Sankofa by Seba Mfundishi Jhutyms Ka N Heru El-Salim
I Afrakan, the original melaninated human
Parents of civilization
Guardians of truth
Sacred messengers of the creator
Inventor of divine math
We are the ones who brought science into innerstanding
So that we could comprehend ourselves in relationship to nature
We, who plotted the stars before human-kind learned to speak
We, designed the Blackness in-between star lights, the essence by which light can be comprehended
So is above, so is below
Only positive action, through Ma’at is the way to go
The Universe & the Innerverse are reflections of the same verse, which exist within the Afrakan verse
simultaneously as we converse Konscious & Unconscious Afrakans everywhere, wake up! & seize the moment!
Clear your head of this western nightmare
Pan-Afranism or none-existence!
Our ancient Afrakan ancestors created rituals that demand
That we give, what we hope to receive.
Deliver your gift, live your mission, be true to your purpose
It is not taboo, or the wrong thing to do
When you go back, to retrieve what you have forgotten
When the sun is behind you, it caste a shadow in front of you
If we embrace our glorious Afrakan past, it will take us far into the present.
The greatest of ancient Afrakan ancestors are waiting to assist you with great gifts, & to give you your Kultural tools, & your universal memory.
Spiritual warriors must teach us to go beyond the pain, the anger, the self pity, the embarrassment, the denial & deal with the problem directly.
Become Heru, your own hero or shero
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