Elders Olatunji Mwamba and Mkuu Mzee of the RAG are proud to introduce their new book “Raising Awareness: Past, Present, Future” and they complete their discussion in riveting expression. Peace to the Kings!
Foreward by Khufu Akhu Mentuhotep and Introduction by Dr. Tdka Maat Kilimanjaro.
We’re sure that you’ll enjoy this work that’s been years in the making. (The current state of affairs in the Afrikan community is critical now; more than ever. There are tremendous amounts of young and old Afrikans being assassinated across the country by other Afrikans and law enforcement officers who are fearful. What’s needed to improve these conditions is an answer of complexity. We would say: first and foremost, is to begin to Re-educate our people; primarily starting off with the youth. The community needs more entrepreneurs, those who can create jobs and opportunities. We need more people who are versed on business; economics and how to invest; build financial portfolios. Portfolios that will create generational wealth, which is often never talked about. There must also be a roadmap and viable plan to expatriate to the Mother Continent. We have observed our ancient Afrikan education system including its’ culture & heritage have been omitted out of today’s learning process due to biased ideologies & prejudices. The first order of business is to bridge the inter-generational bond by bringing together the parents, grandparents, elders in the community, etc. – to get involved in this endeavor as they would expect their child to be. Our intention is to spearhead this educational movement with other like-minded groups and persons in the Afrikan community.
Of course Capitalism is the driving force behind most if not all of our current issues in our community. “United State’s capitalist economic history is not complex—which is all the more reason that such a large group of Blacks today singing the praise of capitalism is criminal given how White ruling capitalists daily show how they necessarily must steal and rob with their military to forcefully set the terms for their profitable international accumulation of what becomes wealth.” (BAK2) We need to understand that we are the instruments of time. What we do or not do shapes the course of our historical culture for future generations.
How will we be measured? We’ve heard the call many times ‘It’s your time”. Yes, it’s true. We need to understand that this is both a mythical as well as a social phenomenon once we research our history and then do the required work. We need both. Once we understand and know this then we’ll truly be the writers of our own story. We only hope to make a difference that may positively change a life!)
-With Appreciaion: The Members of the Raising Awareness Group
Please visit us @ RaisingAwarenessGroup.com and on our FB page Raising Awareness Group Media.
If you have any ideas, comments or suggestions please drop us a line at RaisingAwarenessGrp@gmail.com
htp and abibifahodie
Anx, Uja, Snb