Un-Afrikan Holidays; Why Do We Celebrate Them?
As these so called holidays approach, people like myself; who are consciously awakened often find ourselves in the position of having to explain, why we don’t partake in any European holidays. We are often having to explain the concepts are not indigenous to our glorious Afrikan culture, nor do they serve a real purpose.
Before I begin to really indulge into my thoughts. Let’s first look at the word holiday and the etymology of the word.
holiday (n.) 1500s, earlier haliday (c. 1200), from Old English haligdæg “holy day, consecrated day, religious anniversary; Sabbath,” from halig “holy” (see holy) + dæg “day” (see day); in 14c. meaning both “religious festival” and “day of exemption from labor and recreation,” but pronunciation and sense diverged 16c. As an adjective mid-15c. Happy holidays is from mid-19c., in British English, with reference to summer vacation from school. As a Christmas time greeting, by 1937, American English, in Camel cigarette ads. (etymonline.com)
The first holiday we shall explore is Halloween. Halloween origins start with the celtic new year called Sambain/Samhain. Practiced by druids in Britain, Ireland, France, Scotland, and Germany. They believed dead souls roamed the land and visited their homes. Halloween has always been recorded as a celebration of death. Ideas of leaving dead souls treats and sacrificing animals in bone/bonfires. All so these dead souls wouldn’t come back and harm them. Essentially Europeans were afraid of their ancestors.
In Afrikan culture we embrace the idea of our ancestors, we pour libations and call upon our ancestors to guide us. We don’t celebrate death nor fear death, because death is a transcending rites of passage. Our ancestors in the Nile Valley embraced the idea of life, when you look at the symbol of the Ankh. Halloween goes against the very ideas of Ma’at. So next time anyone you know that’s buying their children Halloween outfits, let them know they’re pretending to be the dead souls that roamed the lands of Europe.
The next holiday we can explore is Thanksgiving. Historically thanksgiving is an traditional American day. A day where supposedly the European pilgrims got together with the natives of the land; came together to celebrate a peace treaty and union of sorts. That was furthest from the truth, the Europeans had notions of bringing diseases & chaos to the natives, getting them drunk. This day has nothing to do with Afrikans in the diaspora. Afrikans in the diaspora were being whipped, tortured, raped, stolen from our native continent, treated like spit on the bottom of one’s shoe.
So what are we supposed to be thankful for exactly? Why do we celebrate a supposed Holiday that was not created with the intent of good deeds; nor was it created with Afrikans in mind. Traditionally it has no significance to Afrikan culture or traditions. I would tend to believe our very Ancestors would be angry, at the mere concept of Afrikans in the diaspora partaking in these festivities. In 1621 our people/ancestors were considered chattel, while the first so called Thanksgiving day was celebrated.
The Pilgrims declared that the Indians had no rights that a Christian European was bound to respect. In that same light, Black People must understand that those who would enslave us or hinder us in anyway (no matter how subtle the means or underhanded the resourcefulness used in attempting to do so) from our quest for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, by way of self-determination and total independence, have no rights that we as a people are morally bound to respect. (Afrikan People and The European Holidays, Ishakamusa Barashango, 1979, pg 14)
In spite of this gruesome reality, every year on Thanksgiving Day, Americans in a strange and gluttonous ritual, overstuff themselves with turkey and other delicacies, then proceed to recline in a hypnotic trance to watch the football game. Some scholars believe that this custom of watching the football game on Thanksgiving Day, is in essene an eerie subconscious recollection of the grotesque sport engaged In by the Pilgrim Fathers as they tore suckling babes from the breast of their mothers, hacked them to pieces, chopped off the heads of the parents and kicked them about in the street. (Afrikan People and The European Holidays, Ishakamusa Barashango, 1979, pg 17)
I promote the idea that one should fast on Thanks-Taking day and pour libations for all the lives of ancestors who were lost; during the Human Trafficking period known as the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
The next holiday we shall explore is the worldwide practiced holiday of Christmas. I won’t spend much time into debunking the false Identity of Jesus Christ. The made up character of Serapis later formed into the person who people worship today. If one wishes to know the true origins of how the so called Jesus Christ came into existence, they can start with the following: Council of Nicea 1 325 ACE, Council of Constantinople 1 381 ACE, The Council of Ephesus 431 ACE, The Council of Chalcedon 451 ACE, The Council of Constantinople ll 553 ACE. {BCE= Before Common Era, ACE= After Common Era}
The commercialization of X-mas, has parents going into debt, while sub-consciously feeling their value in parenting is consumed into one day of gift giving. Big retailers determine if their year was a success, based off this one day alone. Reports of depression and suicide rates go up around this time of the year.
In the Pseudo-Christian point of view, the Bible, nor the Torah for that matter; reference a date or time of JeZeus’s birth date. The December 25th birthdate wasn’t adopted until 325 ACE at the Council of Nicea. This date has often been closely linked with the Babylonian God of love Tammuz, also Mithra a Persian Sun Deity, also Dionysus a homosexual God of Europeans. European men worshipped Dionysus through numerous acts of homosexuality.
The date later became associated with the God Saturn. Saturnlina was a Roman holiday celebrated from Dec 17th – 25th. The 25th was reserved as the birthdate of Saturn. Saturnlina was a mere concept of celebrating the winter solstice. Yet during the celebration pigs were offered on a altar and numerous barbaric acts were done.
Even the X-mas tree has its origins with Romans who decorated the tree sacred to Bacchus, the Greek Dionysus. Santa Claus comes from Sinter Klaas, which is a dutch variation for St. Nicholas. This idea of santa claus originates as a hoax.
It was on this night that Satan or Santa, the demon/saint (for there was little differentiation between saints and demons in Europe at the time) riding on a jackass or a goat would lead the demons in a merry rivalry as he shared with them the intoxicating substance from his wassahl bowl. (Afrikan People and The European Holidays, Ishakamusa Barashango, 1979, pg 71)
According to German mythology Santa/Satan first appeared as a hairy man named Pelz Nichol. In Holland and other European countries the original “old Nick” another terminology for “the devil” was depicted as a very stern person who rode across the frozen wastes on the satan’s goat and left a whip instead of toys for naughty children.(Afrikan People and The European Holidays, Ishakamusa Barashango, 1979, pg 71)
It’s mind blowing that Afrikan people across the diapora practice X-mas, when it holds no cultural significance or value to traditional Afrikan practices. Afrikans in this country go into debt practicing European barbaric culture, in the disguise of celebrating the birthdate of a false savior named Serapis.
{Valentine’s Day}
The next holiday we shall explore is Valentine’s Day. A day where one is told to show love an appreciation to your significant other; as if the other 364 days are not as loving or promising. Another consumer fueled holiday to lace the pockets of those such as De Beers, who practiced modern day slavery and child trafficking in the diamond mines of Africa. While Afrikans in the diaspora spend thousands of dollars going into debt for diamond rings, while having no life insurance; no retirement and certainly no wealth. Valentine’s day has barbaric origins, which many of Afrikan’s in the diaspora are un aware of, yet we practice this because we were told and deceived into doing so.
Valentine’s day falls on the eve of the pagan holiday sabeans; feast of purification held of February 15th. The month of February was an addition to the calendar during the early history of the empire. The romans celebrated their blood festival within the famous colosseum. St Valentine whom the holiday is named after, is a roman Christian martyr, who was killed during the reign of Claudius ll Gothicus. Claudius ll opposed the marriage of young men. His nation was consumed homosexuality and orgies.
As a Roman priest and bishop; Valentine was portrayed. Valentine secretly married young couples; breaking the laws of the nation of Claudius ll. He claimed he was inspired by a fictitious Angel named cupid. Valentine was beheaded after beaten. The new grooms were said to have had their hearts cut out; sent to their brides in a box. They were also said to have been castrated also in the process. These events happened on the date of February 14th. Claudius ll is said to have cut out valentine’s heart; cooked it, then eaten the heart of Valentine.
February 15th was also celebrated by Romans; in relation to their God Lupercus. Young people held a celebration on this date, confessing their love. The Roman festival held a festival influenced by the Goddess Juno Februata; also known as Hera in Greek methodology. Christians yet claim it is a Christian holiday, which is oddly weird and strange to myself; read the following for yourself.
Grant, we beseech thee, almighty God, that we may be freed from all threatening dangers through the intercession of thy holy martyr Valentine, whose birthday we celebrate. (Christian Feasts and Customs, Francis X Weiser, 1952, pg 319)
{Easter Sunday}
The next holiday we shall explore is Easter Sunday. Easter is supposed to associated with the Pseudo-Christian deity of Jesus Christ aka Serapis and his supposed resurrection from the dead; 24hours after getting beaten to death. The name and term of Easter has Chaldean origins. Easter was known as Astarte; one of the known titles of Beltis queen of heaven. The name that can be found on Assyrian monuments, is the name Ishtar. In early times of Britain and the druids, the worship of Astarte and Bel were formed. There’s also an observance called Lent of Forty Days in the Spring. Observed by the Yezidis or so called devil worshippers of Koordistan who inherited the practice.
The origin of the Pasch eggs is just as clear. The ancient Druids bore an egg, as the sacred emblem of their order (The Two Babylons, Alexander Hisop, 1853)
The words of Socrates, writing on this very subject, about AD 450, are these: “Those who inhabit the princely city of Rome fast together before Easter three weeks, excepting the Saturday and Lord’s-day.” But at last, when the worship of Astarte was rising into the ascendant, steps were taken to get the whole Chaldean Lent of six weeks, or forty days, made imperative on all within the Roman empire of the West. The way was prepared for this by a Council held at Aurelia in the time of Hormisdas, Bishop of Rome, about the year 519, which decreed that Lent should be solemnly kept before Easter. It was with the view, no doubt, of carrying out this decree that the calendar was, a few days after, readjusted by Dionysius. This decree could not be carried out all at once. About the end of the sixth century, the first decisive attempt was made to enforce the observance of the new calendar. It was in Britain that the first attempt was made in this way; and here the attempt met with vigorous resistance. The difference, in point of time, betwixt the Christian Pasch, as observed in Britain by the native Christians, and the Pagan Easter enforced by Rome, at the time of its enforcement, was a whole month; * and it was only by violence and bloodshed, at last, that the Festival of the Anglo-Saxon or Chaldean goddess came to supersede that which had been held in honour of Christ. (The Two Babylons, Alexander Hisop, 1853, pg 95)
Easter has no significance of celebrating, unless you are celebrating the spring equinox; the rebirth & resurrection of life (Trees, Vegetation, Fruit).
{Independence Day 4th of July 1776}
The next holiday we shall explore is an American Holiday called 4th of July 1776. Anyone can research the history of the 4th of July. When this land mass officially got bunch together as the country we know as United States Of America. The so called fore fathers of this country did not have Afrikans in the diaspora in mind; when the declaration of independence was signed. It is a mere joke and sign of disrespect to celebrate their independence, while our ancestors were being human traffic across the Atlantic ocean. On the 4th of July 1776 your ancestors were in bondage, beaten and worked like machines, while the European was celebrating his independence, getting rich off of slave labor. So what are Afrikans in the diapora BBQ’n for exactly? That’s like Jews having a festival to celebrate the holocaust, which doesn’t begin to touch the horror of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner, yet Francis Scott Key owned Afrikan slaves. He didn’t write the lines “Land Of The Free” with Afrikans in the diaspora in mind. He was a human trafficker like the rest. One should have as much disdain for the american flag and national anthem, as they do the confederate flag, what’s the difference really?
Abraham Lincoln’s quote in a letter to Horace Greeley: “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that” (Abraham Lincoln, Letter To Horace Greeley, 1862)
So once again, why are we throwing festivities? Why are we going to see fireworks? Why not instead pour libations to our ancestors in honor, or celebrations showing the world we’ll never forget those who were raped and beaten, castrated, maimed.
In conclusion, Black/Afrikan people practice holidays with no cultural significance, out of poor ignorance to the historical origins. We are stuck in the slave mentality of following the ways of the Europeans and their barbaric history. Time to change the paradigm and teach our children better. No longer can we follow these traditions and remain ignorant. European holidays were not designed for us, nor created by us!
Until next time, these are my thoughts and I hope you enjoyed reading them!
Afrikan People and The European Holidays A Mental Genocide 1&2 – Ishakamusa Barashango
A History of Pagan Europe – Prudence Jones & Nigel Pennick
The Two Babylons – Alexander Hislop
Is Valentines Day a Christian Holiday – M.Z.York
Historical Origins of Christianity – Walter Williams
Abraham Lincolns Letter to Horace Greeley – Abraham Lincoln
Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs – Francis X Weiser
The Negro in The United States – E. Franklin Frazier Ph.D

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Great information and well conceived. duA!