RAG presents Dr. Mukasa Afrika Ma’at 2-27-19
The Raising Awareness Group visited The Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School to discuss the career, work and life of our noted friend and esteemed scholar Dr. Mukasa Afrika Ma’at. His work “African Centered Education: A Framework for Educators, Parents, and Students” which can be found in digital format at Amazon is a well crafted and precise collection of thoroughly researched jewels describing the spectrum of the issues surrounding the education of our youth and the Afrikan Community.
This book is relevant to all those who wish to gain a deeper insight into Afrikan-Centered education. The essays are rich with content and resources. They cover the core areas of instruction and ways to approach them from an Afrikan-Centered lens. A full list of cultural infusion modules have been included which Dr. Ma’at has developed over the years and who has provided to schools and teachers around the country. Some autobiographical elements have been incorporated as well. This work is a significant contribution to the field. The teacher, parent, student, and lay reader who wishes enrich the learning of Black children will find this book as a treasure in Afrikan-Centered education.
Find all of Dr. Ma’at’s works here: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=digital-te…
Dr. Ma’at also details his life and evolution as a man, his Dissertation Defense for his Doctorate on “Rites of Passage” and many more areas of interest that effect the Afrikan Community. You can find his Dissertation and all of his other published works at the following links:
Dr Ma’at’s website: https://secondcivilrightsmovement.wor…
RAG website: http://raisingawarenessgroup.com/rece…
RAG YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAvnj…
Dr. Ma’at also discussed the dissertation and other great works by the esteemed Brother Dr. Uhuru Hotep. Although these are only references to his works they are not publicly available at this time. The dissertation is “An Afrocentric Oral History of the Council of Independent Black Institutions, 1970-2000” by Dr. Uhuru Hotep. His title of works can be found here: https://scholar.google.com/scholar?st…
We hope you enjoy what we think is an insightful and engaging conversation with Dr. Ma’at and that you support his work. Please see the link for the Sankofa Freedom Academy Charter School here: http://www.sfacs.us/
The book BAK2 was mentioned as a tool to take a comprehensive look back at the history of Afrikan people here in the Americas. Get this great chronicle and their other heralded works from the University of Kmt Press team here:
The library of the UKMT Press is the official books of the Raising Awareness Group!
Get them all for your collection. They are a must!
As always we thank you for tuning in and please look forward to more engaging interviews and thought provoking topics and articles that we have lined up for you in the coming months. 2019 will be a banner year for the RAG and we invite you to challenge yourself in developing a more sophisticated and discerning thought process as you travel with us on our journey of discovery.
Visit us @ www.RaisingAwarenessGroup.com and our YouTube page @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXM5…
Visit our Facebook Like page @ https://www.facebook.com/RaisingAware…
Drop us an email if you wish to contact us at RaisingAwarenessGrp@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
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Note: We do not own the music that closes out the video. Created and composed by Kevin MacLeod. Video posted under fair use. This video is not endorsed by Kevin MacLeod or incompetech. At the Shore, Tafi Maradi no Voice, Digya, Night Cave by- Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b… http://incompetech.com/music/
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