A Message To Black/Afrikan America.
Today as I got my day started, I turned on my computer and normally browse the news on the internet. I came across an interesting and quite disheartening news report article on HuffPost.com. The article was about four Black/Afrikan teens who were detained(handcuffed) for selling water. (4 Black Teens Detained For Selling Water At National Mall Were Treated Like A Threat , Lilly Workneh , 2017 )
The young men were detained by undercover police for selling water on the National Mall (Park) in Washington D.C. Upon reading this article many thoughts began to spiral in my head; mostly thoughts of outrage. It’s no secret that Law Enforcement around this country is fearful of young Black/Afrikan men. This incident is more than enough evidence to prove the theory, to be fact. As I begun to analyze the actions of the Officers, a few questions surfaced in my head.
First, if the officers were undercover, they had the upper hand of observing the young men. They should have immediately known based off of observation; the young men were not a threat. Clearly according to observers they were indeed selling water. Even a tour guide at the park noted that various young people sell stuff “all the time”
So what type of message does this send? This sends the message to young Black/Afrikans, to not sell your water and try to make money. Especially money from those other Europeans, who are there visiting. Young Black youth are often stereotyped for being lazy and out of control. Young Black/Afrikan millennials are eager to work and be entrepreneurs.
European/White America would rather see your children behind a cage; locked down in a juvenile youth detention center. That is more of a fact, than opinion; but for sake of argument, that is just my opinion. As a teen, I was just as these young men are. I was ambitious and thinking about making income. My issue was that of misguidance, I had no Elders to point me in the right direction, to spear head my entrepreneur ambitions.
When I think of the possibilities of these young men; I began to wonder who is in their corner guiding them? Selling water is great but why isn’t their parents coming together, to purchase a storefront, so that they can open a business? Sell all of the water and commodities they choose.
As a teen, I worked part time, went to school and had nothing of thoughts of being an entrepreneur. During that time I sold Marijuana and also started selling throwback sports jerseys. Which were popular at the time, often taking trips to NYC warehouses to purchase them and come back to my hometown to sell. I even sold boosted designer children’s clothing, to young women with children. I’m neither proud or, nor ashamed of these things. It was just me, having my gears in motion, but very misguided.
Now I invest in pharmaceutical , medical marijuana, clothing, sports entertainment companies, etc. I had to figure out things for myself, with no one to help me coordinate the game plan.
Still when I was a teen, I learned how to write a ten page business plan, I also learned about investing, mostly by playing stock market exchange game with friends. Actually had written out an entire business plan on starting my own photography business with studio.
A business plan and investing were foreign concepts, of those who were in my family and those I surrounded myself with. When I see young men like those who were detained by police; I ask, who is guiding them with their ambitions? Who is coordinating their game plan with them?
What happened to these young men is that of an outrage. But I cant help to think; why were they out there in the first place? Why couldn’t they sell water in their local community and feel as though they can make income?
With the abundance of Chinese, Arab, Indian stores opening in our communities, where is the support for young men like this? Young men with entrepreneurial ambitions. There should be a Go Fund Me Campaign right now, with donations towards opening a storefront for these men.
This would be a slap in the face to White/European America, proving that we unite and come back stronger. Time to Re-Build Black Wall Street and this begins with young men like them. Time to smarten up start to guide the youth while encouraging their ideas.
Have your children learn how to write a business plan, learn it yourself.
There are agendas/ plans of action put in place for your children and it entails a prison cell. Time to coordinate, stop supporting these businesses that don’t put anything back into the community. Groom your young entrepreneurs, so that they can create employment opportunities for your youth.
The surrounding businesses of that park, where the young men were detained should feel the financial pain. No Black/Afrikan person should visit that park, nor support any business in a five block radius of that park. This should send a clear message, only way to grab attention of these people in the 21st century is when you begin to take food off of their tables.
I wonder where the psyche of these young men stand now? I wonder who’s in their corner encouraging them to stick with the game plan; sharpening the game plan? I wonder who in the surrounding community is going to take action and not let these actions go without repercussion?
These questions will determine the next steps these young men take. What’s more evident is the message this has sent, not only to the young men but also the European witnesses that day. The message is, there is a prison cell with your children’s name on it. They don’t believe your children are ambitious, nor want them to be anything other than a criminal.
Time To Wake Up!
Until next time, these are my thoughts and I hoped you enjoyed reading them!
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/black-teens-detained-selling-water-national-mall_us_595139e1e4b05c37bb783390#
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More like a message to the Elders! Get out there.
Great elevating piece Brother Khufu.
dwA! We must all begin to elevate the minds of the masses!
Very informative article. Thanks for taking the time to expose this injustice. Indeed we must wake up.
dwA! I appreciate the feedback. Much work is ahead of us.
This was a great read. Hit a lot of strong points. Couldn’t agree with you more. Thank you
dwA(Thank You) for the feedback, it’s imperative that we begin to understand that we’ve always been at war. When will others wake up and realize reality.