RAG Recommended books from Baba Mwalimu Baruti
Synopses of books by Mwalimu K. Bomani Baruti
KEBUKA!: Remembering the Middle Passage through the Eyes of Our Ancestors. Remembrance is the process of finding what has been lost to memory. It is how we come to know ourselves again when others have confused our Way. Kebuka! is an essential tool for those who seek remembrance, for those who endeavor to find their Afrikan way. It is a journey for those who want to be healed and those who will become our uncompromised healers. It helps open our Afrikan mind to ancestral remembrance by giving the real feel of our Maafa (Great Destruction). Through it we can see our forced movement out of Afrika as our ancestors experienced it. It gives us their memory.
MENTACIDE and other essays. Mentacide occurs when you willingly think and act out of someone else’s interpretation of reality to their benefit and against your survival. It is a state of subtle insanity which, over the last few hundred years, has come to characterize more and more Afrikans globally. Some of the essays in Mentacide look into this confusion by critiquing how we raise our children, the political treason of some of our intellectuals, our flight to Afrikan spiritual systems designed to cater to our unchanged european ways and the incarceration of our families. Others pay homage to our revolutionary ancestors and elders, discuss our daughters’ and sons’ responsibilities in preparation for their adult duties and examine the requirements of our independent empowerment as a people.
ASAFO is a discussion of Afrikan manhood in terms of power, war, consciousness, education, rites and nationbuilding. It gives definition to the work that only committed warriors and scholars can successfully perform for their people. Warriors need instruction. And Asafo provides these instructions using the wisdom of a people long at war for their peace.
COMPLEMENTARITY was written for Afrikans who are, or are seeking to be, in positive male/female relationships. The couple is the bedrock of the nation. Without it, there is no family, no people. Without couples there can be no family to procreate and rear confident, untroubled, anchored children. No viable, community-respecting generation can be born to continue the process of life, living, building and defending. Therefore, Afrikan couples must be whole, individually and as one.
HOMOSEXUALITY AND THE EFFEMINIZATION OF AFRIKAN MALES traces the origins and historical evolution of homosexuality, especially as it impacts on the Afrikan community. In the Western cultural context, men fear men, not women. And European men fear Afrikan men for many good reasons. They understand that one of the easiest ways to remove this threat is to turn our sons into their daughters. That undeniable truth forms the core of this book’s discussion.
THE SEX IMPERATIVE details the West’s obsession with sex. The author explains the origins, nature and peculiarity of European sexual behavior using cultural history, sociology, psychology, biogenetics, population studies and the fine arts. Cybersex, a culture blending excess sex and violence, abnormal obsessions with nudity, pedophilic behaviors, science fiction and misogynistic language are only a few of the topics brought together to help explain the European’s abnormal fixation on physical pleasure and its introduction and spread into the Afrikan community.
negroes AND OTHER ESSAYS is a powerful collection of essays examining and providing thoughtful solutions to a number of problems plaguing Afrikans. They deal with everything from the state and conditions of our wealth to our misconceptions about traditional European society to distortions in ancient Afrikan history to dissecting how and why we still persist in working against each other to rearing our children to presenting the words of some of our most powerful warrior scholars.
Many believe racial amalgamation is the final step into racial equality. The free and open mating and mixing of Afrikans and Europeans is supposed to eventually create a social environment where the idea of race itself becomes meaningless. EXCUSES, EXCUSES: THE POLITICS OF INTERRACIAL COUPLING IN EUROPEAN CULTURE attempts to address this fiction by exploring ten of the most popular excuses Afrikan males give for pursuing relationships with European females.
The game of chess is an exciting and challenging game that helps our children’s minds become even more remarkable because it causes them to think about consequences. Furthermore, chess is math. It is a game that requires the constant calculation and recalculation of multiple numerical problems at the same time. CHESS PRIMER has been specifically designed to help simplify many of the concepts and ideas fundamental to “the game.”
If we are to think our way through this reality without losing sight of who we are, we must have proper tools to keep us grounded in our truth. We must be able to scientifically decipher this way of being we currently exist in through an Afrikan centered lens. For many of us, the only real question that consistently remains unanswered is out of whose interpretation of reality, through whose worldview, are we studying ourselves and others. What intelligence is deciding which path we should take toward gaining complete mental liberation? EUREASON is an attempt to answer this question by providing insight into some very fundamental social scientific thinking tools. It is an engaging reflective exercise for everyday, and not so everyday, people seeking to improve their critical thinking skills as Afrikan centered social scientists. It is a book for those of us who have dedicated our minds to critiquing european culture and society in order to know what is and is not good reason. In Eureason we find a large collection of concepts, definitions, models and analyses, ranging from statistics to geography to political philosophies to education to spirituality to genetics to biocultural origins, explained and reconceptualized, redefined, remodeled and re-analyzed in uncomplicated terms that will guide us toward thinking better as Afrikan centered warrior scholars.
NOTES TOWARD HIGHER IDEALS IN AFRIKAN INTELLECTUAL LIBERATION contains two essays which discuss the problems and solutions to the issues of Afrikan thinkers being validated by Europeans and european institutions and the politics of liberation as practiced by four movements Afrikans have ourstorically joined in our efforts to become empowered individually and as a people. The first, “Validation,” looks at the training, motivation and aspirations of two groups of individuals within our community who are oppositional in their vision of success for Afrikan people – negro Intellectualizers and Afrikan warrior scholars. The second, “Political Paths,” explains the ideology and Afrikan intent of the Liberal Humanism, Marxist Communist, Conservatism and PanAfrikan Nationalist Socialism movements. Both seriously focus on what thinking Afrikans at all socioeconomic and educational attainment levels must consider personally and collectively if our vision is to be one of an independent, self-defining ReAfrikanization and nation building.
BATTLE PLAN is a book of revolutionary poetry and short stories.
SESH is the oldest known name for those individuals we have come to call scribes. In ancient Kemetic society, it is the title bestowed on those whose profession it was to record the Way of our people by hand. It was and still is a most honorable calling, a vocation passed down through our people’s bloodline from one generation to the next in order to insure that time does not confuse, and enemies cannot obliterate, the essence of the traditions that keep our people whole. This book is a modest offering to the newest generations of our sesh neophytes. It contains a collection of ideas offered to forthcoming warrior writers, whatever their age, who have been called to the mission of writing Afrikan truths. These truths are those that our people can easily understand and use as sources of nourishment as we find our way home. It is my hope that this book will assist this new class of sesh as they embrace the incredibly beautiful struggle of mastering those words that best explain the idea of independent Afrikan thinking for those of us who refuse to be spiritually, psychologically and physically intimidated by this anti-Afrikan environment. This work is also a heartfelt call for serious, conscious Afrikans to consider the viability and necessity of creating our own independent publishing and distribution companies. If we are to develop as a self-determining people, we must create institutions, for and by ourselves, which can generate and support Afrikan interpretations of reality which remain firmly rooted in the uncompromised traditions of our Ancestors.
NYANSASEM: A Calendar of Revolutionary Daily Thoughts is a collection of powerful, dynamic, thought-provoking quotes and proverbs (as well as an extensive glossary) compiled to inform and nourish the daily life of our warriors. Each day, warrior scholars need words that give them cause to consider the significance of what they must do. Each day, dedicated revolutionaries must articulate and refine the nature of their service to Afrikan people. Each day, conscious workers deserve to have their thoughts recognized and their intent validated by minds of like spirit. Each day, those who would die for us should be reminded that they will never be alone and that their thoughts are those of every other member of the warrior class (Asafo), seasoned, elder warriors (Jenoch) and most deserving and honored Ancestors (Nsamanfo Nananom). They will find the substance of these affirmations here, in this calendar, every day.
YURUGU’S EUNUCHS is a discussion of the fact that we cannot expect our warrior class to have an Afrikan definition of man or womanhood, of warriorhood, if being Afrikan is nothing more than a well heeled european shadow. We cannot ignore the trajectory of Afrikan manhood or womanhood in this godforsaken, anti-Afrikan cultural context where they rule, regardless of our delusions of validated grandeur. In the same breath, we cannot speak of homosexuality and warriorhood, except for those evolved from classic Greece, ancient Rome and protoeuropean society. At least, if we know who we are and who we are not, we cannot. And, if we know who we are and who they are, we know what homosexualization does to the Afrikan mind, the effeminized one even more so.
CENTERED: Building Afrikan Realities is a warrior’s handbook, specifically designed for Afrikan centered warrior scholars who understand what comes with claiming an uncompromising commitment to rebuild the Afrikan nation. It is for those of us who are courageous enough to see where we have been and our condition in this reality through the eyes of our strongest Ancestors. And, it is for those of us who know that it is we who must fight for our sanity and survival, using every means at our disposal, to rebuild and regain control of our concepts, communities and the dynamic, powerful Centers which have ourstorically defined and set the standard for these communities. It is a study in what it means to be Afrikan centered for those who are only validated by our Ancestors.
IWA: A Warrior’s Character. No nation can stand as a righteous, respected power without the sense and strength of its traditional convictions. And no people, determined to be independent, empowered and sovereign, can build and progressively maintain itself without a motivated, diligent, disciplined, respectful, knowledgeable warrior class who consider themselves duty bound to protect the name and existence of their people. At the heart of every decisive warrior class is the enduring strength of IWA, of the kind of character that reflects these qualities at the deepest psychological and spiritual levels. Warriors must know how to think, speak and act as warriors. And, doing so, requires that there be no contradiction between these three manifestations of consciousness. Still, warriors understand that this is an evolutionary process within. Developing good character takes righteous instruction and ample time for the seeker to become one with it. Our Ancestors, and those who have continued their movement along the revolutionary path, have already given us these warrior’s rules. They have left us an abundantly rich tradition of warriorhood. Through them, we can easily see what constitutes good character among warriors. What they have given us by word and example is a dynamic way of thinking and living which offers the new vanguard guidance in our balanced pursuit of good character on the home fronts and battlefields in this anti-Afrikan reality. This book is an examination of that character and the means to achieve it.
MESSAGE TO THE WARRIORS table of contents: Introduction, The Warrior’s Enemies, The Warrior’s Behavior, The Warrior’s Attitude, The Warrior’s Appearance, The Warrior’s Words, The Warrior’s Complement, The Warrior’s Preparedness, The Warrior’s Action, The Warrior’s Accountability, The Warrior’s Education, The Warrior’s Religion, The Warrior’s Rules, Final Thoughts.
A WARRIOR’S LOVE. There are those who say that our righteous rage emotionally binds and inhibits us, that it keeps us from openly being loving reflections of our Ancestors. However, this is far, far from the truth. If anything, it frees Warriors to embrace ways of remembrance, remembrance of who we are and how we love, that others cannot even begin to imagine. In fact, because we are not constrained by the demonic romantic, materialistic falsities manufactured and fostered by this reality, we are empowered to be even more loving of ourselves, those closest to us and the entirety of Afrikan people, than those who have escaped responsibility by hiding in a vacuous, individualized, purely pleasure-seeking oblivion. Our righteous rage cannot help but magnify the depth to which we can appreciate significant others because of the immeasurable value we come to place on our time here. Of these “significant others,” none are more significant than our complements. None love us better, more intensely or with deeper understanding. This collection of thoughts is in honor of the incomparable love Warrior Complements share. Appropriately, my complement, Yaa Mawusi, is my inspiration, and our 25th Anniversary in 2010 was the impetus for my writing the core twenty-five poems in this book.
SOVEREIGNTY & REMEMBRANCE. We cannot obtain sovereignty without first identifying and mastering the power required to create and sustain it. However, accessing, mobilizing and exercising our power toward this goal is not as difficult a process as it may seem if we take the time to look for it within ourselves and tap into our ancestral memory. The two essays within Sovereignty & Remembrance address the need for doing this preliminary, visionary, nationbuilding work. The first is a definition of sovereignty itself and the second addresses the idea of reparations as it should be defined within the Afrikan centered Warrior’s mind. Both essays give us ample reason to reflect on the meaning and importance of power and memory and why they will need to be seriously reconsidered by our Warriors if Afrikan people are to again become whole.
CLARITY. This collection of essays is a guide to thinking clearly about what must be done and why this effort is so critically necessary for our existence. It is a Warrior’s observation of yurugu’s reality, our sub-existence in it and a vision of the Afrikan possibilities. They cover topics ranging from the purpose of conspiracy theory to how many of us were actually lost to the inhumanity of the middle passage to why academic credentials continue to invalidate us to the depth of bootlegging’s betrayal to statements offering some positive direction and motivation for those who stand on the frontline. Each speaks to the confusion and strife of this reality as well as the visionary work that is required of each and every one of us if we are to regain our sanity and sovereignty.
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