The Trojan Horse is real
As I have continued to observe the proceedings down in Charlottesville, Va. I can’t help but think that there is more to these shenanigans than meets the eye. The right to protest is of course guaranteed by the 1st amendment and the need to push agendas are at a noticeable fever pitch. I have grudgingly accepted as a younger African that the iconic statues of slavery that were erected back in the 1920’s have outgrown and outlived another time and space in America’s devilish past.
So we mistakenly believe and think! That’s the narrative being spun!
There are well meaning people who have been caught up in this not so obvious clamor for power by the Alt-Right/Ultra Conservative group and the so called leftist Progressive Anti-Hate collaboration. Alt-Right simply means rebooting the country back to the days of the European control after the American Revolutionary War and before the Ashkenazi Jews dominated the financial markets and world banks. Thus began the era of the true Euro vs. Jew war, the hatred of the Black race and later the Homosexual Community that’s continued until this day. Those clueless and well meaning individuals who have been swept along in this distraction have no idea what it’s truly about. Their participation sadly demonstrates in most cases a poor understanding of history. They simply want a better America for their children based on the rhetoric and not on their independent research. This is what we call emotional politics. The worst kind anybody can engage in. They are in for the ride of the crowd. They are collateral assets.
The real campaign is not against the attack on their precious iconographic statues but a quest to rest control of America from the Jews, their political Pawns and to destroy the LGBTQ movement.
The Progressives who include the Anti-Demonstrators and other like minded factions are also comprised of the same demographic. The also clueless and well meaning individuals who have been swept along in this distraction and also have no idea what it’s truly about. Their participation also sadly demonstrates in most cases a poor understanding of history. They simply want a better America for their children based on the rhetoric and not on their independent research just as the Leftist have done. They are in for the ride of the crowd. They are collateral assets.
As this Anti-Demonstrator movement gained momentum it gave the powers behind the Black (All) Lives Matter movement another opportunity to infiltrate and do what they do best. Bring chaos and disorder to the Alt-Right and antagonize them to violence to disrupt and possibly kill their future plans to organize. Understand that the Black (All) Lives Matter movement and the various LGBTQ organizations have been financed by Billionaire George Soros through his Foundation to Promote Open Society.
It only stands to reason that they need to attack those who are against their life(death)style. The Alt-Right and other outspoken Afrikan warriors are now experiencing well financed campaigns against them at every turn. The tactic is clear. Go anywhere that they believe anti-gay speak is happening and invite yourself to the party and happily disrupt the hell out of it. I’ve seen this personally at an event in DC given by the SBPM who are clearly against the gay life(death)style.
It never ceases to amaze me that although those of us who disagree with the gay way of life have no desire to be where we would be uncomfortable and ultimately unwelcome that those of that community feel a need to impose their will on those who are not sensitive to their position. The need to blast gay lifestyle materials in the curriculum of our grade schools and every chance they get in all forms of media tells you all you need to know.
By design the Anti-Hate (my description) groups are at war with America. That America that comprises of the traditional Male Euro who wants his power back and with those of the responsible Afrikan Community who only want to be left alone to traditionally thrive in healthy and nurturing Families “Man, Woman, Child” and to bring back our Cultural, Spiritual and Economic independence without the worry of assault from malevolent outside forces.
There is no need to participate in other factions disputes and wars. We should have learned long ago that we’ve never been rewarded for giving our lives for others causes. Even now as we willingly demonstrate with one group or the other we do so out of ignorance of histories lessons. We’ve been followers for too long. You are not a collateral asset.
Time to lead!
Start with galvanizing our Afrikan Nuclear Families and teach our children that it is never what it seems. Talking heads, both Black and White with exotic talking points need to be immediately vetted. You are your salvation!
Follow your heart and your spirit. Your powers of discernment have never left you.

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