Dr. Iya Adjua Hetheru Interview “ACCLAIM” 7-6-19
The Raising Awareness Group presents the impressive Afrikan Warrior Scholar Dr. Iya Adjua Hetheru discussing her book ACCLAIM and many other issues of importance concerning the Afrikan Community. If you don’t know this powerful woman then here’s your chance to do so. She exemplifies and lives by oft used term “Divine Feminine Principle”.
Her book ACCLAIM geared toward our Afrocentric Instructional Leaders who are Principals, Teachers, Parents and Sebas is the solution and the answers we need for the ultimate Afrikan education our children need in these challenging times.
From WEHEMYMESU.com: Seeking Saku!!! The average time frame for the completion of scribal development (scribes were learned individuals) in ancient Kemet was forty-two years. In our present day American society, we are led to believe that we have obtained some sense of intelligence in twelve to sixteen years. Guaranteed there are some things that a person can know within that time span however, it is also guaranteed that there is a lot that a person will not know. To avoid a state of un-consciousness, Afrikan people should seek to practice, as their elders and ancestors have before them, a comprehension of the fact that learning via education is a lifelong process. As the aforementioned is strongly, my own personal belief, my educational philosophy is one that includes “Doing Saku or seeking the Saku (Wade Nobles, 2006).”
Order your ACCLAIM book, ($25 + $8-out of state or $3 in PA), S/H) via Cash App – $IyaAdjua or (send as a friend) via PayPal.me/adjua6198 or visit Dr. Adjua’s website http://wehemymesu.com/ for more information about her organizational activities.
You can reach Dr. Iya Adjua at 484-427-2096 or email her at iazmhz6247@outlook.com
Recorded at the West Phillie Produce Community Room owned and operated by its’ CEO Mr. Arnett Woodall. Visit West Phillie Produce on Facebook.
If you have any comments or inquiries please reach out to us at RaisingAwarenessGrp@gmail.com
Visit us at www.raisingawarenessgroup.com for more educational and thought provoking articles and content.
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