption and speculation.
Here is some of the empirical evidence that should be analyzed.
There are the 8ft. tall, 20-ton Stone Heads, several of which possess phenotypes of Black people and do not possess the phenotype of Native Americans. Some skulls are typical of Black people discovered at some of the Olmec sites. There is also Linguistic evidence, the Solar Calendar, botany, and flora, Mer (Pyramids), cities oriented exactly like those in ancient Km.t, etc.
These so-called Meso-American have spent their time condemning Van Sertima’s book, “They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America” and the sources contained in it. And yet, when asked, not one of them has honestly read “African Presence in Early America” by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Van Sertima, himself says his book, “African Presence In Early America” was written to address the complaints and condemnation of the first book.
Here is the first paragraph from the introduction of “AFRICAN PRESENCE IN EARLY AMERICA”.By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima 15 yrs. later. Pg. 5.
“It is now 15 years since they came before Columbus the African presence in ancient America was first published. It appeared from Random House in January of 1977 and it’s now in its 11th printing. Like most controversial works, it has attracted the most extreme and vicious criticism as well as the most enthusiastic praise. Like most controversial works also, its most voluble commentators have either read it superficially or have misread it, for it is often praised and attacked for the wrong reasons, for saying things I did not say, for advancing positions I would neither entertain nor defend. The time has come to present some of the new evidence that has emerged since then in this steadily expanding field. It has also become necessary to clarify the stands I took nearly a decade ago and to reexamine the case for a pre-Columbian contact between Africans and Native Americans with a greater scholarly precision and lucidity.”
In addition, Dr. Van Sertima wrote another book to further address their attacks on his work, entitled, “Early America Revisited”.
Now, where does it say that in order to research Meso-America one must have a Doctorate Degree or any Degree in Meso-American Studies? If one is an Archaeologist, Anthropologist, Linguist, Etymologist, or has a Doctorate Degree in any one or more of these sciences, etc., they’d be more than qualified to research, write, or speak about any issues relative to World History, where those scientific disciplines I listed below are required. That is not restricted to any particular geographical location. For each scientific discipline, I provided a definition. And possessing a Doctorate Degree in any one or more of the scientific disciplines I’ve alluded to, more than meets the requirements necessary to substantiate the assertion that Dr. Van Sertima wrote about. Such silliness and arrogance by those who have an Agenda. The most important requirement is that you have honesty and integrity, and apply the fundamentals and scientific methodology of that particular scientific discipline in question to your research, to arrive at an accurate and correct conclusion. That is what makes one an expert. There are no restrictions on any of these scientific disciplines being applied geographically to any particular location on this planet at all. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima had Doctorate Degrees in both Anthropology and Linguistics. This is why their attacks on Leo Weiner and his book entitled, “Africa and the Discovery of America” are so fallacious and false. Leo Weiner was a Certified Linguist. As a Linguist, one must Master the Science of Linguistics, including The Historical Comparative Method of Linguistics, which includes mastering the methodology of that particular scientific study. Once one masters that skillset he or she is a Linguist and is not excluded from researching any avenue of LInguistics at all.
In addition, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima was honored as a historian of world repute by being asked to join UNESCO’s International Commission for Rewriting the Scientific and Cultural History of Mankind.
And, by the way, since some are making such a big fuss about Dr. Van Sertima’s heritage, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima is of mixed-race heritage. He is part Black, part Native American himself. So…. he has as much right to investigate and research this issue, as anyone else. And besides, one’s race is not a barrier of any kind, to conducting research in any scientific field of study. The only barrier is one’s own lack of honesty and integrity, as to the conclusions one reaches.
Well, this is the book many detractors like to put up to try and refute the research of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. Well, Gabriel Haslip-Viera only has a Doctorate Degree in Sociology. He does not have any degree in Anthropology, Archaeology, or Linguistics. So, all he has is his Doctorate Degree in Sociology. So, how does a Doctorate Degree in Sociology qualify him to argue with Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and his scientific research? He has no scientific, Doctorate Degree in Archaeology, Anthropology, Etymology, and Linguistics; all sciences necessary to the task of the study of the Olmecs. As we can see, it is Gabriel Haslip-Viera who is the one who doesn’t have the scientific background to even be in such a discussion, not Dr. Ivan Van Sertima.
What is very interesting is the fact that while Van Sertima’s detractors continue to assign the terms ‘Afrocentrity’/’Afrocentric’ to him and any of the scholars mentioned by me and their research, they never provide the correct definition of the term (s), ‘Afrocentrity’/’Afrocentric’ itself.
So, the question for those who make such an accusation is, do you even know what the term (s) ‘Afrocentrity’/’Afrocentric’ who coined this term (s) and how he defined that term (s)? Because the term (s), ‘Afrocentrity’/’Afrocentric’ does indeed have a definition. And based on the definition provided to it, by the person who coined the term in the first place, I’m not ‘Afrocentric’, nor is anything I’ve presented ‘Afrocentric’ either. I do not agree with such a term or the definition Dr. Molefi Asante’ gave the term. I am not ‘Afrocentric’ nor do I subscribe to such a term. And I have never claimed to be ‘Afrocentric’ either.
Unlike those who disagree with me, I have read the book written by the person who coined the term, ‘Afrocentricity’, and who gave it, its definition. His name is Dr. Molefi Keke Asante. He wrote an entire book expounding on that term in the book he entitled, “Afrocentricity: Theory of Social Change”. In his book, he provided the definition he created for that term, on page 2. The definition he provides in his book does not represent me nor any Political stance that I adhere to. And more to the point, proves I am not ‘Afrocentric’, nor is anything I’ve presented here ‘Afrocentric’ either. The terms, ‘Afrocentricity’ and ‘Afrocentric’ are Political/Philosophical/Socio terms, the latter deriving from the former. The term ‘Afrocentric’ already has a clear definition that was supplied to it by the person who originally coined that term, Dr. Molefi Asante.
Here is the definition of ‘Afrocentricity’, from the book entitled “Afrocentricity: Theory of Social Change”, page 2, by Dr. Molefi Asante
He says, “Finally, Afrocentricity seeks to enshrine the idea that Blackness itself is a Trope of Ethics. Thus, to be black is to be against all forms of oppression, racism, classism, homophobia, patriarchy, child abuse, pedophilia, and white racial domination.”
Neither I nor the other scholars I cite agree with Dr. Molefi Asante’s ‘trope of ethics’, as he describes them. The term, ‘Afrocentricity’ is being used by those who disagree with Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and others as a way of degrading the actual sciences he and other scholars base their conclusions on and have provided as evidence of their conclusions. So, they masquerade their real intentions by castigating the researched conclusions of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and others by using the term, ‘Afrocentricity’ or ‘Afrocentric’, etc. However, ‘Afrocentricity/Afrocentric’ is a Socio-Political and Philosophical term. This is not a Socio-Political or Philosophical discussion. This is a Historical discussion where documented facts and evidence using the scientific disciplines I alluded to earlier are absolutely required. And as I said earlier and reiterate now, I do not agree with nor do I subscribe to the term, ‘Afrocentricity’ or ‘Afrocentric’ or any of its variants at all.
And these silly asses make the ridiculous argument that a scholar, who is not Meso-American must consult with Meso-American scholars before researching and/or publishing his or her work is pure nonsense. Really? Generally, scholars do not consult other scholars before researching their subjects. Who does that? How many of these so-called Meso-American scholars consulted with anyone before researching and/or publishing their works? How many of these so-called Meso-American scholars have conducted any field research of their own on the Olmecs themselves? Have they been to Southeastern Mexico, and conducted any field research in Tres Zapotes, La Venta, Vera Cruz, and Tabasco themselves, as Van Sertima has done? How many of these so-called Meso-American scholars consulted any Afrikan Scholars listed above, that they so vehemently disrespected before publishing that nonsense paper entitled, “Robbing Native American Cultures”? And is their so-called research “Peer-Reviewed” and published in any research Journals, etc.? Because Dr. Ivan Van Sertima’s research has been “Peer-Reviewed” and accepted as being academically correct.
1.the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains.
treated as singularThe scientific study of language and its structure, including the study of grammar, syntax, and phonetics. Specific branches of linguistics include sociolinguistics, dialectology, psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, comparative linguistics, and structural linguistics.
radiocarbon dating (Archaeology) a technique for determining the age of organic materials, such as wood, based on their content of the radioisotope 14C acquired from the atmosphere when they formed part of a living plant.
The 14C decays to the nitrogen isotope 14N with a half-life of 5730 years. Measurement of the amount of radioactive carbon remaining in the material thus gives an estimate of its age. Also called: carbon-14 dating
So, my question is this: Where do any of these Scientific disciplines denote the necessity and requirement of anyone to be an expert in Meso-American studies or to consult any other scholars, or is restrictive geographically from certain geographical areas, before publishing their findings
“Columbus actually said in the journal of his second voyage when he was in Haiti, then known as Espanola, Native Americans came to him and told him that Black people had come in large boats from the south and southeast trading in gold-tipped metal spears. Probably Columbus did not believe this and that fact in itself would not be enough because the so-called Black people could be any people. It could be dark, bronze people from South America. However, Columbus actually sent back on a mail boat to Spain, samples of these gold-tipped metal spears. When the metallurgists in Spain assayed these spears, they found they were identical, not similar, but were identical in their ratio of gold, silver and copper alloys as spears then being forged in African Guinea.”—Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, first session on H.R. 2309, July 7, 1987
Now, I want you to read what they say about our Grand Master Afrikan Scholars in their so-called rebuttal, entitled, “Robbing Native American Cultures”. Read some of the nasty vitriol included in their ‘rebuttal’ in their ‘response’ entitled, “Robbing Native American Cultures”. Then I want you to watch the 30-minute youtube video I’ve included here, of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, below himself and you tell me. They are running this nonsense about what they refer to as ‘Lookership’. Damn fools. How many of these so-called Meso-American ‘scholars’ have done actual fieldwork on the Olmecs, as Dr. Ivan Van Sertima has done? The first thing any Archaeologist or Anthropologist would do is analyze what he or she has discovered by looking at it and analyzing it. That is called Archaeology. So, I guess what we actually see with our own eyes is not worthy of consideration in what we find. If the sky is blue and I tell you it’s poker-dot, even though you can clearly see that the sky is blue, are you going to believe it’s poker-dot? What we see with our own eyes is called empirical evidence.
em·pir·i·cal|\ im-ˈpir-i-kəl, em-\
variants: or less commonly empiric\im-ˈpir-ik, em- \
Definition of empirical
1: originating in or based on observation or experience empirical data
2: relying on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory an empirical basis for the theory
3: capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment empirical laws
In addition, Dr. Van Sertima has the support and agreement of many actual Meso-American scholars, one is included in the video I’ve provided.
There are even some who claim that many of the artifacts found there are ‘fake’. The question I ask is this: Are you accusing Dr. Ivan Van Sertima of creating these ‘fake artifacts’? If not, we must conclude that these ‘fake artifacts’ must have been created by Caucasians or others. So, what would be the motive for Caucasians or others to create ‘fake artifacts’ that would establish an early Afrikan presence in America, prior to Christopher Columbus (Cristo Colon) coming to the Western Hemisphere in 1492? How would such a revelation positively help maintain the system of Racism white-Supremacy/white Terrorism? In addition, this isn’t to say we shouldn’t consider other pieces of actual evidence. Quite the contrary. However, the first thing one must consider is the actual evidence, not the sources. This is what is called ‘Prima Facie’ evidence. Those 8ft 20-ton statues are actual evidence.
‘Prima Facie evidence’
[Latin, On the first appearance.] A fact is presumed to be true unless it is disproved.
And to those who want to assert that there are Afrikan-Centered scholars who disagree with Dr. Ivan Van Sertima’s findings, present these Afrikan-Centered scholars who disagree with him, present their quotes, and any research they, themselves have done on this topic that refutes the research of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima or be quiet until you can do so. Because, in fact, there are several Afrikan-Centered Scholars who do agree with his findings. All one needs to do is read his books, “African Presence In Early America”, and “Early America Revisited”. The facts and evidence contained in these books prove otherwise.
And those who want to make his sources an issue, need to consider what ‘empirical evidence, and ‘Prima Facie evidence’ actually are. You have examined the evidence contained in any of those sources you are railing about? I highly doubt it. You need to consider the fact that Dr. Ivan Van Sertima conducted his own field research, as well. So, unless you can provide ‘empirical’‘Prima Facie’ evidence that refutes what we can actually see with our own eyes, that must be our first position on this issue. What those of our people who support such attacks against our Afrikan-Centered scholars do not understand is ‘Intellectual Warfare’ and ‘the Politics of History’. Those who take the position of the ‘Meso-Americans’ accusation that we are ‘robbing them of their culture’ don’t even realize that what they are doing is pushing the false and Racist narratives made by these so-called ‘Meso-Americans’ and doing so, even stronger and better than they are. The arrogant, incorrect, a-historical positions made by these so-called Meso-Americans’ is just as Racist as the Caucasians’ position on everything that isn’t a part of their own Culture. They are trying to downgrade our contributions to World Civilization, just as Caucasians have been doing for the last 200 years or so.
Most of these ‘so-called’ Meso-American Scholars making these claims were not born in Mexico and are not related to the Mayans at all. Nor are any of these ‘so-called’ Meso-American scholars related to the Olmecs either. Most of them were born in the United States of America.
Let’s look at the etymology of the term Meso, as in Meso-America.
before vowels mes-, word-forming element meaning “middle, intermediate, halfway,” from Greek mesos “middle, in the middle; middling, moderate; between” (from PIE root *medhyo- “middle”).
republic lying to the south of the U.S., from Spanish, from Nahuatl (Aztecan)mexihco, which originally referred to the Valley of Mexico around present-day Mexico City. It became the name of the nation (formerly New Spain) upon independence from Spain in 1821.
The etymology of this is opaque. Because of the difference in vowel length, it cannot be derived from ME-TL ‘maguey.’ The sequence XIH also differs in vowel length from XIC-TLI ‘navel,’ which has been proposed as a component element. The final element is locative -C(O). [Kartunnen]
So, making the accusation that Black people are ‘robbing them of the culture’ is ludicrous. It isn’t their Culture, to begin with, because most of those asserting this nonsense aren’t Meso-Americans anyway. They were born in the U.S. In addition, there is no direct DNA evidence that proves that the Mayans are related to the Olmecs, nor is there any evidence that proves that the Olmecs were related to the Mayans. And despite these ‘so-called’ Meso-Americans’ desire of wanting this to be a fact, they cannot provide any conclusive DNA evidence proving their desire to be a fact.
They cannot provide any direct DNA Research study and evidence to prove the Olmec and the Mayans are the exact same people or related to each other.
Here is a Map of the geography of the ancient Olmec.
And here is a Map of the Maya.
They were not in the exact same geographical location of what is now referred to as Mexico.
Here is the timeline of The Olmec Civilization which existed between circa, 1500 B.C.E.-400 B.C.E. The question is where is the evidence of any gradual evolutionary stages of development towards this great Civilization? In every Civilization, you can trace the evolutionary stages of development until it reaches its height, its pinnacle, and descends slowly towards its decline, and final disappearance, etc. However, it appears this great Civilization of the Olmecs explodes onto the scene from out of nowhere. How is that possible?
The Mayans date back to circa 2600 B.C.E. However, they were primarily nothing more than hunter-gatherers during this time-period, until around the time they built their first City circa 200 C.E. (A.D.) And everyone can see the heavy influence of the Olmec Civilization on the Mayans and their Civilization.
Here is another quote that those who are critics of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima need to contemplate:
“There, a people now forgotten, discovered, while others were yet Barbarians, the elements of the arts and sciences. A race of men, now rejected from society for their sable skin and frizzled hair, founded on the study of laws of nature, those civil and religious systems which still govern the Universe”.- “The Ruins of Empires”, pp.16-17, by Count F. Volney
And there is this piece of documented evidence.
From the Journal of the 3rd Voyage of Christopher Columbus, vol. #2, page 5, as well.
“In his Journal of the Third Voyage Columbus tells us that before starting for Hispaniola he was told by King Juan of Portugal that ships had come from the west, and so he decided first to go to Guinea’ to verify on his way the opinion of King Don Juan, and he wanted to find out what the Indians of Hispaniola had told him, that there had come to it from the south and southeast Negro people, who brought those spear points made of a metal which they call guanin, of which he sent to the king and queen for assaying, and which was found to have in thirty-two parts; eighteen of gold, six of silver, and eight of copper. There is no escaping the fact that Columbus knew that the guani came from Guinea and that there had been merchants or voyages in Hispaniola before him. This confirms the derivation of caona, guani from the Mande word for gold”.
Source: “Africa and the Discovery of America” by Leo Wiener p.34
‘The Canoe’
“Under October 13, 1492, when land was first sighted the Journal quotes the very words of Columbus:
“…This account of Canoes, in which it will be observed, the word canoa does not occur, sounds suspiciously like older accounts of the Negroes’ boats.”
Source: “Africa and the Discovery of America” by Leo Wiener p.43
In addition, here are Dr. Ivan Van Sertima’s own words.
‘Reply to My Critics’ by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
“An attack on my thesis that Africans made contact with America before Columbus in two major pre-Christian periods (circa 1200 b.c. and circa 800 b.c.) in addition to the Mandingo contact period (1310/1311 A.D.) has been circulated in advance to hundreds of subscribers to a journal, Current Anthropology. Copies of this attack by Bernard de Montellano, Warren Barbour, and Gabriel Haslip-Viera were also sent out to African-American scholars, some of whom were cited in the attack, dishonestly titled “Van Sertima’s Afrocentricity and the Olmecs.”
The title’s emphasis is meant to suggest that all revisions of African history by so-called “Blacks” belong to a common school, radiate from a common brain, and are cast in the same “racialist” hue and mode. This circular, which precedes my new book, REPLY TO MY CRITICS (scheduled to appear in Sept), seeks to highlight the brazen and malicious lies, slanders, and misrepresentations that characterize this attack. Let it be noted that I was invited to respond to this attack but was forced to withdraw. The editor, after verbally agreeing that I could reprint my commentary after the issue of the Journal appeared, did a dramatic about-turn when pressed to sign a written agreement to back up his word. He wrote that I could only reprint my “commentary” (15 pages) if I also reprinted the attack on me (50 pages) since “they form a unit.” To feel the full absurdity of this, just imagine the Jewish Defense League being forced to republish an extended Nazi-type attack on their positions in order to republish a brief response to such a slanderous attack.”
LIE ONE: – “Van Sertima’s expedition allegedly sailed or drifted westward to the Gulf of Mexico where it came in contact with inferior Olmecs. These individuals created Olmec civilization.” – De Montellano, Barbour, and Haslip-Viera.
THE TRUTH: As far back as 1976, I made my position on this matter very clear. I never said that Africans created or founded American civilization. I said they made contact and all significant contact between two peoples lead to influences. “I think it is necessary to make it clear – since partisan and ethnocentric scholarship seems to be the order of the day – that the emergence of the Negroid face, which the archeological and cultural data overwhelmingly confirm, in no way presupposes the lack of a native originality, the absence of other influences or the automatic eclipse of other faces”-p. 147 of “They Came Before Columbus.” See also Journal of African Civilizations, Vol 8, No. 2, 1986. “I cannot subscribe to the notion that civilization suddenly dropped onto the American earth from the Egyptian heaven.”
LIE TWO: None of the early Egyptians and Nubians looked like Negroes. “They have long, narrow noses…” “Short, flat noses are confined to the West African ancestors of African-Americans.” Again, “there is no evidence that ancient Nubians ever braided their hair. This style comes from colonial and modern Ethiopia.”
THE TRUTH: Narrow noses have been found among millions of pure-blooded Africans. We can see this among the Elongated and Nilotic types. My critics know nothing about the variants of Africa, ancient or modern. All the six main variants of the African have been found in the Egyptian and Nubian graves. For examples of ancient braided Nubian hair, see Frank Snowden’s “Before Color Prejudice,” As for Egypto-Nubians only having narrow noses, see Egyptian pharaohs in Vol 10 and 12 of the JAC and major Nubian pharaohs in Peggy Bertram’s essay (JAC, Vol.12) -Ushanaru, Plate 8, p 173; Taharka as the god Amun from Kawa Temples, Plate 9, p. 173; Shabaka, Plate 12, p. 176. Tanwetamani, Plate 16, p. 180. To say that these are narrow noses is to exhibit a colossal ignorance of African types in ancient Egypt and Nubia. The agenda behind this is to bolster their case that they could not have been models for any of the Olmec stone heads. LIE THREE: Modern Egyptians look exactly as they did thousands of years ago. The composition of the Egyptians has not changed over the last 5000 years. Invasions by the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, and Romans left them looking the same today as in the dawn of history.
THE TRUTH: This is a hasty misreading of the work of scholars like A.C. Berry, R. J. Berry, and Ucko who point out that there is a remarkable degree of homogeneity in this area for 5000 years. What a superficial reading of this fails to note is that the period ends with the close of the native dynasties BEFORE the invasions of the Assyrian, Persian, Greek, Roman, and Arab foreigners.
LIE FOUR: Faced with the startlingly Negroid features of some of the Olmec stone heads, my critics try 4 ways out: (a) They are “spitting images of the native;” (b) they appear dark because some of them were carved out of dark volcanic stone; (c) some were made of white basalt which turned dark over time; (d) ancient Egyptians and Nubians were remote in physiognomy from sub-Saharan Negroes and none of them could have been models for any of the “Negro-looking” heads. Having said all that, they then claim that “races are not linked to specific physiognomic traits.”
THE TRUTH: No need to shoot them down on this. They turned the gun on themselves.
LIE FIVE: Nothing African has been found in any archeological excavation in the New World.
THE TRUTH: In the drier centers of the Olmec world – at Tlatilco, Cerro de las Mesas, and Monte Alban – the Polish craniologist, Andrez Wiercinski, found indisputable evidence of an African presence. The many traits analyzed in these Olmec sites indicated individuals with Negroid traits predominating but with an admixture of other racial traits. This is what I have said. The work of A. Vargas Guadarrama is an important reinforcement of Wiercinski’s study. He found that the skulls he examined at Tlatilco, which Wiercinski had classified as Negroid, were “radically different” from other skulls on the site, bearing indisputable similarities to skulls in West Africa and Egypt.”
He was asked by Congress to appear before a Congressional Committee onJuly 7, 1987, to challenge the Columbus myth. This landmark presentation before Congress was illuminating and brilliantly presented in the name of all peoples of color across the world.”
“In 1991, Dr. Van Sertima defended his highly controversial thesis on the African presence in pre-Columbian America before the Smithsonian.
In 1994, The Smithsonian published a book entitled, “Race, Discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View of 1492”, Published by the Smithsonian Institution, edited by Vera Lawrence Hyatt and Rex Nettleford. This book includes separate, individual chapters by both Dr. Ivan Van Sertima andDr. Theophile Obenga on the Afrikan Presence and Afrikan influence in the Americas.
So, why did the U.S. Congress invite him to speak in 1987, and present his research to them if they considered his research to be bogus and false? And why would the Smithsonian Institute, the most prestigious Museum in the United States of America, invite Dr. Ivan Van Sertima to give a lecture there in 1991 to present his research, and then publish his research, proving that Afrikans came to the Americas prior to Columbus, if his evidence was bogus? And why would the Smithsonian Institute publish that Research in a book in 1994, if they considered his research to be bogus and false?
Here are few quotes from The Peer-Reviewed Thesis entitled “Race, Discourse, and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View”, Published by the Smithsonian Institution, edited by Vera Lawrence Hyatt and Rex Nettleford
Many have misrepresented, conflated, and committed academic dishonesty as they egregiously attack the work of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. However, these attacks do not match the reality of what Dr. Ivan Van Sertima himself asserted in his works, thus many of the attacks are based on buzz-wording, and imperialistic racist media which clouds the actual acceptance of Dr. Ivan Van Sertima’s work within Peer review data.
People are unaware that the Smithsonian Institute, which is a peer-reviewed Institution, accepted Dr. Ivan Van Sertima’s thesis. His thesis was included in a text published by the Smithsonian Institution Press, entitled “Race, discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View” Published by the Smithsonian Institution, edited by Vera Lawrence Hyatt and Rex Nettleford. This is how we know it was peer-reviewed and academically accepted…
“SISP’s open access series — When ready for peer review, share your manuscript via Dropbox (or another file-transfer system) with scholarly press @ Scroll down to see “Required Materials.”
For instructions on preparing your manuscript, refer to the SISP Manuscript Preparation Guide.”
“Submissions for consideration as Smithsonian Contributions Series, Open Monographs, and the Atoll Research Bulletin are subjected to external and independent scholarly peer review. Peer review by Smithsonian scholars may occur when content is limited to Smithsonian facilities, operations, and practices. Acceptance for publication requires positive results from peer review of a complete manuscript and subsequent positive evaluation of a final revised manuscript by the publisher and by its Editorial Board.”
“SISP has one advisory Publications Oversight Board and seven Editorial Boards. All boards are comprised of scholarly representatives from Smithsonian museums, research facilities, and scholarly programs.”
Thus, we can see that his Thesis would have had POSITIVE RESULTS, to be included in the text. You should be reminded that he did a lecture at the Smithsonian defending his thesis on the African Presence in Pre-Columbian America in 1991, 3 years before his thesis was in a publication by the Smithsonian Institute’s publication and Peer Reviewed
Here are a few quotes from the text itself:
Let’s start with this quote from the PEER REVIEWED text since many have falsely claimed that Dr. Ivan van Sertima was not an Anthropologist and linguist…
“IVAN VAN SERTIMA, an anthropologist and linguist, is a professor of African studies at Rutgers University and also a visiting professor at Princeton University. Professor van Sertima served on the committee to nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize in Literature from 1976 to 1980 and was also invited to join UNESCO’s International Commission for Rewriting the Scientific and Cultural History of Mankind. He is the editor of the Journal of African Civilizations and the author of They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America; Swahili Dictionary of Legal Terms; Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern; Egypt Revisited; Nile Valley Civilizations; African Presence in Early Europe; and Great African Thinkers.” Pg.xiii(13)
Next, we have a quote referring to Dr. Ivan van Sertima’s work as Historically grounded…
“To Ivan Van Sertima, that link resides, as well, in his historically grounded conviction of the active presence of Africa in the Americas when the differing cultures coexisted in creative collision long before Iberian Europe landed at Cuanahani and encountered a native population in an act of codiscovery.” Pg.2
“In introducing Ivan Van Sertima, Niara Sudarkarsa, the noted African-American anthropologist and college president, was as a result prompted to a spirited declaration that “when the story of this twentieth-century intellectual and informational revolution is told, it will be remembered that the descendants of Africa, on the continent and in the diaspora, led the movement to reclaim the past, to resurrect the history that many European scholars had entombed in a sepulcher of deceptions and falsehoods, in order to justify, glorify, and even sanctify five hundred years of expansionism through conquest, colonialism, and exploitation.” Pg.3
“So rigorous are these rules—since they are, as Wittgenstein points out in another context, a function of our “forms of life’—that when Professor Ivan Van Sertima challenges the tacit supposition that peoples of ancient Africa could not have made voyages to this continent before Columbus, even though other nonwhite groups are admitted, if still rarely, to have done so, what he will be up against, are rules of representation that are as much the condition of our present “form of life” as were those that predetermined that the torrid zones and the Western Antipodes had to be uninhabitable as a function of the instituting of the feudal order.” Pg.37
Question of boats…
“Now we return to the question of boats. The dugout is a mere template or building block for extension and expansion techniques. Africans had many other types of boats. Apart from three thousand years of shipping on the Nile, we find a considerable range of watercraft on the Niger, a marine highway that is 2,500 miles long. On this highway one could find reed boats with sails, like the reed boats of ancient Egypt and Ethiopia; log rafts lashed together; enormous dugouts as wide-berthed, long, and sturdy as Viking ships; double-canoes connected catamaran fashion like the Polynesian; lateen-rigged dhows, as used by the Arabs and African maritime peasants on the Indian Ocean; rope-sewn plank vessels with cooking facilities in the hold; jointed boats fitted out with woven straw cabins (Van Sertima 1976, 1983).” Pg.89
He was not ‘Afrocentric’
“Van Sertima has consistently and explicitly held that there are contacts and mutual influences between many different civilizations and that civilizations are never complete packages imposed from outside. He thinks that the tremendous anti-African biases of the Eurocentric views dominant during the European period of colonialism must be replaced, but he wishes to replace Eurocentrism with a world view, not with a biased Afrocentric view.” Pg.103
“Hence, despite repeated clear-cut disclaimers of racism by Van Sertima (which I personally, find entirely convincing in the light of how he expresses his hypotheses)” Pg.105
“The by and large white “establishment” archaeologists have rejected Van Sertima’s work, in many cases without examination, as “fringe” or even “cult” archaeology, while many African scholars of high critical acumen have applauded the work as a remarkable synthesis of very diverse data. Since these views split primarily (though by no means exclusively) along racial divisions (at least in terms of self-perceived identities), it is natural that many blacks have perceived the “establishment” rejection of Van Sertima’s work as due to racial bias. Without in any way denying that biases have been at work in many aspects of the appraisal of these problems (including political and economic as well as racial biases), I do not think that racial bias is the principal factor in this division, and I think that it is worthwhile to look here at five other factors: intellectual bias; the concept of independent, parallel evolution; the history of watercraft; archaeological and other kinds of evidence of contact; and control of the relevant data.” Pp.103-104
The only thing I will quote by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima from the text is a quote that shows he could not been ‘Afrocentric’, just as an earlier quote has already informed you, and that he understood scientific data and secular thinking:
“I would like to request at the outset that I not be judged today on all the positions I held fifteen years ago, but on what I say now. In such a broad-ranging exploration where one is walking on ground that is partly lit and partly hidden in the grayness of antiquity, one is bound to stumble here and there. The important point is to admit it when one discovers one has erred. Let me also say that with the new and more formidable bodies of evidence available today, my fundamental thesis is in no way weakened, but reinforced. One proceeds with far greater caution but with far less doubt.” – Dr. Ivan Van Sertima. pg.66
“Ivan Van Sertima and the Olmec World: A Photo Essay”
Los Angeles, California USA; Paris, French Republic
The following is an excerpt from Uncovering the African Past: The Ivan Van Sertima Papers by Runoko Rashidi (London: Books of Africa, 2015).
“Ivan Van Sertima and the Olmec World: A Photo Essay”
by Runoko Rashidi, D.D.
“What today we are calling the Olmec civilization flourished in the present Mexican states of Vera Cruz and Tabasco. The highpoint of Olmec civilization was the eight-hundred year period from about 1200 BCE to about 400 BCE. The great centers of the Olmec world were San Lorenzo, La Venta, and Tres Zapotes. San Lorenzo was the first of the three, beginning about 900 BCE. It was the greatest city in the Americas. La Venta came next, beginning about 900 BCE and remaining the most powerful center in the Americas until about 400 BCE. In La Venta was erected a great pyramid— probably at the time the largest such structure in the Americas.
It is important to note that Dr. Van Sertima did not think of the Olmec as an African civilization. He thought of it as a Mesoamerican civilization in which Africans entered at a pivotal period and exerted an influence that can only be described as dramatic. And what stands out the most about Olmec civilization are a series of massive stone heads. There are at least seventeen of these heads and all of them have the features of Africans. We do not know who the people depicted in the form of these heads. Ten of these heads were unearthed at San Lorenzo and four more at La Venta. Two were found at Tres Zapotes—the last great Olmec center
Perhaps those portrayed in the form of these massive heads were rulers, perhaps they were priest-kings. Maybe they were gods. Each of the heads was carved from single blocks of stone. But whoever they were and whatever they were, they were surely, in appearance at least, highly Africoid. And this was Ivan’s major thrust, his major assertion, what he called his “thesis”—that the African presence in the Olmec world demonstrated that the African first entered the Western Hemisphere not as chattels, not as property, not as merchandise, not as enslaved people, but as masters in control of their own destinies. He was certainly not the first to make the argument but he was clearly the most persuasive and the most articulate. And for this, Ivan Van Sertima, we can never thank you enough! Well done, my brother!”
What I find very interesting, but quite disturbing is how many Black people spew such hatred toward another Black man they’ve never met and know little to nothing about. Most of you who call him and his book Pseudo have never read any of his books. I know this fact because whenever I encounter any of you online, I ask simple questions regarding his other books on the topic of the Olmec, and your responses prove you’ve never read his other books on the topic. In fact, the overwhelming majority of you, have only read critiques of his first book, “They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America”. Most of you have never even read this book. How many of you have critiqued those who critiqued his research? None of you!!! You should be ashamed of yourselves. Now, as a Black person here is a question I’d like all of you to answer. Why do you need Dr. Ivan Van Sertima to be wrong and incorrect? Have any of you thought about that? Why do you need him to be wrong?
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima was a man of honor, discipline, integrity, and decency; something I find lacking in many of those who spew such hatred toward him.
So, to be crystal clear. I am not asserting that Black/Afrikan people are indigenous to any part of the Americas. We are Afrikan people. I am proud of this fact. I am not claiming that the Olmecs were Afrikan people either. What I am asserting is that there is documented, scientific evidence of an Afrikan presence among the Olmecs. And there is documented scientific evidence proving there was a major Afrikan influence on the Olmec Civilization. So much so, that the Olmecs constructed several colossal stone heads, some, standing at least 8 ft tall and weighing at least 20 tons or more. Many of these Colossal Stone Heads resemble Afrikans of varying phenotypes from the continent of Afrika.
And finally, no one is trying to rob Native Americans of their Culture. It isn’t their Culture, to begin with, because most of those asserting this nonsense aren’t Meso-Americans anyway. They were born in the U.S. Black people don’t need to rob anyone of anything nor do we desire to do so. But at the same time, we are not going to allow anyone to rob our own people or deny our own people of our own presence, contributions, and influence on Meso-American Civilization or any other ancient Civilizations, when there is clear evidence proving we have done so either. So, what we are doing here and now is setting the record straight!!!
(12) “Intellectual Warfare” by Dr. Jacob Carruthers
(13) “The Art of Research” by Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro, Ph.D.
(14) “African Time: Universe to 1896 A.D.”, Expanded Edition, by Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro, Ph.D. Ife Kilimanjaro, Ph.D., and Yahra Aaneb, Seba
(15) “SEPDT: African Kmt’s Calendar Modernized”, byTdka Maat Kilimanjaro, Ph.D.
(16) “Echoes of The Old Darkland” by Dr. Charles Finch
(17) “The Star Of Deep Beginnings” by Dr. Charles Finch
(18) “When We Ruled” by Robin Walker
(19) “Race, Discourse, and the Origins of the Americas: A New World View”, by The Smithsonian Institution Vera Lawrence Hyatt (Editor), Rex Nettleford (Editor)
(20) “Great African Thinkers” by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima
I Pronounce my name Oh-LAH-TOON-jee UUM-WAHM-bah
I was born June 7, 1954, in Baltimore City, Maryland, The United States of America. I grew up in Baltimore City, Maryland on the Westside until I was 14 years old. We then moved to the Eastside of the City where I lived until Adulthood.
I am a straight Black man and I am happily married to my wife, Zakiyah. I am currently 66 years old. I am a father 8 (2 daughters and 6 sons), one step-daughter. I am a grandfather of 14 (9 granddaughters and 5 grandsons) and a great-grandfather of one great-grandson and one great-granddaughter.
I am a former member of 'The Black Panther Party For Defense' with my brief membership in the organization from 1969-1970 at the age of 15 (1969) - the age of 16 (1970). My job as a junior Panther was to Chronicle Police Brutality for The Black Panther Party For Defense. I left to pursue a Singing career in 1970. I was introduced to Black Nationalist, Afrikan-Centered knowledge, and Cultural Information by my Jegna, Bilaal Opio Oba in the summer of 1974. I became a staunch Black Nationalist when I was 20 years old, by the fall of 1974. I also converted to Islam in 1974, as well. I even became a Muslim Imam for about 3 1/2 years, between the years of 1977-1981. In addition, starting in 1974, I began a serious study of our History thru reading and studying our Grandmaster Afrikan-Centered scholars, as well. This study has been on-going; my entire adult life. This study of Afrikan-Centered information is a life study and is on-going. However, because of my search for truth, I no longer subscribe to the dictates of Islam. The study of History has provided me with the facts, the evidence, the truth. I continue to study and study is a lifelong profession for me. As to my current stance on issues of religion--any of them, I am not afraid of the facts and the truth. Nor am I afraid of where those facts, the evidence, and the truth might lead me. I've worked in a variety of Black organizations since 1974. I've been seriously studying our story--'the good and the bad' since 1974, trying to understand how we as a race have found ourselves in our current circumstances. And most importantly, trying to figure how we can get out of it. Once I became aware of our circumstance I began to do all I could to change it. I began living a more Afrikan-Centered cultural lifestyle. I changed my name legally in 1977, to make sure none of my children would carry on that Caucasian slave name that our mortal enemies had forced onto my Ancestors. I refused to pass down that Caucasian surname to my progeny. So, I made sure that all of my children had Afrikan first names, middle names, and my surname. And my children, who have Afrikan names, range in ages of 40 years of age, down to 5. I've read all or most of the major works of our most Esteemed scholars and writers and I've done so multiple times too. Scholars and writers such as Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan, Dr. John Henrk Clarke, Dr. Chancellor Williams, Dr. John G. Jackson, Dr. Marimba Ani, Dr. Charles Finch, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Theophile Obenga, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. Bobby Wright, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro Ph.D., George G. M. James, Dr. Jacob Carruthers, Dr. Charsee McCintire, Dr. Joy Degruy, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti, The Irritated Genie Of Soufeese, Del Jones, and so many others. And I've read their works multiple times too. At one point in time, I also co-hosted a radio program in Baltimore City on WEAA, Morgan State University Radio, 88.9 FM, with my good friend, sister Nalungo Sayyed for few years, as well. I try to adhere to the best in Afrikan Culture. I am Shemsu Ma'at (a follower of Ma'at).
I'd like to part with this quote.
"Be not arrogant because of your knowledge. Seek Counsel from the ignorant, as well as with the wise. For the limits of knowledge in any field have never been set. And no one has ever reached them. Wisdom is rarer than emeralds. And yet, it can be found among the women who gather at the grindstones"---The Teachings of Ptahotep"
Author of the books entitled
(1) "An Afrikan-Centered Response to the LGBTQIA Organizations and their Agenda: The Conversation no one wants to have" , by Olatunji Mwamba
(2) "Raising Awareness: Past, Present, Future" by Olatunji Mwamba Sba, and Mkuu Mzee, Sba
I am a member of "The Raising Awareness Group".
I Pronounce my name Oh-LAH-TOON-jee UUM-WAHM-bah
I was born June 7, 1954, in Baltimore City, Maryland, The United States of America. I grew up in Baltimore City, Maryland on the Westside until I was 14 years old. We then moved to the Eastside of the City where I lived until Adulthood.
I am a straight Black man and I am happily married to my wife, Zakiyah. I am currently 66 years old. I am a father 8 (2 daughters and 6 sons), one step-daughter. I am a grandfather of 14 (9 granddaughters and 5 grandsons) and a great-grandfather of one great-grandson and one great-granddaughter.
I am a former member of 'The Black Panther Party For Defense' with my brief membership in the organization from 1969-1970 at the age of 15 (1969) - the age of 16 (1970). My job as a junior Panther was to Chronicle Police Brutality for The Black Panther Party For Defense. I left to pursue a Singing career in 1970. I was introduced to Black Nationalist, Afrikan-Centered knowledge, and Cultural Information by my Jegna, Bilaal Opio Oba in the summer of 1974. I became a staunch Black Nationalist when I was 20 years old, by the fall of 1974. I also converted to Islam in 1974, as well. I even became a Muslim Imam for about 3 1/2 years, between the years of 1977-1981. In addition, starting in 1974, I began a serious study of our History thru reading and studying our Grandmaster Afrikan-Centered scholars, as well. This study has been on-going; my entire adult life. This study of Afrikan-Centered information is a life study and is on-going. However, because of my search for truth, I no longer subscribe to the dictates of Islam. The study of History has provided me with the facts, the evidence, the truth. I continue to study and study is a lifelong profession for me. As to my current stance on issues of religion--any of them, I am not afraid of the facts and the truth. Nor am I afraid of where those facts, the evidence, and the truth might lead me. I've worked in a variety of Black organizations since 1974. I've been seriously studying our story--'the good and the bad' since 1974, trying to understand how we as a race have found ourselves in our current circumstances. And most importantly, trying to figure how we can get out of it. Once I became aware of our circumstance I began to do all I could to change it. I began living a more Afrikan-Centered cultural lifestyle. I changed my name legally in 1977, to make sure none of my children would carry on that Caucasian slave name that our mortal enemies had forced onto my Ancestors. I refused to pass down that Caucasian surname to my progeny. So, I made sure that all of my children had Afrikan first names, middle names, and my surname. And my children, who have Afrikan names, range in ages of 40 years of age, down to 5. I've read all or most of the major works of our most Esteemed scholars and writers and I've done so multiple times too. Scholars and writers such as Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan, Dr. John Henrk Clarke, Dr. Chancellor Williams, Dr. John G. Jackson, Dr. Marimba Ani, Dr. Charles Finch, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr. Theophile Obenga, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Dr. Amos Wilson, Dr. Bobby Wright, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro Ph.D., George G. M. James, Dr. Jacob Carruthers, Dr. Charsee McCintire, Dr. Joy Degruy, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti, The Irritated Genie Of Soufeese, Del Jones, and so many others. And I've read their works multiple times too. At one point in time, I also co-hosted a radio program in Baltimore City on WEAA, Morgan State University Radio, 88.9 FM, with my good friend, sister Nalungo Sayyed for few years, as well. I try to adhere to the best in Afrikan Culture. I am Shemsu Ma'at (a follower of Ma'at).
I'd like to part with this quote.
"Be not arrogant because of your knowledge. Seek Counsel from the ignorant, as well as with the wise. For the limits of knowledge in any field have never been set. And no one has ever reached them. Wisdom is rarer than emeralds. And yet, it can be found among the women who gather at the grindstones"---The Teachings of Ptahotep"
Author of the books entitled
(1) "An Afrikan-Centered Response to the LGBTQIA Organizations and their Agenda: The Conversation no one wants to have" , by Olatunji Mwamba
(2) "Raising Awareness: Past, Present, Future" by Olatunji Mwamba Sba, and Mkuu Mzee, Sba
I am a member of "The Raising Awareness Group".