MA’AT: The Original Afrikan Way Of Living.
Ee M htp (I Come In Peace)
It’s been awhile since I wrote my last article, there’s much that has been on my mind since then ; but I contemplated if I wanted to write anymore. Unsure if my words would resonate with anyone at all. Nonetheless, I am back and I wanted to share a subject that has been on my mind a’lot lately.
Many months almost a year ago I had a dialogue with a brother who was a Mason, we talked about many things, religion and history. His understanding of proper context of Afrakan history was way off and he had no real knowledge of proper timeline. Most of the conversation we had; he hid the fact that he was a Mason. I didn’t figure it out until he made the reference that he stands on his square. I in return told him that I stand on Ma’at; which he replied what’s Ma’at. At this moment I realized who really had sacred knowledge and who did not. I often get asked the question; pertaining to the upbringing of my daughter: what is taught to her, since I don’t believe/subscribe in western/Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Islam, Christianity)
Ma’at is a way of life, that our Afrakan Nile Valley ancestors lived by, way over five thousands (5,000) plus years ago. In the beginning there was Ma’at; but before I indulge in that, I found this quote by our late great scholar and ancestor on Ma’at.
“To the ancient Black people of the Nile Valley, Ma’at was the highest ethical commitment. The social formula for Ma’at is reciprocity: the creator (gives life). Human beings in turn must give that’ which sustains life both mental and physical {Jacob H. Canruthers ,The Kemetic lnstitute, Chicago}
Ma’at has an intimate appreciation of nature and its balance and understanding of universal harmony in strife, a broad encyclopedic knowledge, a profound and comprehensive understanding of history, logic, cosmology and morality. While having the ability to theoretically substantiate and prove its principles {Dr.Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro, Dr. Ife Kilimanjaro,Sba Yahra Aaneb, Maat, 2014}
Ma’at was at the foundation of creation by the NTCHR (Nature) Thus said Ra (One of variation of names for the creator), the Lord of All, Lord of the Utmost Limits, after He had come into being: l am the one who came into being as Kheper. He who comes into being and brings into being. When I came into being, being itself came into being. All beings came into being after I came into being, Many were the beings that came forth from the commands of my mouth. Heaven had not yet come into being. Nor had earth come into being. Nor had the ground been created on the things which creep and crawl upon it. I raised up beings in the primordial waters as inert things. I found no place on which to stand. I formed it from the desire in my heart; I laid the foundation through Ma’at. {Maulana Karenga,The Husia, 1984}
On a human level, Ma’at exist in our lives through the 13 cardinal principles:
- Truth
- Justice
- Balance
- Harmony
- Reciprocity
- Order
- Propriety
- Righteousness
- Straightness
- Uprightness
- Natural Law
- Harmonious Rule
- Integrity
Ma’at is also represented by a feather(Swt). A person’s heart(ib) is symbolic of the seat of intellect and will, also the life giving center of the physical body. The symbolic heart is weighed against a symbol of Ma’at (Feather) which served as an ethical standard {Mfundishi Jhutyms , Spiritual Warriors Are Healers, 2003}
During one’s transition(death) it is said that Enpu{Anpu} leads one in transition (deceased) to the double scales. Once at the scales they’re met with Jhuty, in which the heart is weighed against the feather.
The symbolic idea here is that your heart should be lighter than a feather. That happens through upholding Ma’at during one’s physical existence. If one’s heart is not lighter than a feather;then the consequence is that their soul is devoured. If one’s heart is lighter than a feather, then they are to become a vindicated one; going forth in the spiritual realm of Duat.
Afrikans in the nile valley took this to heart spiritually; it is a core Afrikan way of life, that should be replicated throughout every person of Afrikan descent in the daspora and the continent.
Ma’at also has a constituted moral code, referred to as the 42 Laws of Ma’at. But before I get into the 42 Laws of Ma’at I’d like to address the concepts of the Pseudo-Christian text {The Bible}. In The Biblical tale of Moses (a man who never existed only in the allegorical sense) Moses was given the 10 commandments far up in the mountain (Mout Sinai)where there were no witnesses. Also note there is no primary evidence that there were any people called Israelites in the land of KMT (Egypt) during the time that moses supposedly lived.
Let’s step back inside the box of Pseudo-Christianity & the Bible (Bogus Interpretations & Interpolations By Licentious Enemies). If Moses was indeed a real actual living person. Then the Bible tells all of us; all of Moses’s wisdom & knowledge came at the feet of black Afrikans of the Nile Valley & KMT (Egypt).
In the Bible ‘Acts Chapter 7, Verse 22 / 7:22 It states the following: ” And Moses was learned/educated in all of the wisdom of Egyptians (Kemetyu) and was mighty in words and in deeds”.
That statement is written clear as day, that Moses was educated in Egypt. That would mean that he had to learn the moral principles of Ma’at. Which in return influenced the 10 Commandments logically if you compare and contrast. In the classic work of Professor George GM James – Stolen Legacy he writes “ All the great religious leaders from Moses to Christ were initiates of the Egyptian mysteries {George G.M James, Stolen Legacy, 1954}.
Now if they were real people who lived and not allegorical representations, one would still have to acknowledge the fact, they (Moses & Jesus) sat at the feet of Afrikans in the Nile Valley. In which they learned about Math, Science, Astronomy & first and foremost Spirituality.
Now Lets View a Side by side comparison Of the 10 Commandments & the 42 Laws Of Ma’at.
10 Commandments Exodus 20:2-17
- Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
- Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
- Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
- Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
- Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.
- Thou shalt not kill.
- Thou shalt not commit adultery.
- Thou shalt not steal.
- Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
- Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor’s.”
42 Laws Of Maat/ Declaration Of Innocence From Papyrus Of Ani
(1) I have not committed sin.
(2) I have not committed robbery with violence.
(3) I have not stolen.
(4) I have not slain men or women, or done any one any harm.
(5) I have no stolen grain (food).
(6) I have not purloined offerings.
(7) I have not stolen the property of the Neteru
(8) I have not uttered lies.
(9) I have not carried away food or caused anyone to go hungry.
(10) I have not uttered curses.
(11) I have not committed adultery.
(12) I have not caused anyone to weep.
(13) I have not eaten the heart (I have not felt sorrow without reason).
(14) I have not assaulted anyone.
(15) I have not been deceitful.
(16) I have not stolen anyone’s land.
(17) I have not been an eavesdropper.
(18) I have not slandered (or falsely accused) anyone.
(19) I have not been angry without just cause.
(20) I have not morally wronged the spouse of anyone.
(21) I have not morally wronged the spouse of anyone (Repeat the affirmation but to a different Neteru).
(22) I have not polluted myself.
(23) I have not terrorized anyone.
(24) I have not transgressed (The Law).
(25) I have not been exclusively wroth (Angry).
(26) I have not shut my eyes or ears to words of truth.
(27) I have not blasphemed (Neter/Netert).
(28) I have not behaved with violence.
(29) I have not stirred up of strife or been a disturber of the peace.
(30) I have not acted hastily or judged without thought.
(31) I have not overstepped my boundaries of concern prying into the matters of others.
(32) I have not multiplied (exaggerated) my words in speaking.
(33) I have not wronged anyone; I have not worked (done) evil.
(34) I have not worked witchcraft, or used evil thoughts, words or deeds.
(35) I have not stopped or polluted (the flow) of water.
(36) I have not raised my voice; spoken arrogantly, or in anger.
(37) I have not cursed (or blasphemed) Neter/Netert.
(38) I have not acted with evil rage.
(39) I have not stolen the bread of, or taken what belongs to Neter/Netert (The Divine Creator).
(40) I have not disrespected the deceased.
(41) I have not snatched away the bread of the child
(42) I have not slain the cattle or destroyed the property belonging to Neter/Netert (The Divine Creator).
As anyone can see there’s a big similarity here, but there’s also a big difference. That difference is our Afrikan ancestors left the 42 Laws written in stone. Written so that anyone can go view and read it to this very day. Yet the Ten Commandments is nowhere to be found in any factual historical records. And it’s logically safe to say that we know where Moses got his enlightenment from. I wont waste much more time with the bible, anyone can go pick up the works of great scholar and ancestor Dr. Yosef Ben Jochannan 1.Chronology Of The Bible. 2. The Myth Of Genesis And Exodus. These books provide great factual debunking, of not only Biblical timeline, but also debunking Genesis & the book of Exodus.
So in conclusion let me be clear and concise for those who may try to purposely misinterpret Ma’at. Ma’at is not a religion. Ma’at is a way of life, with moral cardinal principles and a constitution or code of ethical guidelines. Ma’at was the normal everyday function for Nile Valley Afrikans. By standing on Ma’at which I mentioned earlier, Afrikans are expected to act with honor and truth, in matters that involve the family, the community, the nation and the environment. And also The Divine Creator of every thing; which Afrikans originally called Neter/Netert(NTCHR).
So these are the moral principles and way of living in which I will guide my child through life, also myself.
So I stand with my left foot forward and stand on Ma’at; as a warrior of Ma’at.
I’d Like To Leave You With This Picture From The Works of Dr. Tdka Kilimanjaro, Dr. Ife Kilimanjaro, Yahra Aaneb’s Book MAAT.
Until next time these are my thoughts and I hoped you enjoyed reading them!
Maat – Tdka Kilimanjaro Ph.D/ Ife Kilimanjaro Ph.D/ Yahra Aaneb SBA
Husia – Maulana Karenga.
Spiritual Warriors Are Healers – Mfundishi Jhutyms.
Chronology Of The Bible – Dr Yosef Ben Jochannan.
The Myth Of Genesis & Exodus – Dr Yosf Ben Jochannan.
Stolen Legacy – George G.M James.
Papyrus Of Ani ( Aka Book Of The Dead).
The Bible- KJV

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Excellent and concise. Excellent, my brother.
Well done sn.i Khufu. Although Abrahamic doctrine has used our original Nile Valley Spiritual System to produce what is thought to be original to its’ converts over many generations you have also made it clear that we need to do more to emphasize their relative importance for our people. May the haze continue to clear.
duA and Ase’ Warrior
Excellent article. I look forward to more.
Excellent work sir…
You should write more sir… you have a clarity of mind and a quality style.
dwA Tdka it means a lot, I am inspired by University KMT Press’s extensive works. As well as the many others who strived to edify and educate our people. It is a great honor.